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4. Modal verbs

4.1. Can

Exercise 178. Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the modal verb can.

1. You could get a better job if you speak a foreign language.

2. I can see you tomorrow morning for half an hour.

3. One day we will be able to live without wars.

4. She could read when she was four.

5. He couldn’t find the ticket office.

6. I can see Susan coming.

7. What’s in the soup? I can taste something funny.

8. Through the window, I could hear a man singing.

9. “You can speak Japanese, can’t you?” “Yes, I can.”

10. The game can’t finish before ten.

11. There’s the doorbell. Who can it be? It can’t be Roger. It’s too early.

12. “Can I ask you a question?” “Yes, of course you can.”

13. Could I have a look at your newspaper?

14. Can you park in this street on Sundays?

15. Can I carry your bag?

16. I can baby-sit for you this evening if you like.

17. I could do some shopping for you, if that would help.

18. “I’m bored.” “You could go for a bike ride.”

19. Could you help me for a few minutes.

20. I wonder is you could help me.

21. She could have married anybody she wanted to.

22. Jumping out of the window like that – he could have broken his leg.

23. You could have helped me!

24. Where’s she? She can’t have gone out – the door’s locked.

25. They can’t have arrived yet.

Exercise 179. Put in can, can’t, could, will be able to.

1. I _____ pick it up tonight, if that’s convenient.

2. I think I _____ speak English quite well in a few minutes.

3. “We need some more oil.” “OK, I _____ let you have some this week.”

4. Dr Parker _____ see you at twelve on Tuesday.

5. She _____ walk again in a few weeks.

6. If we took the wheels off, we _____ get it through the back door.

7. Do you think one day people _____ travel to the stars?

8. If I practiced a bit, I _____ be pretty good at tennis.

9. She _____ give you a lesson this evening.

10. I’m free at the weekend, so the kids _____ come round.

11. I _____ do your job with no trouble at all.

12. We’re busy this week, but we _____ repair it by next Thursday.

Exercise 180. Complete the sentences with could, couldn’t or managed to.

1. I _____ speak French really well when I lived in Paris.

2. He _____ repair the car, but it took him a long time.

3. At last I _____ make her understand what I wanted.

4. We wanted to go to the opera, but we _____ get tickets.

5. I _____ swim across the river, but it was harder than I expected.

6. All three children _____ ride as well as they _____ walk.

7. Fortunately, I _____ get her address from her office.

8. I don’t know how the cat _____ get through the window, but it did.

9. He _____ already walk when he was ten months old.

10. After the accident, she somehow _____ walk home.

Exercise 181. Fill in: can, was/were able to, could/couldn’t, had been able to, should be able to.

1. You _____ run much faster when you were younger.

2. On entering the house I _____ smell something burning in the kitchen.

3. Ann _____ read by now; she’s already six.

4. If you work quickly, you _____ finish on time.

5. When we lived on the coast, we _____ swim in the sea every day.

6. If Gordon _____ find his way out of the jungle, he would have survived.

7. Last week he _____ arrange a meeting with the Prime Minister.

8. I’m not usually very good at tennis, but yesterday I _____ beat my brother.

9. Tom _____ finish this today, shouldn’t he?

10. He _____ fix the tap so he called a plumber.

Exercise 182. Fill in the blanks with can/can’t or be able to/be not able to in the proper form.

1. He _____ speak English rather fluently, but that time he _____ say a word.

2. He has never _____ speak in public.

3. I used to _____ speak German very well.

4. You _____ marry her, but you _____ make her love you.

5. I _____ do it on Friday, but I __ do it next week.

6. _____ you give me a lift to the station, please?

7. I used _____ eat a kilo of sweets for supper.

8. I have never _____ ride a bicycle.

9. You _____ see him at the meeting. He was ill.

10. I’d like _____ ski very well.

11. Luckily I _____ find a taxi.

12. I _____ drive when I was fifteen.

13. I _____ hear somebody running.

14. He did not want to go there, but we _____ to persuade him.

15. She sighed. I _____ feel her hands shaking.

Exercise 183. Complete the sentences with can/could see, hear, feel, smell, taste with the meaning as a progressive form.

