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Как написать рецензию

I. Introduction background: title of book, author, type of a story, place and time of publishing, main characters.

Useful language:

  • The book is titled … (or The title of the book is…)

  • The book is written by… (or The author of the book is…)

  • The book / story is published in … (or It is printed and bound in…)

  • It is a love story, a thriller, a whodunit, a good piece of fiction, etc…

II. Main Body. It consists of two paragraphs: one- about main points of the plot (in chronological order), and another - should include general comments on the plot, the main characters, etc.

Note: It shouldn’t reveal the end of the story to the readers!

Useful language for paragraph one:

  • The story concerns … - The plot reaches its climax …

  • The plot centers on … - The plot has an unexpected twist to …

  • The plot starts with … - The plot is rather unconvincing …

  • Then, there goes a series of unbelievable coincidences …

Further on, the main characters turn out to be ….

Useful language for paragraph two of main body:

  • It’s a high-action drama…

  • It’s a rather long and unbelievable story…

  • It will have you on the edge of your seat…

  • It is a skillfully / poorly written story;

  • The characters and situations are imaginary;

  • Some episodes can’t bear any relations to any of actual happenings;

  • It’s fun to watch…

III. Conclusion. You may recommend or not recommend the book. Give your reasons to support your recommendations.


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