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Indefinite and negative pronouns and their compounds

These pronouns indicate persons or non-persons or their properties in a general way without defining the class of objects they belong to, class or properties they possess; render the general meaning of the sentence negative

Ex. 11. Ask and answer as in the models. Translate the statements:

Model 1: -Have you got any friends among athletes?

Yes, I have got some.

No, I haven’t got any. (I have got no friends among athletes.)

-У тебя есть друзья среди спортсменов?

Да, у меня есть несколько друзей среди спортсменов.

Нет, у меня нет друзей среди спортсменов.


1. books on sports training in your library

2. sports equipment at home

3. doctors of sciences at the University

4. Masters of Sport in your academic group

5. credit-tests in the first semester

6. sports proficiency tests in the second semester

7. science courses on the curriculum

8. optional courses in the programme of study

9. general courses during your first academic year

10.sports facilities at the University.

Model 2: -Do you know anything about the Belarusian

State University of Physical Culture?

-I’m sorry, I know nothing about it.

-Well, I can tell you something.

Ты что-нибудь знаешь о Белорусском государственном

университете физической культуры?

К сожалению я ничего не знаю о нем.

Я могу тебе кое-что рассказать.


1. the history of the University

2. the admission requirements

3. the entrance tests

4. the faculties of the University

5. the teaching staff

6. the credit-tests and examinations

7. the curriculum

8. the students’ practice

9. the sports facilities

10.the compulsory and optional courses.


Ex. 12. Complete these sentences:

  1. Use: many with countable nouns;

much with non-countable nouns;

a lot of, plenty of with either countable or non-countable nouns

Model: …. people at the stadium supported their favourite team.

Many people at the stadium supported their favourite team.

  1. Our training practice starts at 6.00 p.m. We haven’t got….time. We have to hurry up

  2. He has got…work to do before the tests.

  3. Have you got…friends? – Yes, I’ve got …. ..friends among the athletes.

  4. There is no need to hurry. We have…. …time. The game starts in an hour.

5. My native town is small. There isn’t….traffic in it.

6. …. students work on this project.

  1. Use: few, a few with plural countable nouns;

little, a little with non-countable nouns

Model: I can’t go to the international football game. I have got… money.

I can’t go to the international football game. I have got little money.

  1. He doesn’t speak much English. Only …. words.

  2. I don’t think Pete will be a good coach. He has got very…patience with children.

  3. When did you see Pete last time? – Just ….days ago.

  4. Would you like some more coke? – Yes, please, but just …..

  5. I have got….time so I can help you.

  6. He has very… real friends among his team-mates.

Lesson 2. Focus on Reading

Pre-Reading Activities

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