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Ms. Howes’s presentation

I … at the F.M. Kearns School for 15 years. In my classroom I … the visual and spatial aspects of math. I am sure that this tactic … my second-grade students to think about math all day long in innovative ways.

There … bullet boards that … various objects with price tags. One of the bulletin boards is called Multicultural Stockroom. This bulletin board … groups of objects. When these objects … , different mathematical challenges … . I … the class into groups, and children … with each other when they … over solutions.

There … also many geometrical shapes in my classroom, they … all the available wall space. Besides, there … many colourful murals in the hallways. These murals … many different activities for children.

One of the learning centers in my classroom, “Kearns Travel Agency”, … really a tent which I … with photos from around the world. Here a group of four children often … excursions to different countries. For instance, they … costs for food, hotel prices and airline fees.

The favourite game of my children is that of “math ball”. I … math problems to each quadrant of a soccer ball. The ball … from one child to another. When a child … a quadrant, he … to solve the problem, then he … the ball to someone else.

All day long children … like kids on the playground. They think they … any work. They … when I tell them that they … math and reading all the time. They believe that math … fun. One girl … it … like a special treat.

10. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Did you like math as a primary-grade student?

  2. Do you like it now?

  3. What do you think of Angela Andrew’s and Jackie Howes’s practices of teaching math to primary grade children? Are they age and developmentally appropriate?

  4. What do you think of the way you were taught math in primary school? Was it age and developmentally appropriate?

11. Выполните перевод предложений с русского языка на английский, используя данные предложения:

1. Autonomy has not only intellectual, moral aspects but also an emotional aspect.

Самостоятельность имеет только эмоциональный и моральный аспекты?

2. The purpose of using group games is not to teach children how to play these games.

Цель использования групповых игр заключается в том, чтобы научить детей как играть в эти игры, не так ли?

3. In this cooperation, children use previously acquired knowledge to contrast new rules.

Зачем дети используют ранее приобретенные знания?

4. Children may not leave the classroom without permission.

Дети могут покидать класс без разрешения?

5. The game is interesting but the players may wish to change the rules.

Что можно изменять детям?

12. а) Составьте перечень игр, упоминаемых в тексте;

б) опишите эти игры;

в) расскажите о наглядно-методических пособиях, которые Джеки Хауз использует для обучения детей математике.

Урок 10

1. Прочитайте слова и переведите их на русский язык:

easily, eventually, finally, hardly, naturally, importantly, sufficiently, verbally

2. Образуйте прилагательные, используя наречия из упражнения 1.

3. Образуйте наречия от следующих прилагательных:

unusual, typical, clear, direct, frequent, direct, certain

4. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык:

mother tongue, the acquisition of the mother tongue, a natural learning atmosphere, a typical foreign language classroom, to perceive language, receptive skills, productive skills, to facilitate the development, a new-born child, constant repetition, stress-free play-like learning atmosphere, frequent positive reinforcement, repetitive reading, to encourage sb to do sth

5. Прочитайте и подтвердите или опровергните высказывания, приведённые после текста: