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Английский для бухгалтеров.doc
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2.2. Дополните предложения, используя слова в рамке. Обращайте внимание на формы глаголов.

to boil; to close; to cost; to cost; to like; to like; to meet; to open;

to speak; to teach; to wash

1. Margaret ... four languages.

2. In Britain the banks usually … at 9.30 in the morning.

3. The City Museum … at 5 o'clock in the evening.

4. Tina is a teacher. She … mathematics to young children.

5. My job is very interesting. I … a lot of people.

6. Peter … his car twice a week.

7. Food is expensive. It … a lot of money.

8. Shoes are expensive. They … a lot of money

9. Water … at 100 degrees Celsius.

10. Julia and I are good friends. I … her and she … me.

2.3. В десяти предложениях глагол употреблен не верно, а в двух верно. Исправь ошибки, где это необходимо.

1. David never take the bus to work. 2. Go you to the office every day? 3. My car don't work when it is cold. 4. What time the film starts? 5. Ben's sister don't speak French but Ben do. 6. How many eggs you want for breakfast? 7. Does the 9.30 train stop at every station? 8. What does do your father? 9. I not write many letters. I usually use the telephone. 10. What Sue usually have for lunch? 11. How much do these apples cost? 12. Charlie plays basketball but he doesn't enjoys it.

2.4. Составьте предложения, используя слова данные в скобках.

1. (always / early / Sue / arrive) Sue …

2. (basketball / I / play / often) I …

3. (work / Margaret / hard / usually) Margaret …

4. (Jenny / always / nice clothes / wear) Jenny …

5. (dinner / we / have / always / at 7.30) We …

6. (television / Tim / watch / never) Tim …

7. (like / chocolate / children / usually) Children …

2.5. Поставьте данные ниже утвердительные предложения в отрицательную форму.

1. My friend lives in Moscow. My friend does not live in Moscow.

2. He often writes letters to his parents.

3. The teacher asks many questions at the lesson.

4. The lecture begins at 9 o’clock.

5. I play the piano very well.

6. They know my phone number.

7. We work very hard.

8. I buy a newspaper every day but sometimes.

9. My friend reads much about politics.

10. Paul drives his car every day.

11. My mother likes films about animals.

12. Students usually study many subjects.

2.6. Образуйте вопросительные предложения.

1. I like chocolate. And you? Do you like chocolate? 2. I play tennis twice a week. And you? 3. Tom plays football every day. And you? 4. You live near the University. And your friends? 5. You speak English. And your brother? 6. I do exercises every morning. And you? 7. Sue often goes away. And you? 8. I want to be famous. And you? 9. You work very hard. And your groupmates? 10. She goes to the library every evening. And your sister?

2.7. Образуйте вопросительные предложения, используя do, does. Обращайте внимание на порядок слов.

1. (where / live / your parents?) Where do your parents live?

2. (you / early / always / get up?)

3. (how often / TV / you / watch?)

4. (you / want / what / for dinner?)

5. (like / you / football?)

6. (your brother / like / football?)

7. (what / you / do / in the evenings?)

8. (your sister / work / where?)

9. (to the cinema / often / you / go?)

10. (what / mean / this word?)

11. (often / snow / it / here?)

12. (go / usually / to bed / what rime / you?)

2.8. Правильно прочитайте глаголы, обращая внимание на произношение –ed.

Asked, helped, studied, opened, introduced, defended, decided, lived, graduated, worked, listened, communicated, prepared, translated, discussed, wanted, walked, enjoyed, skied, skated, married, cleaned, washed, dressed, lasted, stayed, watched.

2.9. Укажите форму Past Indefinite у следующих глаголов.

Get, write, read, see, play, pay, visit, study, buy, go, drink, be, copy, know, put, speak, sit, take, make, finish, ask, teach, bring, watch.

2.10. Дополните предложения, используя слова данные в рамке в Past Indefinite.

Clean, die, enjoy, finish, happen, open, rain, start, stay, want

1. I … my teeth three times yesterday.

2. It was hot in the room, so I … the window.

3. The concert … at 7.30 and at … 10 o’clock.

4. When I was a child, I … to be a doctor.

5. The accident … last Sunday afternoon.

6. It is a nice day today but yesterday it … all day.

7. We … our holiday last year. We … at a very nice place.

8. Ann’s grandfather … when he was 90 years old.

2.11. Дополните историю о дне Мэри. Используйте слова и выражения, приведенные в рамке.

did some work; 8 a.m., Spaghetti, the sports centre, 9 a.m., an Italian restaurant, half an hour later, my brother, a birthday present, bus, 1 p.m.

I left home at (1) … yesterday morning and went to college by (2) … . I arrived there (3) … . My lessons began at (4) … and finished at (5) … . I went to (6) … for lunch. I met (7) … there and we had lunch together. We both ate (8) … . After lunch, I bought (9) … for my father, and my brother went to (10) … to play volleyball. In the evening I stayed at home and (11) … .