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UNIT 3.doc
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Step 1. Word Power

Ex. 1. Read the following international words . Give their Russian equivalents:

practise v character n reform n

regulate v system n fact n

finance v centre n result n

cultivate v record n popular a

debut n test n military a

Ex.2. Read the words with the stress:

  1. on the first syllable:

century problem management

grammar dozen primary

subject impetus secondary

  1. on the second syllable:

civilian importance proficiency

gymnastics performance department

disposal victorious achievement

c) the words which have three and more syllables:

introduction organization elementary

competition recognition international

Ex.3. Look at the way we can make nouns by adding “–ing” to some verbs. Translate

the nouns:

to ride v + ing riding n

верховая езда

t o hunt

t o wrestle

t o swim

t o train

t o ski

t o skate

t o run

Ex. 4. Learn the words and translate the word combinations and sentences :

1 physical training физическая подготовка

физическая культура

syn. recreation

physical education физвоспитание

e.g. After the Revolution the role of physical training grew.

2. wrestling n борьба (спортивная)

e.g. Wrestling is very popular with Belarusian people.

3. riding n верховая езда

4. hunting n охота

e.g. Belarusian people have practised riding and hunting for centuries.

5. activities n pl.деятельность

physical activities зд.физическая подготовка

athletic activities занятия спортом

e.g. All organized regular athletic activities in Belarus are associated with the

Ministry for Sports and Tourism.

6. military a военный

military training военная подготовка

semi-military полувоенный

ant. civilian a гражданский

e.g. Early physical activities of Belarusian people had a military or semi-military character.

7. solve v решать, разрешать

e.g. Several dozens of sports clubs couldn’t solve the problem of physical education.

8. importance n значение, важность

e.g. After the Revolution the importance of physical training began to grow.

9. impetus n импульс

to gain impetus получать импульс

e.g. Belarusian sport gained fresh impetus after the Great Patriotic War.

10. committee n комитет

sports committee спорткомитет

regional sports committee областной спорткомитет

district sports committee районный спорткомитет

e.g. Regional and district sports committees and national sports federations are

the main sports organizational structures in Belarus.

11. participate v принимать участие

participation n участие

large-scale participation массовое участие

participant n участник

12.result (in) v приводить к

syn lead (to)

e.g. Large-scale participation of Belarusians in sports activities resulted in excellent

achievements in the international arena.

13. fencing n фехтование

e.g. Fencing was a very popular sports event in Belarus in the mid-60s.

14. perform v выступать

performance n 1.выступление

2. (спортивный) результат

performer n участник (соревнований)

e.g. Belarusian athletes perform well in the international arena.

15 indoor a происходящий в помещении

ant. outdoor проводимый на открытом


e.g. Belarusian athletes have at their disposal indoor and outdoor sports grounds.

16. equestrian sport конный спорт

e.g. Everybody in Belarus knows the Republican Equestrian School “ Ratomka”.

17. testify v свидетельствовать

e.g. The performance of Belarusian athletes in the international arena testifies that

Belarus is rich in sports talents.

18. national team национальная команда,

сборная команда страны

e.g. Belarusian athletes performed as a national team at the XXVI Olympics for the first


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