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People with different careers

  1. Vladislav Khodasevich - a poet and a critic.

On May 28 we celebrate the birthday of Vladislav Khodasevich, a poet and a literary critic, whose name has long been associated with his spiteful and arrogant character.

Vladislav Khodasevich was born to a Polish gentry family. They lived in Moscow in a house opposite the Moscow Art Theatre. He began to publish his poems and critical essays in 1905 in various periodicals. Khodasevich was strict and exacting not only with respect to other authors but also about his own works. Subsequently he was highly critical of his first two poetry collections. In his works Khodasevich was concerned with serious philosophical issues, the fate of the individual and the nation, the attitude to nature, the arts and religion. His approach was always bitter and ironic.

By the time of World War I V. Khodasevich was an accomplished professional writer. In addition to his poetry, he wrote reviews, satirical pieces, and stories as well as publishing translations of fiction.

In 1922, Khodasevich left Russia, then he travelled in Europe: he lived in Berlin and in Prague. In 1925 he settled in Paris which became the center of attraction for Russian emigre intellectuals. Khodasevich occupied a special place in Russian emigre literary life. His own original views concerning various phenomena made it difficult for him to collaborate with many prominent figures who seemed to be his natural allies.

As the time went by, V. Khodasevich wrote fewer poems and more critical essays, which enabled him to receive a more regular income. He also wrote a brilliant biography of Derzhavin, in 1931. Then he summed up 25 years of work of Pushkin in a book about the poet in 1937. He compiled a collection of recollections, mostly of prominent writers, which was published as “Necropolis” in 1939. Khodasevich fell seriously ill in January 1939 and died on July, 14. He was buried in Paris. Many years earlier, the poet had written: “Of all phenomena I love only poetry, of all people I love only poets.”

b) Alexander Griboyedov - a writer and a diplomat.

1. In one of his letters Alexander Griboyedov compared his life with a novel far more amusing than Cooper’s fiction. Full of events and unexpected changes, his life, diplomatic career and death are laced with mystery. Even the exact date of his birth is not known. Some claim he was born in 1790, others say in 1795.

2. Few of Griboyedov’s contemporaries enjoyed such great popularity and fame. He is loved and respected by his descendants as an exceptionally intelligent man; a strong and skilled diplomat who successfully defended Russian interests in the Caucasus. A friend of the Decembrists, he was one of the first who dared to ask Emperor Nicholay I to reduce their sentence. He was a romantic musician whose waltzes continue to arouse the admiration of both performers and listeners.

3. Obviously, Griboyedov owes his immortality to his comedy, whose title is translated into English in various ways – Woe out of Wit or Bitterness out of Intelligence. The play is based on the author’s observation of every-day life and public affairs. His bitter satire places it far beyond other works that describe contemporary moral and ways. The witty phrases and aphorisms are still widely used in everyday speech and newspaper headings.

4. A romantic and tragic finale to Griboyedov’s eventual and exciting life was his passionate love for a fifteen–year old Georgian princess, Nina Chavchavadze. On his way to Persia as a diplomat, Griboyedov stopped in Tiflis. He had earlier given music lessons to the girl. She was well-bred, kind, cheerful, modest and obedient. Griboyedov proposed her. Her mother and grandmother blessed them. But their happy marriage lasted for only few months.

5. Griboyedov died a horrible death in Tehran on January 30 when the Russian embassy was attacked by Moslem fanatics. His body was transported to Tiflis and buried there.

c) Arkadiy N. Strugatsky (1925 - 1991) – an interpreter and a SF writer.

Arkadiy Natanovich Strugatsky was born on August 28, 1925 in the city of Batumi and later lived in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). His father was an art critic, his mother a teacher.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War Arkadiy worked at constructing fortifications, later - in a grenade factory. In late January 1942, together with his father, he was rescued from Leningrad which was by then blockaded by the Germans. His survival was truly a miracle. When they reached Vologda, Arkadiy's father died. Arkadiy found himself in the city of Chkalov (now Orenburg). In the town of Tashla (near Orenburg), he worked in a milk warehouse, it was also there that he was drafted into the Army. He was trained in the artillery school in Aktyubinsk.

Before the graduation, in the spring of 1943, he was sent to Moscow to study at the Military Institute of Foreign Languages. He graduated from it in 1949 with the qualification "English and Japanese languages interpreter." After his service in the army Strugatsky was demobilized in 1955 and moved to Moscow where he started to work in the "Digest Magazine." Later he worked as an editor in two Publishing Houses, Detgiz and Gospolitizdat.

It was since 1955 that he wrote systematically, although even earlier, while still in the Army, he started to write short stories and translate foreign literature. His first published work was published in 1956 (a novel "Bikini Ashes," together with L.S. Petrov). After that he moved to science fiction. Almost all his works he wrote with his brother, Boris Strugatsky. Brothers Strugatsky have published 25 novels, plus some short stories, scripts, plays and essays.