1. I _____ something burning. What do you think it is?

2. He opened his eyes, but to his horror he _____ nothing.

3. Through my study window I _____ mountains.

4. I _____ Susan practicing the piano next door; it sounds nice.

5. This isn’t my coffee – I _____ sugar in it.

6. He thought he _____ something crawling up his leg, but when he looked he _____ anything.

7. Spring is coming: you _____ snowdrops in all the gardens.

8. I _____ the cats fighting in the kitchen: can you go and put them out?

Exercise 184. Rewrite these sentences using can/could to express permission and what is normally allowed.

1. I’d like to talk to you for a minute, Bill?

Can I talk to you for a minute, Bill?

2. I would like to use your phone.

3. I would like to stop work early today.

4. Take my bike if you want to.

5. Are children allowed to go into pubs?

6. I don’t want to come into my room.

7. I would like to speak to Jane, if she’s there.

8. I would like to have some coffee.

9. Are students allowed to use this library?

10. I would like to pay you tomorrow.

Exercise 185. Rewrite these sentences, beginning with I can …, Can I …?, You can …, Can you?, Could you …? or I wonder if you could …? to express offers, requests and instructions.

1. Would you like me to take your coat?

2. Start cooking supper now, please.

3. I’d be glad if you would translate this for me.

4. Why not watch a video if you don’t now what to do?

5. I don’t mind feeding the horses, if you’d like to.

6. I’d be glad if you would lend me 5$.

7. Tell me when it’s time to go.

8. I’d be grateful if you would tell me when it’s time to call a taxi.

9. Why don’t you spend the day with us if you are free on Saturday?

10. Read this book, please.

Exercise 186. Open the brackets with could (expressing a possibility) or could have (expressing a possibility that did not happen).

1. A car is pulling up. It could (be) Lucy.

2. He could (get) a credit, but he did not prepare all the documents in time. 3. Why didn’t you ask me? I could (do) it for you.

4. He could (be) there tomorrow.

5. They could (be) there lie.

6. You should have told us about your delay. We could (cancel) our meeting.

7. He could (do) it if he tries.

8. Somebody has called on you today. – It could (be) a friend of mine.

9. I think he could (commit) a crime, but he’s got an alibi.

10. The train arrives at 11.30. She could (come) at noon.

Exercise 187. Complete the sentences with cold have … to talk about ‘unreal’ past situations that are the opposite of what really happened and to criticize people for not doing things.

1. He (pay) me last week.

He could have paid me last week.

2. You (kill) somebody, driving like that.

3. I (phone) you, but I didn’t have your number.

4. If my parents hadn’t been so poor, I (go) to university.

5. It’s his fault she left him; he (be) nicer to her.

6. I (put) more salt in the soup.

7. If you needed money, you (ask me).

8. “We got lost in the mountains.” “You fools – you (take) a map.”

9. You (tell) me you were bringing your friends to supper.

10. You (wash) my jeans after you borrowed them.

Exercise 188. Express your surprise and disbelief using can/could.

A in interrogative sentences.

Example: He is working now.

Can/could he be working now?

1. He was at the party yesterday.

2. They are in Germany.

3. He has broken his leg.

4. He has passed his English exam.

5. She’s got married.

6. He studies at Cambridge University.

7. She has been practicing the violin for live years.

8. He has made an interesting report.

9. They will go to the Canaries next summer.

10. She will be forty in June.

B in negative sentences.

Example: He bought a new car.

He can’t/couldn’t have bought a car.

1. You are mistaken.

2. They forgot about the meeting.

3. He is writing a new novel now.

4. She has bought a new fur coat.

5. He had an accident.

6. She wastes a lot of time.

7. They upset our plans.

8. He was a cruel man.

9. She can go out.

10. They were sent to prison.

Exercise 189. Complete the sentences with can’t have … to talk about things that are not certain to have happened, or that we suppose (but don’t know definitely) have happened.

1. “Where’s Phil?” “I don’t know. He (go) home.”

