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Exercise 305. Translate into English.

1. Мужчина, покупающий это кресло, мой сосед.

2. Дом, построенный на соседней улице, очень красивый.

3. Вчера в газете была статья, описывающая историю города.

4. Когда его спросили, он не знал, что ответить.

5. Выходя из дома, Аня забыла выключить телевизор.

6. Полученная телеграмма очень важна.

7. Разбитое стекло следует заменить.

8. Доев свой завтрак, он отправился на работу.

9. Изучаемая проблема известна многим.

10. Возвращаясь домой, он вспомнил, что не отправил важное письмо.

11. Купив эту машину, он был счастлив.

12. Машина, купленная в прошлом году, нуждается в ремонте.

13. Поговорив со специалистами, они решили оформить заказ.

14. После того, как контролер спросил , она показала ему свой билет.

15. Книги, взятые в библиотеке, следует вернуть вовремя.

16. Рассматриваемая работа имеет много преимуществ.

17. Кейт стояла, наблюдая за детьми.

Exercise 306. Translate into English using participles where possible.

1. Будьте внимательны, когда ведете машину.

2. На листе бумаги было несколько строк, написанных карандашом.

3. Получив телеграмму, моя сестра немедленно выехала в Глазго.

4. Я не знаю человека, говорящего по телефону.

5. Уехав вечером, мы прибыли в город в 6 утра.

6. Полученное известие взволновало всех.

7. Я оставила ей записку, не застав ее дома.

8. Чувствуя усталость, они решили передохнуть.

9. Я не запомнил имя человека, звонившего Вам вчера.

10. Мы сидели на террасе, наслаждаясь чудесным видом гор, окружающих наш отель.

5.5. Absolute Participle Construction

Exercise 307. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The motor being in good order, we could start at any moment.

2. All questions having been settled, we parted.

3. It being very late we went home.

4. My brother having finished writing the letter, I posted it.

5. There being nothing to do, we rested a little.

6. There being no time left, we must hurry.

7. His habit being to rest after dinner, we dared not to disturb him.

8. It being very late, I went home.

9. My friend being very busy, I could not see him.

10. This problem having been solved, we can conduct the necessary experiments.

Exercise 308. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Так как ночь была темная, мы двигались медленно.

2. Когда лодка подошла к берегу, мы быстро покинули ее.

3. Так как было очень рано, я не мог найти его.

4. Так как в нашей квартире нет телевизора, мы не могли слушать этот концерт.

5. Когда эксперимент завершился, я позвал профессора.

6. Когда убрали со стола, мы начали играть в шахматы.

7. Так как мой брат болен, я не могу прийти к вам.

8. Так как это упражнение последнее, я скоро закончу свою работу.

5.6. Gerund

Exercise 309. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Define the gerunds form.

1. Reading books is useful.

2. I like reading.

3. Kate is fond of reading.

4. Ann is fond of being read to.

5. Nick is fond of your reading.

6. Pete does not like asking questions.

7. Liz does not like being asked questions.

8. Mr Johnson liked your asking questions.

9. Lin regrets having interrupted you.

10. Would you mind answering one more question?

11. Go on demonstrating your slides.

12. The author reports having applied a new method.

13. On coming home Mike always has a rest.

14. They insisted on being sent to the conference.

15. Mr Highroad reports having observed a new star.

16. I look forward to hearing from you.

Exercise 310. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Define the gerunds function.

1. Smoking cigarettes is bad for you.

2. Did you go dancing last Saturday?

3. The car needs washing.

4. Sam could not help joining the discussion.

5. This paper is worth reading.

6. I think of trying another approach.

7. John’s leaving home upset everybody.

8. What’s all this shouting?

9. You can only live for a few days without drinking.

10.Are you interested in coming to Greece with us?

11. No smoking.

12. You can find our somebody’s phone number by looking in the directory.

13. Would you mind showing one more slide?

14. Would you mind my showing some slides to you?

15. He made his money by buying and selling houses.

16. What’s the use of their asking all these questions?

17. I’ve bought some special glue for mending broken glass.

18. On hearing the fire alarm, go straight to the nearest exit.

19. If you come to England you’ll soon get used to driving on the left.

20. Avoid mixing these two substances.

Exercise 311. Use the Gerund instead of the Infinitive and translate each sentence into Russian.

Example: Peter has given up (to smoke)

Peter has given up smoking.

1. Philip has finished (to pack).

2. We all enjoy (to travel).

3. This door needs (to paint).

4. My transistor wants (to fix).

5. Will you please go on (to play the piano)?

6. I don't mind your (to do this work).

7. Nick is sure of his (to come here in time).

8. Thanks for (to bring the book).

9. Are you fond of (to watch TV)?

10. We look forward to (to see you soon).

11. We were all pleased with her (to sing).

12. I can't help (to laugh at his jokes).

13. It's no good (to look for it now).

14. It's worth (to see this play).

15. There's no use (to worry about these things).

Exercise 312. Read a sentence and then write a second sentence with the same meaning using preposition+gerund.

