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2.5. Прочтите предложения и употребите глаголы, данные в скобках в нужной форме.


When I (see) Tom tomorrow, I (invite) him to our party.

When I see Tom tomorrow, I’ll invite him to our party.

1. Before you (leave) the classroom, don’t forget to shut the windows and clean the blackboard.

2. I (phone) you as soon as I (arrive) in London.

3. Everyone (be) surprised if he (pass) his English examination.

4. When you (see) Brian again, you (not/recognize) him.

5. We (not/start) dinner until Jack (arrive).

6. If I (need) any help, I (ask) you.

7. If you (eat) another cake, you (be) sick.

8. You (fail) your exam if you (not/study) hard.

9. Our children and grandchildren (suffer) is we (not/look after) our planet.

10. If you (be) late, I (go) without you.

11. If she (pass) her driving test, she (buy) a car.

12. When he (graduate) from the university, he (be) a teacher of English.

►►► Согласование времен

He says

1) that he works hard.

2) that he worked hard.

3) that he will work hard.

He said

1) that he worked hard.

2) that he had worked hard.

3) that he would work hard.

2.6. Проанализируйте приведенные примеры в правой и левой колонках, затем пе­реведите предложения, обращая внимание на согласование времен.

1. Не says that he knows your friend.

2. She thinks that you passed your examination in physics.

3. They know you will graduate from the Institute the next year.

4 The teacher asks if you can write English.

5 She wants to know whether you completed your work yesterday.

6 She says she has seen that magazine in our library.

7 We know that the young writer is working on a novel.

1. He said that he knew your friend.

2. She thought that you had passed your examination in physics.

3. They knew you would graduate from the Institute next year.

4. The teacher asked if you could write English.

5. She wanted to know whether you had completed your work the day before.

6. She said she had seen that magazine in our library.

7. We knew that the young writer was working on a novel.

1. I did not know that my friend's son had failed in chemistry.

2. They thought I could drive a car.

3 The boy said he had scarcely enough money to return home

4. I knew he was experimenting for hours.

5 They said that they had chosen their course and nothing could turn them from it.

6. We considered that she had already obtained her Master's degree in mathematics

7. The student said that he could not translate the article without a dictionary.

8 I did not think that she would be refused a better room for her research.

9. He asks if he may keep this book as long as he needs it.

10. They told the child that the weather was fine and he could have a walk for two hours.

11. He asked how normal temperature was maintained m the underground.

12. He asked whether m the early days the trains had been driven by locomotives which burnt coal.

13. He said that entirely automatic driving would be developed