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7. Fill in the gaps with the most suitable changing the form where necessary.

thrust, honour, incompatible, leg, mutual, filed, concede, reckless, handle, corporal, gain, abode, appalling, smuggle, overturn, constitute, adjudicate

  1. It’s amazing what some people will do for …………………………. .

  2. They were arrested for …………………………. stolen goods.

  3. We saw the police coming and …………………………. it down the road.

  4. It must …………………………. that different judges have different approaches to these cases.

  5. The increase in racial tension …………………………. a threat to our society.

  6. His sentence …………………………. by the appeal court.

  7. The bank had to …………………………. her cheque though it was overdrawn.

  8. The case was referred to a higher court for …………………………. .

  9. The coroner stated that the cause of death was …………………………. driving.

  10. Homeless people of no fixed …………………………. is a problem the local authorities have to deal with.

  11. Customs officials foiled an attempt to …………………………. the paintings out of the country.

  12. The …………………………. of his argument was that change was needed.

  13. There was an atmosphere of …………………………. trust between them.

  14. The country is notorious for its …………………………. prison conditions.

  15. …………………………. punishment was banned by statute in 1987.

  16. These two objectives are mutually …………………………. .

  17. Each of the main parties …………………………. more than 300 candidates.

8. Match the words to their definitions. The figure in brackets indicates the number of the passage in which the word occurs.

  1. Abdomen (15)

  2. Abode (9)

  3. Administer (19)

  4. Concede (2)

  5. Contentious (19)

  6. Crook (2)

  7. Handle (2)

  8. Field

  9. Immaterial (3)

  10. Innocuous (6)

  11. Prank (6)

  12. Preliminary (5)

  13. Reckless (8)

  14. Surreptitious (6)

  15. Sustainable (10)

  16. Womb (15)

    1. a criminal; a dishonest person

    2. a trick that is played on sb as a joke

    3. to buy or sell

    4. done secretly or quickly, in the hope that other people will not notice

    5. happening before a more important action or event

    6. involving the use of natural products and energy in a way that does not harm the environment

    7. irrelevant

    8. likely to cause disagreement between people

    9. not harmful or dangerous

    10. showing a lack of care about danger and the possible results of your actions

    11. the organ in women and female animals in which babies develop before they are born

    12. the part of the body below the chest that contains the stomach, bowels, etc.

    13. the place where sb lives

    14. to admit that sth is true, logical, etc

    15. to give or to provide sth, especially in a formal way

    16. to provide a candidate, speaker, team, etc. to represent you in an election, a competition, etc.

9. Write the words defined below. The figure in brackets indicates the number of the passage in which the word occurs.

  1. a clever and dishonest plan for making money (10)

  2. a drug that makes you feel excited and full of energy (8)

  3. a person who does sth dishonest or illegal (7)

  4. a piece of equipment that keeps sb alive when they are extremely ill / sick and cannot breathe without help (13)

  5. a powerful drug that makes you feel calm and relaxed or puts you to sleep (8)

  6. a situation in which sb uses dishonest or illegal methods in order to get money from a company, another person, etc. (10)

  7. a word meaning ‘queen’, used, for example, in the titles of legal cases which are brought by the state when there is a queen in Britain (19)

  8. a young human or animal before it is born (15)

  9. an official instruction (5)

  10. causing or able to cause death (6)

  11. connected with the punishment of people who break rules (16)

  12. relating to or connected with money (3)

  13. suffering unfair or illegal treatment and making a complaint (4)

  14. the ability to stop yourself doing or saying sth that you want to because you know it is better not to (11)

  15. the amount of money that a shop / store, theatre, etc. receives from selling goods or tickets over a particular period of time: (9)

  16. the amount of money that you owe to a bank when you have spent more money than is in your bank account (3)

  17. the crime of causing sb serious physical injury (15)

  18. the crime of cheating sb in order to get money or goods illegally (1)

  19. the legal right or duty to take care of or keep sb/sth; the act of taking care of sth/sb (2)

  20. the main point of an argument, a policy, etc. (9)

  21. the most senior legal officer in some countries or states, for example the UK or Canada, who advises the government or head of state on legal matters (15)

  22. the physical punishment of people, especially by hitting them (19)

  23. to add a small amount of alcohol, a drug, poison, etc. to a drink (6)

  24. to express very strong disapproval of sb/sth, usually for moral reasons (14)

  25. to make sb believe sth that is not true (1)

  26. to officially decide that a legal decision etc. is not correct, and to make it no longer valid (2)

  27. to take, send or bring goods or people secretly and illegally into or out of a country, etc (10)

  28. within the limits of what a person, an organization, etc. is responsible for; dealt with by a document, law, etc. (17)

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