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Unit VI,VIIраспоз..doc
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  1. Replace the infinitives given in brackets by the Future Indefinite or the Present Indefinite:

1. The delegation (to start) for London as soon as they (to receive) their visas. 2. At the travel bureau they (to tell) you exactly when the train (to leave). 3. If she (to come) to the party alone, and there (to be) nobody, she (to know), she (to feel) lonely. 4. Ask the dean if we (to study) according to the old timetable, or a new one (to be) ready when we (to begin) to study. 5. I (not to think) I (to be able to) call on them and (to say) good-bye before I (to go) abroad. 6. If you (not to want) to climb the tree you can shake it and the apples (to fall) down to the ground. 7. Ask him when he (to finish) packing. 8. If my friend (not / to work) in my office, we (not/ to meet) every day. 9. If I (to live) in the south, I (to bathe) in the sea every day. 10. If you (to give) me your dictionary, I (to translate) this text. 11. The ice-cream (to melt), in case you (not /to put) it into refrigerator. 12. If we (to be) so careless about the nature, we (not / to save) the ecology.

  1. Choose the write variant.

  1. "Tom has broken his leg." "Sorry to hear that. I (will visit / am going to visit) him tomorrow.

  2. The match (will finish / finishes / is finishing) at half past nine, so I will be at home by ten o'clock. 3. It's Julia's birthday. She's bought much food. She (will cook / is going to cook) a lot. 4. "My bags are terrible heavy today." "Really? I (will give / am going to give) you a lift. 5. "Jack didn't pass his exam yesterday/" "Oh, what (will he do / is he going to do)? 6. The population of our city (reaches / will reach / is reaching) one million by 2013. 7. Tomorrow (will be / is) Friday. 8. Why have you brought the guitar? (Will you sing / Are you going to sing) at the party? 9. I can give Bob the message if I (will see / see) him. 10. If the weather (is / will be) fine tomorrow,, we are going to have a picnic. 11. Mrs Clay (goes / will go) shopping today if she (finish / will finish / finishes) her work earlier than usual. 12. If they (want / will want) your advice, they (will get / get) in touch with you.

  1. Put the verbs into correct tense.

1. The phone (to ring) at the moment, I (to answer). 2. "Has he decided how to spend money?" "Yes, he (to buy) a car." 3. You (not / to pass) the exam, if you (not / to revise) the material. 4. What you (to do), if you (not/ to find) the job? 5. What time the next train (leave) for Bristol? 6. There is somebody at the door. I (to open). 7. It (to rain) now. I don't think I (to go) out. 8. You never (to finish) your report, unless you (to stop) wasting your time like that. 9. What a beautiful dress! I'll buy it, if it (not / to be) too expensive. 10. Don't worry! When the phone (to ring), I'll call you.

  1. Translate into English.

1. "Сколько лет тебе будет в следующем году?" "Мне будет девятнадцать". 2. Вероятно, я никогда не выучу это стихотворение. 3. Я иду сегодня на вечеринку. Что мне надеть? 4. Мы не начнем наше собрание, пока все не придут. 5. Что ты будешь делать, если не сдашь экзамен? 6. Если ты будешь свободен, я навещу тебя. 7. Если Мэри не сдаст экзамен, она не будет получать стипендию. 8. Молоко будет свежим долгое время, после того как вы его положите в холодильник. 9. Сколько денег я заплачу, если куплю эти цветы? 10. Какие важные проблемы вы будете решать в научной деятельности? 11. Любой обмен ядерными ударами приведет к климатическим изменениям. 12. Ученые всего мира будут объединяться, чтобы решить проблему водных ресурсов.

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