2. “How are the builders getting on?” “They (finish) by now. I’ll go and see.”

3. “Ann isn’t here.” “Surely she (forget) – I reminded her yesterday.”

4. The garden’s all wet. It (rain) in the night.

5. “We went to Dublin for the weekend.” “That (be) a nice change.”

6. “Who phoned?” “She didn’t give her name. It (be) Lucy.”

7. He (spend) all his money. I gave him 10$ only yesterday!

8. I (find) a new job. I’ll know for certain tomorrow.

9. The car’s got a big dent in the side. Bernie (have) an accident.

10. They’re not at home. They (go) away for the weekend.

Exercise 190. Translate into English.

1. Майк еще не может читать такие сложные книги.

2. Я уже могу делать такие чертежи.

3. Мы можем начать эту работу сейчас же.

4. Я не могла заниматься английским языком в прошлом году, я была занята.

5. Они не могли поехать за город в прошлые выходные.

6. Он может очень хорошо чинить машины.

7. Он может купить нам книги? – Думаю, что может.

8. Я надеюсь, что смогу сделать это сам.

9. Она сможет дать тебе эту книгу через 2 недели.

10. Он не смог встретить нас вчера.

11. Я смогу поговорить с ней только позавчера.

12. Он не сможет помочь тебе в этом сложном деле.

13. Ты сможешь написать доклад к понедельнику?

14. Я могу заваривать чай.

15. В прошлом году я не умела кататься на коньках, а в этом году катаюсь хорошо.o criticise lly allowed.000000000000000000000000000000000000

Exercise 191. Translate into English using can/could to express incredulity, doubt, as­tonishment and supposition.

1. He может быть, чтобы они уже знали об этом вчера. Я только вчера вечером все решил.

2. Неужели он не сумеет отстоять своё мнение на за­седании совета директоров?

3. Не может быть, чтобы вы там были вчера: я там тоже была и не видела вас там.

4. Как они могли оставить её в таком неловком поло­жении? Неужели никто так и не пришел ей на по­мощь?

5. Они вполне могли забыть о том, что им надо быть дома в девять: дети так увлечены игрой!

6. Он вполне мог уйти на рыбалку рано утром и не предупредить вас. В этом случае он вернется к обеду.

7. Ты мог бы и присмотреть за бабушкой в моё от­сутствие: ты же знаешь, как она стара и слаба и что она не может обходиться без помощи.

8. Вряд ли он забыл о своем обещании, я напомнила ему об этом вчера.

Exercise 192. Translate into English.

1. Не может быть, чтобы Пит был вчера дома в это время. Я видел его в кафе на углу улицы.

2. Неужели Род насыпал в чай соль вместо сахара?

3. Возможно, Раймонд и заходил к Ивановым, когда был в Москве.

4. Кейт могла бы участвовать в кулинарном конкурсе, но не захотела.

5. Не может быть, чтобы Дейв спал сейчас. Обычно он обедает в это время.

6. Не может быть, чтобы Энн так ответила Вам.

7. Сэм мог бы приехать завтра.

8. Вряд ли Боб забыл о своем обещании.

9. Маленький Питер не мог прочитать эту книгу так быстро, она слишком трудна для него.

10. Разве мог кто-нибудь подумать, что они выиграют матч.

4.2. May

Exercise 193. Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the modal verb may.

1. May I come in?

2. Pat may be at home, but I’m not sure. Ann might be at home as well.

3. According to the radio, it may rain today. It might even snow.

4. The game may not finish before ten.

5. May I help you, sir?

6. Jumping out of the window like that – he might have broken his leg.

7. You might have let me know you weren’t coming – I stayed in all evening.

8. I may have left the keys here this morning – have you seen them?

9. They may not have arrived.

10. May I try your jacket on?

11. Mother said that we might go to the cinema.

12. May I ask you the time?

13. May I help you with this suitcase?

14. May I make a personal phonecall?

15. Children may not be left unaccompanied.

16. You may not smoke here.

17. May I have a cup of coffee, please?

Exercise 194. Paraphrase the following sentences using may/might.

