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Английский (пособие).doc
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6. Прочитайте текст ещё раз. Выпишите слова и словосочетания, характеризующие отношения между людьми.

7. Найдите в тексте предложения в прямой речи, передайте их содержание в косвенной речи.

8. Основываясь на содержании текста, докажите, что следующие утверждения верны:

1. Person number one in the life of any Five-year-old is his mother.

2. Most Fives are very fond of their fathers, proud of them, and love their company.

3. Many Fives play reasonably well with older siblings and tend to be extremely kind and protective to those who are younger.

4. With strangers or when visiting, a Five-year-old can be a polite and friendly little person.

5. Most Fives usually like their teachers very much.

6. Grandparents are extremely important to the Five-year-old.

9. Прочитайте предложения и заполните пропуски словами и словосочетаниями из рамки:

siblings, a statement, less intimate, responsive, impatient, supervised, much affection, demands, runs into, a nursery-school experience

1. It is very important to Five that his mother should make such ...

2. Fives are often quick and a little ...

3. Fathers do not as a rule receive as ... from their children.

4. We know how warm and ... the relationship can be.

5. Some girls are regular little mothers to their younger ... and especially to any baby in the family.

6. A Five-year-old needs to be ... when holding or caring for a baby.

7. The friendly Five-year-old sometimes ... a child with whom he just cannot get along.

8. Nowadays many children have already had ... by Five.

9. Most Fives are quite up to the ... made, and most Five-year-olds like their teacher.

10. The relationship tends to be ... than it was when he was in nursery school.

10. Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова и словосочетания:

  1. birth/ the/ a/ slate/ individual/ at/ clean/like/ is

  2. like/ to/critical/ be/ we/ also/ would/ them

  3. often/ with/ autonomy/ confused/ independence/ is

  4. following/ example/ it/ by/ clarified/ the/ is

  5. In/ teacher/ the/ judge/ only/ the/ and/ right/ wrong/ lessons/is/of

11. Прочитайте высказывания детей о своих бабушках и дедушках. Выразите свое мнение о том, какую роль играют бабушки и дедушки в воспитании пятилеток:

1. “She’s nice, gives us candy.” 2. “They are nice to me.” 3. “They take me to get ice cream.” 4. “Give us lots of presents.” 5. “Lets us stay up late.” 6. “Nice – gives me good presents at Christmas.” 7. “The treat me nice.”

12. Каковы были Ваши суждения в дошкольном возрасте об отношении к Вам Ваших родственников? Опишите, каково было Ваше отношение к Вашим ближайшим родственникам, когда Вы были в дошкольном возрасте.

Урок 14

  1. 1. Прочитайте следующие слова и словосочетания:

bib - детский нагрудник

chicken pox ['Cikqn pOks] - ветряная оспа

disease [dI'zi:z] - болезнь

gravy ['greIvI] –подливка, соус

intake ['InteIk] - потребление

measles ['mi:zlz] - корь

perseverance ["pq:sI'vIrqns] – настойчивость, упорство

prevalent ['prevqlqnt] - преобладающий

whooping cough ['hu:pINkOf] - коклюш

wriggles ['rIgl] – изгибаться, извиваться