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7. Wishes and Subjunctives

Exercise 344. Translate into Russian.

1. I wish I knew Sue’s telephone number.

2. Do you ever wish you could fly?

3. I wish it didn’t rain so much in England.

4. I wish my room were larger and lighter.

5. I wish my car was better looking.

6. I wish I spoke French.

7. If only I knew more people!

8. I wish I would go home.

9. If only the letter would come!

10. If only it would stop raining!

11. I wish I hadn’t said that.

12. Now she wishes she had gone to university.

13. I wish I could drive a car.

14. I wish I had attended the seminar last Monday.

15. I wish he would drive more carefully.

16. I wish you would be more patient with Jim.

Exercise 345. Choose the right variant and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. She wished at that moment she (had not sent/did not send) for him.

2. “I wish I (had been/were) there with you,” he said with deep regret.

3. She says she wishes I (had been/were) a thousand miles away.

4. I wish she (had not looked/did not look) so sad.

5. The professor wishes I (had studied/studied) harder.

6. We wished he (had not come/did not come) so late yesterday.

7. I wish you (had seen/saw) the play. It was a great success.

8. I wish they (had introduced/introduced) their friends to me at the party.

9. She wishes her father (hadn’t known/didn’t know) it.

10. He wished they (hadn’t noticed/didn’t notice) his embarrassment.

Exercise 346. Make sentences beginning I wish … or If only …

1. He smokes. I wish he didn’t smoke.

2. I don’t speak Russian.

3. I haven’t got a car.

4. I’m not hard-working.

5. I’m bad at sport.

6. I don’t like dancing.

7. It rains all the time.

8. She works on Sundays.

9. I can’t eat eggs.

10. The radio doesn’t work.

Exercise 348. Make sentences beginning I wish … would …

1. Somebody won’t stop talking. I wish he would stop talking.

2. It’s not snowing.

3. The telephone keeps ringing.

4. The baby won’t stop crying.

5. The kettle won’t boil.

6. The traffic light won’t go green.

7. Pat hasn’t found a job.

8. Spring hasn’t come.

Exercise 349. Make sentences using I wish + past perfect.

1. (be) nicer to my sister when we were kids.

I wish I’d nicer to my sister when we were kids.

2. (choose) a different career.

3. (do) more traveling when I was earning a good salary.

4. (go) to a better school.

5. (go) to bed earlier last night.

6. (not get married) when I had the chance.

7. (not tell) him the truth.

8. (study) harder at university.

Exercise 350. Write a sentence using I wish …

1. We’ve come on holiday to Westby and I’m hating it.

I wish we hadn’t come here.

2. The weather’s horrible.

3. We can’t go swimming.

4. Last night we went to the Ritz restaurant, and I was ill all night.

5. There’s nothing to do in the evening.

6. We haven’t got a television in our hotel room.

7. I wanted to go to Spain.

8. But the rest of my family persuaded me to come to Westby.

9. The children keep asking me for money.

10. In the hotel, we have to get up for breakfast at 7.00 in the morning.

Exercise 351. Read what Irene sys, then write what she wishes as in the example.

It rains all the time. I went camping and regret it. The tent leaks; I didn’t buy a new tent. I’m going to catch a cold. I can’t see my friends. I feel lonely. I wasted my holiday here.”

1. I wish it would stop raining all the time.

2. …

Exercise 352. Translate into English.

1. Как жаль, что он пришел так поздно. Мы не ус­пели поговорить о наших проблемах.

2. Как жаль, что: он не разработал этот проект.

3. Как жаль, что нам придется так скоро уехать.

4. Обидно, что вы не дожда­лись его прихода.

5. Я теперь жалею, что не послушал­ся его совета.

6. Обидно, что вас не поняли.

7. Жаль, что вы упустили такой шанс.

8. Обидно, что ей придет­ся отказаться от такого предложения.

9. Как жаль, что он работает допоздна.

10. Он пожалел, что пришел и привел с собой друга.

11. Я бы очень хотела быть сей­час в Лондоне.

12. Как бы мне хотелось говорить по-английски так же хорошо, как он.

Exercise 353. Use the subjunctive mood in the following sentences.

Example: I will be glad to meet you again.

I would be glad to meet you again.

1. I will apologize to Mr Manson for being late.

2. Everybody will be glad to go to Berlin.

3. I’ll eat something sweet.

4. I won’t go to Egypt this summer.

5. Bruise will warn you of the danger.

6. She will do her best to improve the situation.

7. He will give you a different answer.

8. They will accept the invitation for Sunday.

9. A wise man will find a way out of the situation.

10. I will never agree to it.

11. A true friend will never fail you.

12. It will be interesting to find out who is right.

Exercise 354. Choose the right variant.

1. I would (have brought/bring) the book, but you did not tell me you needed it.

2. It would (be/have been) wise of you to consult a dentist twice a year.

3. I think nobody would (object/have objected) to having a party tomorrow.

4. I did not know that it was so important for you. I would (do/have done) it long ago.

5. In your place I wouldn’t (argue/have argued) with her yesterday. She is your boss.

6. Last year he wouldn’t (say/have said) so of John.

7. I wouldn’t (worry/have worried) about it now. Everything will clear up soon.

8. We would (stay/have stayed) for an hour, but it is rather late.

9. We did not know that we would come to the lake. We would (take/have taken) our rods.

10. I would (go/have) to sea, but my father wanted me to be a lawyer.

Exercise 355. Open the brackets and use the subjunctive mood.

Example: Why didn’t you tell me? I (close) the window long ago.

I would have closed the window long ago.

1. In your place I (arrange) everything yesterday.

2. At that time Nick (take) the necessary steps.

3. Why did you wash up? I (do) it myself.

4. She (buy) the dress, but she had no money.

5. He (advise) them what to do, but he couldn’t get in touch with them.

6. We (go) to the country rain or shine, but he was busy last weekend.

7. I (come) to see him last week, but I got ill and to stay in bed.

8. It (be) important then but now.

9. They (take) a taxi, but there was none.

10. Why didn’t you ask them to discuss your problem then? They (not postpone) it.

Exercise 356. Use the correct form of the subjunctive mood.

1. Ann was breathing heavily as if she (run) a long distance.

2. It seemed as though Lin (know) it long ago.

3. Tod looked as if he (want) to say something but (be) afraid to begin his speech.

4. Ms Marple behaved as though nothing (happen).

5. It seemed as if Rin never (hear) of it before.

6. They met as though they (see) each other for the first time.

7. They talked as if they never (meet) before.

8. They talked as if they (know) each other for ever so many years and it (not be) the first time they met.

9. They stared at each other in silence, and it was as if they (listen) for distant footsteps.

10. Ivan speaks French as if he (be) a Frenchman.

11. She looked very tired as if she (work) from early morning till late at night.

12. Nothing had changed in the room but it seemed as though somebody (be) there.

Exercise 357. Translate into English.

1. Кейт счастлива, посмотри на нее. Она выглядит так, как будто помолодела на несколько лет.

2. У Тома было такое чувство, как будто его обманули.

3. Взрыв был очень сильным. Стало светло как днем.

4. Мистер Джонсон выглядит так, как будто он победитель.

5. Энн не остановилась, как будто не слышала, что ее зовут.

6. Вы выглядите усталым, как будто давно не отдыхали.

7. Он часто смотрел на часы, как будто спешил куда-то.

8. Он уставился на меня, как будто я сказал что-то не то.