A.N. Strugatsky was also the editor of some anthologies of Russian and foreign SF writers. He translated into Russian several Japanese and American SF authors (K. Abe, A. Norton, A. Asimov, H. Klement, and others), and works of the medieval Japanese literature ("Legend of Yesinutse," "A Peony Lantern" etc.). Together with his brother, he participated in the creation and production of a number of SF movies: "Stalker" (director A.Tarkovsky), "A Murder Case" (director G.Kromanov), "Days of Eclipse" (director A.Sokurov), "Hard to be a God" (director Peter Fleischmann,Germany).

Arkadiy Natanovich Strugatsky died on October 12, 1991.

Задание 2 Ответьте на вопросы (1-15) в соответствии с содержанием текстов. Поставьте буквы а, b или с напротив каждого вопроса.

Which of the people (a, b or c ):

1/ … was a poet and a literary critic.

2/ … was loved and respected by his descendants as an exceptionally intelligent man.

3/ … lived in a house opposite the Moscow Art Theatre.

4/ … had a father who was an art critic.

5/ … had a truly miraculous survival.

6/ … was a skilled diplomat.

7/ … was a romantic musician and arose everybody’s admiration.

8/ … wrote reviews, satirical pieces and stories and translated fiction.

9/ … wrote a famous comedy which brought him immortality.

10/ … worked as a professional interpreter.

11/ … became the centre of attraction for Russian émigré intellectuals in Paris.

12/ … became the author of witty phrases which are still widely known as aphorisms.

13/ … worked as an editor in the publishing house “Detgiz”.

14/ … had a terrible death in Persia.

15/ … wrote a book about A. Pushkin’s life.

Задание 3 Найдите в текстах английские эквиваленты следующих выражений:

  1. различные периодические издания (a)

  2. поэтические сборники (а)

  3. переводы художественной литературы (а)

  4. популярность и слава (b)

  5. вызвать восхищение (b)

  6. любимчик женщин (b)

  7. театральный критик (c)

  8. редактор сборников (c)

  9. научная фантастика (с)

10. постановка фильмов (с)

Задание 4 Восстановите вопросы к тексту (с). Поставьте слова в вопросительных предложениях в правильном порядке. Найдите ответы и запишите их.

1. his / mother / what /be ?

2. when/ die / father / Arkady’s?

3. he / where / be trained / the artillery / in / school?

4. as / an editor/ where/ work / he?

5. when /start/ he/ stories/ to write / short?

6. the readers / get /when /the opportunity/ first/ big/ to read /their / novel?

7. he / what / translate / did / authors ?

Задание 5 Косвенная речь. Переведите следующие предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

  1. The professor asked a student: “What do you think about this book?”

  2. A journalist asked us:” Do you study modern literature at your classes?”

  3. Helen said:” I have never heard of this writer.”

  4. The author asked his publisher:” When do you plan to issue my book?”

  5. The doctor said to a young man:” You need a good rest.”

  6. She answered:” I don’t have enough time to have a good rest now.”

  7. I asked the librarian:” Can I borrow a book for another week?”

  8. I asked the shop-assistant:” How much does this magazine cost?”

  9. The artist said to me:” I enjoy being famous.”

10. My parents asked me:” What are your plans for the future?”

Задание 6 Переведите следующие предложения из косвенной речи в прямую.

  1. My friend told me that I was looking strange.

  2. I asked my parents if I could help them on that day.

  3. The policeman asked us what our address was.

  4. He asked us if we could speak English.

  5. The instruction says that the camera needs two batteries.

  6. The editor said that the manuscript was very good.

  7. My sister announced that she had written a short story about her holidays.

  8. Mike said that he couldn’t come to my birthday party.

  9. Tatyana confessed that she loved him very much.

10. He offered to help me with English.

Задание 7 Модальные глаголы. Заполните пропуски в предложениях. Выберите подходящий по смыслу модальный глагол.

should / shouldn’t, must / mustn’t, can /can’t, may / may not,

have to/ don’t have to, need to/needn’t

  1. A young man … pay for his girl in the restaurant.

  2. Men … take off their hats inside the premises.

  3. Students … leave the classroom without the teacher’s permission.

  4. Men … give a hand to women when they get off the bus.

  5. Students … smoke in the lobby of the university.

  6. People … feed animals in the zoo.

  7. My grandmother has green fingers. She … grow vegetables in the garden.

  8. You … take photos at her concerts. It is not allowed.

  9. Every man … grow at least one tree in his life.

10. If you are hungry, you … have a snack in the bar.

11. All young men at the age of eighteen … join the army.

12. We don’t work on Sundays. So you … come at the office.

Задание 8 Выучите 50 слов по теме: «Профессия. Карьера»

Задание 9 Составьте и расскажите свой рассказ о вашей профессии, карьере, работе, планах на будущее. Рассказ должен состоять из 20-25 предложений.

Задание 10 Подберите текст для дополнительного чтения (10 тысяч знаков) и выполните соответствующие задания (см. контр. работу №1, вариант I):

Контрольная работа №4 Вариант 2

Задание 1 Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.