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УМК для заочников -право 2009.doc
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The past simple tense

Past simpleправильных глаголов образуется путем прибавления во всех лицах окончания

-edк форме инфинитива.

Утвердительная Отрицательная форма Вопросительная

форма форма

Полная Сокращенная

I stayed I did not stay I didn’t stay Did I stay?

You stayed You did not stay You didn’t stay Did you stay?

He stayed He did not stay He didn’t stay Did he stay?

She stayed She did not stay She didn’t stay Did she stay?

It stayed It did not stay It didn’t stay Did it stay?

We stayed We did not stay We didn’t stay Did we stay?

You stayed You did not stay You didn’t stay Did you stay?

They stayed They did not stay They didn’t stay Did they stay?


1. Одноразовое действие, завершившееся в прошлом с такими обозначениями времени,

как yesterday вчера, last night вчера вечером, last week (month, year) на прошлой неделе

(в прошлом месяце, году) ,an hour (a week, a month, a year) ago час (неделю, месяц, год)

тому назад, in 1987 и др.

We moved to London ten years ago. Мы переехали в Лондон десять лет


2. Повторяющееся действие в прошлом.

Iplayed footballeverydaywhenIwasКогда я был ребенком, я играл в

achild. футбол каждый день.

3. Последовательность действий в прошлом.

I got up, had breakfast and went to work. Я встал, позавтракал и пошел на



Упр. 17. Употребите глаголы в Present Simple или в Past Simple.

James usually 1) finishes work at 4.30 p.m. Yesterday he 2) ___________ work at 1.00 p.m.

He usually 3) ____________(go) home by train. Yesterday he 4) ____________ home by taxi.

He usually 5) __________(have) dinner at home. Yesterday he 6)____________ dinner at a restaurant with his friends. He usually 7) ___________(go) to bed early. Yesterday he 8) __________ to bed late because it 9) _________(be) his birthday.

Упр. 18. Составьте общие вопросы по образцу.

Пример: Jill often runs for the bus in the morning. (yesterday morning)

Did she run for the bus yesterday morning?

1. Jack usually does to work by car. (today).

2. Steve often stays in his office till 8 p.m. (last night)

3. Jill usually goes shopping on Fridays. (last Friday)

4. Vary usually comes home late on Monday. (last Monday)

5. Victor often takes a taxi to get to work. (today)

6. Mike often phones us. (yesterday)

7. He often visits his parents. (lastweek).

Упр. 19. Составьте специальные вопросы по образцу.

Пример: Mary bought a lot of things. (what)

What did she buy?

1. I paid a lot for the computer. (how much)

2. We had dinner early today. (what time)

3. I found my umbrella. (where)

4. I came early today (when)

5. We often went to the cinema last month (how often)

6. The lesson started 5 minutes ago. (when)

7. My father saw the President. (Who)

8. We traveled to France by sea. (How)

9. I wrote three letters yesterday. (How many)

10. My sister gave me a beautiful ring for my birthday. (What)

11. I did my shopping yesterday. (What)

12. Ann stated work in a bank last week. (When)

13. I took a lot of photographs when I was in Paris. (How many)

14. I went to Moscow because I wanted to see the Kremlin. (Why)

15. Paul met his girl-friend at the discos. (Where)

16. My friends and I had dinner at the restaurant. (What)

Упр. 20. В одном из предложений допущена ошибка. Выберите правильное


1. a He bought some new shoes

B He buyed some new shoes.

2. a Where did you go yesterday?

b Where you went yesterday?

3. a You see Lane last week?

b Did you see Jane last week?

4. a Did she found a job?

B Did she find a job?

5. a We didn’t enjoyed the film.

b We didn’t enjoy the film.

6. a I didn’t go out last night.

b I don’t go out last night.

7. a I was to school for the first time when I was six.

b I went to school for the first time when I was six.

8. a Last night I have dinner with friends.

b Last night I have dinner with friends.

Упр. 21. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Simple или Past Simple.

Tommy Brown 1) _____is_____ (be) a real story-teller. No one 2) _____________(believe) what he 3) ___________(say) because he always 4) _________________(tell) lies. He 5)______________ (live) in a small village and 6) ______________(work) on a farm near his village.

One night last week Tommy 7) _______________(finish) work late. It 8) ______________(be) dark and cold. Suddenly he 9) ________________ (hear) a strange noise so he 10) ___________ (look up). It 11) _____________(be) a UFO with bright flashing lights. It 12) ___________ (come down) towards him and he 13) ________________ (see) two green men looking at him. He 14) _______________ (scream), 15) ________________ (drop) his bag and 16) ___________ (run away).

When he 17) ______________ (arrive) at the village he 18) ______________ (meet) some villagers and 19) _________________ (start) to tell them the news but they all 20) ___________ (laugh) at him. Noone21) _________________(believe)Tommy.