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English for law students(2011-2012).doc
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Prison, school, bed, sea, hospital

1. The minute we reached the beach, the children ran into _________. 2. My brother is in the navy. He is at _______ for months sometimes. 3. I usually go to _________ about 11 pm to get a good night’s sleep. 4. The cat is sleeping on ________. 5. The Prime Minister visited _________ yesterday and talked to the prisoners. 6. The man who robbed the bank is in ________ now. 7. The ambulance took the injured people to _________. 8. I must go to _________ to visit my aunt. She’s had an operation. 9. We saw the children in their classrooms as we walked past _________. 10. I want to go to university when I leave __________.

3. Choose the correct alternative.

1. Catherine loves cats / the cats. 2. Look at cats / the cats. 3. I don’t like coffee / the coffee but I like tea / the tea. 4. You cut cake / the cake and I’ll pour coffee / the coffee. 5. Life / The life will be different in the future. 6. Life / The life of a mayfly is extremely short. 7. I enjoy swimming / the swimming in the sea. 8. Children / The children usually like playing games. 9. Children / The children have gone to the park. 10. All people / the people in this room are my relatives. 11. All people / the people should have freedom of speech. 12. Villages / The villages in this part of the country are very beautiful 13. Breakfast / The breakfast is the most important meal of day / the day. 14. Paul was only / the only person who remembered me. 15. In Stone Age / the Stone Age, people lived in caves. 16. I would like to travel to Spain / the Spain. 17. We travelled to London by train / the train. 18. He is learning to play flute / the flute.

4. Fill in a, an, the where necessary.

1. Shall we have ____ lunch at ____ home or go to ____ Royal Oak? 2. ____ Prince Philip visited ____ Royal Albert Hall yesterday. 3. ____ Peter’s Bar is situated in ____ Terminal 1 at ____ Heathrow Airport. 4. ____ Browns were ____ first to leave ____ party at ____ midnight. 5. We landed at ____ Charles de Gaulle airport in ____ Paris and were met by ____ ambassador in person. 6. Tim’s gone to ____ hospital to pick up ____ results of ____ tests ____ Mum had ____ last week. 7. ____ most world maps are out of date now, due to ____ political events which have taken place recently. 8. ____ Chicago Bulls, from ____ USA are one of ____ best-known basketball teams. 9. When ____ Berlin Wall was pulled down it was ____ great moment in ____ history. 10. Lots of people go for ____ exotic holidays in ____ Asia, but you must take care not to catch ____ malaria. 11. We decided to go to ____ island of Sicily last summer and we’ve decided to go to ____ island again this year; either to ____ Rhodes or ____Canaries. 12. In ____ Jerusalem we visited ____ Dome of the Rock and ____ Church of the Holy Sepulchre and saw the site of ____ Solomon’s Temple. 13. Lots of people are without jobs in ____ city, so ____ government has decided to give ____ unemployed special benefits. 14. Tarzan, ____ Lord of ____ Jungle, had a friend called ____ Cheetah. 15. Many people go climbing in ____ mountains like ____ Alps or ____ Himalayas. 16. ____ English spend their holiday in hot countries because they enjoy going to ____ beach. 17. ____ royal yacht sailed across ____ Indian Ocean. 18. You’ll find my house if you walk along ____ Green Street and turn right into ____ High Street. 19. Many of ____ England’s young men died in ____ First World War. 20. ____ Vatican City is one of ____ most beautiful places in ____ Rome. 21. ____ people from ____ Brazil dance ____ samba really well. 22. We went to ____ pub rather than ____ cinema because ____ Father wanted to.

5. Fill in the correct article.

A) ____ football team who have won ____ World Cup ____ most times is ____ Brazil. They have won ____ competitions four times. ____ team also hold ____ record for ____ greatest number of ____ goals scored overall and have played in every one of ____ tournament’s finals.

B) ____ tallest man in ____ world was born in ____ USA in 1918. His name was ____ Robert Wadlow and ____ last time he was measured, in 1940, he had reached a height of 2.72 m. His hands were 32.4 cm from ____ wrist to tip of ____ middle finger.

C) ____ David was waiting at ____ King’s Cross Station. He was about to travel to ____ Newcastle by ____ train for ____ job interview. However, ____ train was late and he had been standing on ____ platform for over ____ hour.

D) I take ____ bus to ____ school every day I leave ____ house at eight o’clock in ____ morning. It is ____ five-minute walk from my house to ____ bus-stop. ____ journey to school takes about ____ quarter of ____ hour.

E) ____ Queen is going to visit ____ Bridgeford next week to open ____ new hospital which has been built in ____ town. It will be ____ exciting event which all ____ local people will attend.

F) ____ Stuart has got ____ cold, so he has to stay in ____ bed. His mother has made him ____ bowl of soup and he has got ____ box of tissues on his ____ bedside table. He will probably spend most of ____ day sleeping.

6. Read the following proverbs and fill in a, an, the or -.

1. ____ Rome wasn’t built in ____ day. 2. ____ actions speak louder than ____ words. 3. ____ apple ____ day keeps ____ doctor away. 4. When in ____ Rome, do as Romans do. 5. Where there is ____ will, there is ____ way. 6. You can’t teach ____ old dog ____ old tricks. 7. You can’t get ____ blood from ____ stone. 8. You can’t make ____ omelette without breaking ____ eggs. 9. ____ more you get, ____ more you want. 10. ____ more ____ merrier. 11. ____ home is where ____ heart is. 12. Fire is ____ good servant but ____ bad master.

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