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УМК для заочников -право 2009.doc
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Условные предложения (conditional sentences)


Придаточное предложение

Главное предложение

Реальные, осуществимые

предположения, относящиеся к будущему времени.

If + Present Simple

If he comes late,

Если он придет поздно,


Если ты мне позвонишь,

will + Infinitive

we will miss the bus.

мы опоздаем на автобус.

I will tell you something.

я тебе кое-что расскажу.


Невероятные или


предположения, относящиеся к

настоящему или

будущему времени.

If + Past Simple

If I had money,

Если быу менябылиденьги,

If I were you,

На твоем месте

would/could + Infinitive

I would /could buy a new car.

я быкупил(смог бы купить)

новую машину.

I would see a doctor.

я бысходил к врачу.



относящиеся к прошедшему времени и явля-

ющиеся поэтому


If + Past Perfect

If I had known she was ill,

Если быязнал, что она болела,

If it hadn’t been so hot


Если быпрошлым летомне

былобы так жарко,

would /could + Present Perfect

I would have visited her.

я бы её навестил.

we could have gone to the


мы бы поехали(могли бы

поехать) на юг.

Упр. 84. Раскрывая скобки скажите каждое предложение три раза, образуя условные

предложения I, II и III типов.

E.g. If I (to see) her, I (to be) glad. 1. If I see her, I will be glad.

2. If I saw her, I would be glad.

3. If I had seen her, I would have been glad.

1. If I (to get) a ticket, I (to go) to the Philharmonic.

2. If I (to live) near the wood, I (to gather) mushrooms every day.

3. If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university.

4. If my mother buy a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea-party.

5. If my father (to return) early, we (to play) chess.

6. If I (to have) a computer, it (to help) me in my studies.

7. If my brother marries Kate, they (to live) in their own house.

8. If my grandfather (to be) younger, we (can) go running together.

9. If my girlfriend (not to be) so capricious, we (to get) on better.

Упр. 85. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме.

1. If the dog __keeps__ (keep) barking, the neighbours will complain.

2. The boss _______________(be) angry if you arrive late for work again.

3. If you _________________________ (eat) too much you’ll be sick.

4. If the weather is bad on Sunday we __________________(stay) at home.

5. You should see a doctor if you ____________________(not feel) well.

6. If you study hard you _______________________(pass) your exam.

7. The police will arrest the criminal if they ___________________(catch) him.

8. What will happen if they __________________(not bring) us that parcel?

9. If he __________________(clean) the window I’ll give him $10.

10 . If you put on the kettle I ___________________(make) the tea.

11. I __’ll give___(give) you a present if you __pass___(pass) your exams.

12. I _______________(buy) you an ice cream if you _____________(say) please.

13. If you _________________(not be) careful you ___________________(fall).

14. Ice _.________________(turn) to water if you _________________(heat) it.

15. If he __________________(invite) me I ________________(go) to his party.

16. I’m sure they ________________(steal) your car if you ____________(leave) it unlocked.

17. I’ll look for your book and if I ______________(find) it I ____________(give) you a ring.

18. If you _____________(like) a job in this company I ____________(get) you one.

Упр. 86. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме.

1. If I asked him for help, he __would help__(help) us.

2. If you ________________(paint) the walls white, the room would be much bigger.

3. I ____________________(keep) a car if I could afford it.

4. If you ___________________(change) your job, would it affect your salary?

5. If I ______________(win) a big prize, I’d give up my job.

6. What would you do if the lift _______________(get) stuck between floors?

7. If he ___________________(not smoke) so much, he would feel much healthier.

8 If I were you, I ____________________(not put on) the coat. It’s too warm today.

9. If they cleaned the windows, the room __________________(not look) so dark.

10. If the ice ___________(be) thick enough, we’d be able to walk across the river.

11. If I ________________(can) park near my office, I would come by car.

12. If he ever ___polished___(polish) his shoes, he __would look__(look) smart.

13. If he ________________(not spend) hours watching television, he ________________(have)

time to do some jobs in the house.

14. If I _____________(know) his address, I _________________(can) write to him.

15. If we _____________(have) any matches, we _______________(light) a fire.

16. We ________________(take) you to the cinema if we _____________(have) a spare ticket.

17. If someone ______________(give) you a submarine, what you _____________(do) with it?

18. If I ____________(be) you, I _________________(read) this book in the original.

19. Where ___________you (go) if you ______________(want) to buy a snake?

20. If I _____________(have) heaps of money, I ________________(drink) champagne with

every meal.

21. If you _______________(drink) champagne with every meal, you soon ____________(get)

tired of it.

22. If you ______________(go) on a diet, you _________________(lose) weight.

23. If I ______________(be) John, I ________________(marry) Amanda.

Упр. 87. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме.

1. If I __had known__ (know) you were coming, I would have baked a cake.

2. If you ____________________(arrive) ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.

3. I ___________________________(offer) to help him if I had realized that he was ill.

4. If I had realized that the traffic lights were red, I _________________________(stop).

5. If my friend ___________________(know) my address, he would have found my house.

6. If he ___________________(know) that the river was dangerous, he wouldn’t have tried

to swim across it.

7. If you hadn’t been in such a hurry, you _____________________(not put) sugar into the soup

instead of salt.

8. We ______________________(go) by air if we have had enough money.

9. I would have brought you some beer if I __________________(know) that you were thirsty.

10. If anyone had attacked me, my dog ____________________________(jump) at his throat.

11. If the doctor __had examined__ the patient more carefully, he __would have found__

something wrong with him.

12. If he __________________(study) more, he ____________________(pass) his exam easily.

13. If we ________________(invite) them, they ______________________(come) to our party.

14. If she _________________(wear) a raincoat, she _______________________(not get wet).

15. If they ________________(have) your address, they ___________________(write) to you.

16. We _______________________(visit) the museum if we __________________(have) time.

17. If it ________________(not rain), I __________________(take) the children to the beach.

18. I _____________________(can enter) the house if I _________________(not lose) my key.

19. If he _______________(have) the tickets, he ________________________(invite) us to the


20. If she ________________(have) some money on her, she ___________________(can) buy

a new dress.

21.If you _____________(write) the address properly, the parcel ______________(not get) lost.

22. We ______________________(not come) by taxi if we __________________(know) how

much it would cost.

23. The television _________________(be) all right if you ____________________(not try)


Упр. 88. Образуйте условные предложения по образцу.

Пример: She doesn’t know English well. She makes a lot of mistakes when speaking.