1. Under our office rules you are allowed to make one photocopy for your personal use but you can’t make multiple copies.

2. This possibly the reason why they have refused to join us.

3. Perhaps I will have to take her to hospital; it is possible she has broken her arm in the accident.

4. It is possible he did not have her phone number.

5. When the World Cup was shown on TV, I was allowed to stay up late and watch it.

6. Perhaps your friend will help you, but I don’t believe it.

7. Maybe they did not know that the problem was so urgent.

8. Would you mind my smoking here?

9. Perhaps she has made a mistake, but I am not sure of it. She is a very punctual person.

Exercise 195. Make sentences with may/might to say that something is possible at present or was possible in the past.

Examples: “Do you know if Jack is in his office?”

I’m not sure. He may be in his office.”

“Do you know if he was serious?”

I’m not sure. He might have been serious.”

1. “Do you know if they are married?”

2. “Do you know if she wants to go?”

3. “Do you know if he’s telling the truth?”

4. “Do you know if he has a car?”

5. “Do you know if they were looking for?”

6. “Do you know if she was ill?”

7. “Do you know if she told anybody?”

8. “Do you know if they were listening?”

9. “Does she want to go?”

10. “Is he telling the truth?”

11. “Are they ready?”

Exercise 196. Use may/might to talk about future plans. But you are not sure what is going to happen.

Example: Where are you going for your holidays? (to Italy???)

I haven’t finally decided but I may (or might) go to Italy.

1. “What sort of car are you going to buy?” (a Mercedes???)

“I’m not sure yet but I …”

2. “What are you doing this weekend?” (go to London???)

“I don’t know for sure but …”

3. “Where are you going to hang that picture?” (in the dining-room???)

“I haven’t made up my mind yet but …”

4. “When is Tom coming to see us?” (tomorrow evening???)

“I’m not sure but …”

5. “What‘s Jill going to do when she leaves school?” (a secretarial course???)

“She hasn’t decided yet but …”

6. “What film are you going to watch tonight?” (Star Wars???)

“I’m not sure but …”

Exercise 197. Use words in brackets to talk about possible happenings.

Example: Do you think it will rain this afternoon? (may)

I may rain this afternoon.

Do you think Ann will come to the party? (might not)

She might not come to the party.

1. Do you think Tom will be late? (may)

2. Do you think Ann will be able to find out house? (might not)

3. Do you think there’ll be an election this year? (might)

4. Do you think Tony will pass the exam? (may not)

5. Do you think they will be waiting for us when we arrive? (might)

6. Do you think it’ll snow later? (may)

Exercise 198. Fill in the blanks with may/might followed by the appropriate form of the infinitive in brackets.

1. “I think we (to go) skiing to Austria next February. I hope we'll do, Jacob is so keen on skiing.”

2. “Where is Val?” “I am not certain ... I think he (to play) squash. Let's go and see if I am right.”

3. “Where is Val?” “I have heard something about his love for plants and flow­ers. So he (to go) already to the Botanic Gardens without waiting for us.”

4. Take your camera with you. There you (to come across) some­ thing worth remembering.

5. “Why is he so impatient about returning home as soon as possible?” “He (to hear) from his family and (to learn) something that makes him return in a hurry.”

6. Don't turn off the light: Father (to come back) after dark.

7. “Where do you suppose Bob is now?” “He (to be) in New York.”

8. “Molly, do you know where Mum (to put) her laptop?” “No, though I think it (to lie) still in the hall”.

Exercise 199. Make sentences to explain each situation.

Example: I can’t find George anywhere. I wonder where he is.

  1. (he might/go/shopping) He might have gone shopping.

  2. (he could/play/tennis) He could be playing tennis.