Example: I phoned Ann and then I went out.

After phoning Ann I went out.

1. Tom went to bed but first he had a hot drink.

Before …

2. The plane took off and soon afterwards it crashed.

Soon after …

3. We didn’t eat at home. We went to a restaurant instead.

Instead …

4. He hurt his leg but he managed to win the race.

In spite of …

5. Bill is a very good cook.

Bill is very good at …

6. I don’t intend to lend her any money.

I have no intention of …

7. George took more exercises and so lost weight.


8. He was angry with me because I was late.

He was angry with me for …

9. Tom thinks that doing nothing is better than working.

Tom prefer doing nothing to …

  1. You put people’s lives in danger if you drive dangerously.

You put people’s lives in danger by …

Exercise 313. Join Two sentences to make one sentence.

Example: Don’t worry about it. It’s no use.

It’s no use worrying about it.

1. Don’t get a taxi. It’s not worth.

It’s no use …

2. Don’t smoke. It’s a waste of money.

It’s a waste …

3. Don’t try to escape. It’s no use.

It’s no use …

4. Don’t ask Tom to help you. It’s no good.

It’s no good …

5. Don’t hurry. It’s not worth it.

It’s not worth …

6. Don’t study if you’re feeling tired. There’s no point.

There’s no point …

7. Don’t get angry. It’s not worth it.

It’s not …

  1. Don’t work if you don’t need the money. There’s no point.

There’s no point …

Exercise 314. Open the brackets and use the proper gerund either in the active or passive voice.

1. Why does he avoid (meet) journalists?

2. Ann insisted on (show) the files to her.

3. The problem is not worth (speak of).

4. Paul insists on (pay) for his work done.

5. Mr Stevenson is not used to (speak to) like that.

6. Excuse me for (give) so much trouble to you.

7. After (examining) by the doctor I was given a sick leave.

8. They deny (rob) the bank, but admit (make) plans about it.

9. The TV set needs (repair).

10. Have you ever dreamed of (earn) a million dollars?

11. The speaker was annoyed at (interrupt) every other moment.

12. They showed no sign of (recognize) us.

Exercise 315. Make up sentences using gerunds.

1. Forgive (I, take up) so much of your time.

2. Do you mind (Bob, join) us?

3. Stella was listening hard all the time for any sound of (Jan, descend) the stairs.

4. I appreciate (you, encourage) Ben when he failed in his experiment.

5. Do you know the reason for (he, feel) disappointed?

6. Bob was feeling rather unwell, and was not really looking forward to (we, visit) him.

7. My father thinks I am not capable of (earn) my own living.

8. Kate warned us that there was no point in (we, arrive) half an hour earlier.

Exercise 316. Find and correct the mistakes if any.

1. I think you made a mistake to come here.

2. When he told me about his plans, I couldn’t help to be surprised.

3. I can’t help you preparing this historical sketch.

4. It’s no use persuading this person.

5. People often have difficulty to learn a foreign language.

6. I congratulated Ann to enter University.

7. We called after him, but he did not even stop turning his head.

8. I don’t remember him to tell anything of the kind.

9. They couldn’t forgive me for wasting so much time.

10. It is not worth to take up the matter now; it can wait.

Exercise 317. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Эту книгу стоит прочесть.

2. Эту выставку стоит посетить.

3. Эту еду стоит попробовать.

4. Вы не возражаете, если я выключу телевизор?

5. Я настаиваю на том, чтобы пойти туда сейчас.

6. Вы не возражаете, если мы попробуем ваше печенье?

7. Они не возражают, если я открою окно?

8. Какой смысл делать это?

9. Он не может не рассказать эту историю.

10. Об этом не стоит спорить.

11. Этого нельзя избежать.

12. Он не привык чтобы с ним так обращались.

Exercise 318. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Я настаиваю, чтобы ты показал нам свой автомобиль.

2. Маленький мальчик гордился тем, что у него благородный друг.

3. Этот новый фильм стоит посмотреть.

4. Было невозможно достать билет, и ему пришлось отказаться от мысли послушать знаменитого пианиста.

5. Я помню, он улыбался, когда рассказывал эту историю.

6. Она была уверена, что мальчики уже давно перестали работать и убежали на речку.

7. Она сидела в гостиной, не говоря ни слова и не обращая внимания на болтовню своей сестры.

8. Не отвечая на приветствия, он быстро прошел в зал.

9. Я не выношу, когда ко мне относятся как к инвалиду.

10. Эркюль Пуаро намеревался начать свое расследование с осмотра сада.