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8. Вставьте в пропуски слова или словосочетания, подходящие по смыслу:

acting out // reduce conflict // positive behavior // get angry // an upsetting experience // to prevent problems their feelings // motivate through access // threats // an emotionally safe environment

Much of the defiance, rebelliousness, and 1) … reflects our students’ struggle to survive. Students are unable to function effectively when they 2) …, frustrated, or sad. A student may explode after holding in feelings about 3) … . To meet students` need for recognition, attention, and safety teachers should use their authority to set limits and offer choices and create 4) ….

To 5) … and increase commitment and cooperation the teacher can encourage students to make decisions about their learning, 6) … to positive outcomes, and emphasize the positive consequences of cooperation. It is also important that the teacher consciously anticipate students` needs in various situations in order 7) … and follow through immediately, avoiding warnings and 8) … .

To create an emotionally safe environment the teacher can use such strategies as the following: reinforce 9) … with positive outcomes, communicate with parents regularly and frequently, respect students’ affective needs and support 10) … .

Most of teachers will stand to benefit and inaugurate positive change if they keep the big picture in mind, working their way through the smaller goals.

9. Поставьте письменно вопросы к выделенным словам:

  1. This passivity is the opposite of what we would like children to learn by playing group games.

  2. This example contrasts sharply with the previous one.

  3. Their version maximized the potential of the game for their development.

  4. Piaget`s theory shows that in logico-mathematical knowledge truth does not to come out of the teacher’s head.

  5. The game is used to achieve three broad objectives of early education and contributes to children’s social, political, moral, cognitive, and emotional development.

10. Выразите свое отношение к обсуждаемой проблеме. Приведите примеры из собственного опыта. Расскажите, испытывали ли Вы потребность в признании, внимании и эмоциональной безопасности, когда учились в школе. Какие действия в связи с возникшими проблемами предпринимал учитель (классный руководитель).

Урок 13

  1. 1. Прочитайте следующие слова и словосочетания:

a quick wit - сообразительность

affection [q'fekSqn] - привязанность, любовь

apparent [q 'pxrqnt ] confidence - явное/очевидное доверие

outburst ['autbq:st] of temper - вспышка гнева, раздражительность

reassuranace ["ri:q'Suqrqns] - уверение, заверение

sibling ['sIblIN] - брат/сестра (дети одних родителей )

statement ['steItmqnt] - заявление

to affirm [q'f q:m] – утверждать, подтверждать

to overestimate ['quvqr'estImIt] - переоценивать

vulnerable ['vAlnqrqbl] – ранимый, уязвимый

2. Догадайтесь о значении следующих слов:

proclamation, overaggressive, protective, regular, secure, temper, to criticize, to reply

3. Выберите правильный суффикс (“-al”или “-ive”) и образуйте прилагательные от следующих слов. Помните, что суффикс “-al” добавляется к существительным, а суффикс “-ive” – к глаголам. Составьте словосочетания с полученными прилагательными:

1. to create; 2. emotion; 3. herb; 4. to communicate; 5. physics; 6.experiment; 7. electric; 8. to communicate.