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УМК для заочников -право 2009.doc
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The present continuous tense

Present Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в настоящем времени (am, is, are) и формы причастия настоящего времени смыслового глагола: I am working, he is working, we are working.

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная

I am working I’m working I am not working I’m not working Am I working?

You are working You’re working You are not working You aren’t working Are you working?

He is working He’s working He is not working He isn’t working Is he working?

She is working She’s working She is not working She isn’t working Is she working?

It is working It’s working It is not working It isn’t working Is it working?

We are working We’re working We are not working We aren’t working Are we working?

You are working You’re working You are not working You aren’t working Are you working/

They are working They’re working They are not working They aren’t working Are they working?


1. Для выражения длительного действия, совершающегося в момент речи.

He is reading a book now. Он читает книгу (сейчас).

Don’t make any noise, they are sleeping. Не шумите, они спят.

2. Для выражения длительного действия, происходящего в настоящее время, хотя и не

обязательно в момент речи.

He is writing a new play. Он пишет новую пьесу.

Примечание: Следует иметь в виду, что глаголы, выражающие чувства, восприятия и умственную деятельность, обычно не употребляются в формахContinuous. Среди этих глаголов:to hear слышать, to see видеть, to feel чувствовать, to want хотеть, to like нравиться,to know знать, to understand понимать to believe верить и др.

В формах Continuousтакже не употребляются глаголы “to beбытьиto haveиметь(в значениивладеть, обладать).

Упр. 8. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Present Continuous Tense.

1. She _____________ (not work), she ____________ (swim) in the river.

2. He ____________ (teach) his son to dive.

3. Why _________ Ann _________ (not wear) her new dress?

4. The airplane _________ (fly) at 2,000 meters.

5. What _________Tom _________ (do) now? He _________ (clean) his shoes.

6. ______it _________ (rain)? - Yes, it _________ (rain) very hard. You can't go out yet.

7. Why _________you _________ (mend) that old shirt?

8. - Who _________ (move) the furniture about upstairs?

- It's Tom. He _________ (paint) the front bedroom.

9. Mrs Jones __________(sweep) the steps outside her house.

10. - What _____you _________ (read) now? - I _________ (read) “Crime and Punishment”.

11. It is a lovely day. The sun _________ (shine) and the birds ____________ (sing).

12. Someone ____________ (knock) at the door. Shall I answer it?

13. Why ______you _________ (make) a cake? _______ someone _________ (come) to tea?

14. Where is Tom? - He ________ (lie) under the car.

15. - _________you _________ (do) anything this evening? - No, I'm not.

16. Oh, no! It _______________(rain). What a pity!

17. We _______________(drink) champagne because it’s our wedding anniversary.

18. I ________________(work) hard because we have exams next week.

19. What _______ Pete _____________(do) on the floor? – He _______________(look) for his glasses.

20. – Why _______ you ___________(run)? - Because I _____________(go) to a party and I’m late.

21. The photocopier __________________(not work). Phone the engineer.

Упр. 9. Составьте предложения по образцу.

1. The children / have / breakfast. The children are having breakfast now.

2. She / watch TV.

3. They / come / out of the house.

4. Mary / write / a letter?

5. The boys / run / to school.

6. Mother / make / a cake.

7. The girls / sit / in the living room?

8. We / not / go / to the cinema.

9. Tom and Jane / sing / a song?

10. My brother / not / listen / to the radio.

11. They / clean / the house?

12. Jim / ride / a bicycle.

13. She / work / in the garden now?