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Аннотирование статей


Expressions to be used:

1. The title of the article

The article is headlined (titled)

The headline (title) of the article I have read is...

2. The author of the article, where and when the article was published

The author of the article is…

The article is written by…

It is (was) published in 1987, by…

It is (was) printed on the front page (on page 2, on the back page, at the top of the front page, in the text-book, in the magazine…)

3. The main idea of the article

The main idea of the article is

The article is about

The article is devoted to

The article deals with

The article touches upon

The purpose of the article is to give the reader some information about (on)

The aim of the article is to provide the reader with some material (data) on

4.The contents of the article

The article/text consists of … paragraphs.

The author starts by telling the reader that…

The author writes (states, stresses, thinks, points out ) that…

The article describes how…

The article gives us the vivid description of ..

Further on the author reports (says)…

In conclusion …

In the last part / paragraph / passage of the text the author appeals to / attracts our attention to…

The author comes to the conclusion that...

5. Your opinion of the article

I found the article interesting ( important, dull, of no value, of great value, too hard to understand, instructive, to be worth reading)

I recommend it to …

It can be recommended for … (students, children, …)


План презентации проекта «My being a philologist (a publisher) is very important»


Useful language



-Good afternoon, everybody. I’m glad to see you all at presentation of my project.

-I’m so pleased that you’ve come to listen to my project this morning. I hope you’ll like it.

I’d like to welcome you to my talk today.



- I’d like to introduce me to those who don’t know me. (My name is …. I’m a student of the second course of the Philology faculty. I’m going to specialize in …or… My future profession will be an editor… or I’m going to make my career in the field of …


Overall purpose

-The topic of my presentation today is …

- The subject of my presentation is …

- Today I’m going to speak about my place in this world…

- The aim of my presentation today is to tell you about my views on the life and my future career.


Main part.

My being a philologist (an editor) is very important. (Topics to be discussed:

- my today status;

- my preferences in jobs;

- the inventory of my skills and qualifications;

- my experience;

- my ambitions in this life

1. Let me start with…

2. I will commence the main part with the quotation / proverb / words / description / example / etc.

3. Now I’m going to pass over to my second point connected with…

4. I’d like to point out / stress / underline / consider / explain / characterize / draw your attention to / emphasize / etc…

5. Now I’d like to …/ let me pass over to / my next point to speak about is …

6. It should be noted that …

7. It’s very important to notice that …

8. It’s worth saying that …

9. I won’t boast but …

10. The last point I’d like to attract your attention to is …



- In conclusion I’d like to say that…

- So, my concluding point is …

- That’s all I wanted to say about

- Thank you for attention. If you’ve got some questions you’re welcome.


Linking words, useful phrases

- Personally I believe / think / regard / assume that…

- In my view / in my opinion / to my mind

- Firstly / secondly / thirdly / finally / last but not least

- Moreover / what is more / in addition to this / besides

- Apart from / furthermore / to crown it all

- Obviously / it’s clear that / to tell the truth

- I won’t boast, but / I’m sure that / I guess that

-For example / for instance

- As a general rule / mainly / actually

- It’s a well-known fact that / It’s a general truth that / it’s popularly believed that

- Nevertheless / however / on one hand / on the other hand /

- In spite of / despite the fact that