1. Look! Sue is going out. I wonder where she’s going.

a) (she may/go/to the theater)

b) (she could/go/to the party)

2. Why didn’t Tom answer the doorbell? I’m sure he was in the house at the time.

a) (he may/go/to bed early)

b) (he might not/hear/the bell)

c) (he could/be/in the bath)

3. I wonder where Tom was going when you saw him.

a) (he might/go/to work)

b) (he may/go/shopping)

4. How do you think the fire started?

a) (someone may/drop/a cigarette)

b) it could/be/an electrical fault)

5. George didn’t come to the party. I wonder why not.

a) (he might/have/to go somewhere else)

b) he may/not/know about it)

Exercise 200. Fill in the blanks with may/might or can/could and make all necessary changes.

1. You _____ (warn) me about it beforehand.

2. The weather is changing. It _____ (start) raining.

3. No, he _____ (not hear) your name. We tried to speak in a whisper.

4. He _____ (not hear) your name. That’s why he did not say anything.

5. She _____ (not notice) us. We were standing too far away.

6. She _____ (not notice) us though we were standing beside her.

7. _____ I use your name as a referee?

8. _____ I use your phone?

9. She _____ (not hear) the news, that’s why she looks as if nothing had happened.

10. She _____ (not hear) the news, nobody _____ tell her about it.

11.The professor says that I _____ (rewrite) the essay.

12. He _____ (help) them when they were in trouble.

13. _____ he (say) it? No, it’s not like him. He is a man of few words.

Exercise 201. Paraphrase the following sentences using may/might and can/could.

1. Perhaps she was busy yesterday and couldn’t finish the task in time.

2. Is it possible that he is a good tennis player? I have never known him to be a sportsman.

3. Perhaps you forgot to lock the car.

4. It is impossible that he should know about his sister’s arrival.

5. Perhaps he will come in time.

6. Perhaps he is having lunch now.

7. It is possible that he has already come and you will soon hear from him.

8. It is impossible, I think, to cross this river: it is too wide and full-flowing.

Exercise 202. Make up situations to show the use of the modal verbs.

1. He may telephone yet.

2. He may not have recognized you.

3. You may have fallen.

4. He may be reading in his room.

5. He may not be in now.

6. He may not have been in when you called him up.

7. He can’t have heard from his family.

8. He can be hiding somewhere.

9. He can’t possibly have done it.

Exercise 203. Translate into English using may/might.

1. Можно мне посмотреть этот журнал?

2. Вам нельзя оставлять ребенка одного, он слишком маленький.

3. Теперь можешь делать все, что захочешь.

4. Они, может быть, еще дома.

5. Питер, может быть, работает в саду.

6. Боб может прийти в любой момент.

7. Кейт может изменить решение.

8. Надеюсь, мне разрешать поехать в Москву на каникулы.

9. Не думаю, что им разрешать делать всю работу самим.

10. Когда мне разрешат выходить на улицу.

Exercise 204. Translate into English using may/might.

1. Никто точно не знает, где Джек. Может быть, он в офисе. Также, возможно, что он обедает в кафе напротив.

2. Я нигде не могу найти сумку. – Возможно, ты оставила ее в магазине.

3. Интересно, почему Анн не пришла на собрание? – Может быть, она не знала об этом.

4. Не знаю, куда я поеду в отпуск. Возможно, во Францию.

5. По прогнозу погоды, возможно, будет днем дождь.

6. Я не могу помочь тебе. Почему бы тебе не попросить Тома. Может быть, он поможет тебе.

7. Не звони мне вечером. Возможно, я буду смотреть футбольный матч.

8. Может пообедаем? – Почему бы и нет.

Exercise 205. Translate into English.


a) Может быть, пойдёт снег.

b) Может быть, снега не будет.

c) Не может быть, чтобы пошёл снег.

d) Неужели будет снег?


a) Может быть, он знает вас.

b) Может быть, он не знает вас.

c) Не может быть, чтобы он знал вас.

d) Неужели он вас знает?


a) Может быть, они ждут нас.

b) Может быть, они не ждут нас.

c) Не может быть, чтобы они ждали нас.

d) Неужели они нас ждут?


a) Может быть, он потерял ключ.

b) Может быть, он и не потерял ключ.

c) Не может быть, чтобы он потерял ключ.

d) Не ужели он потерял ключ?