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сборник разг. тем для морского ф. (Ефимова).doc
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Conversational theme № 38

I. Read, translate and learn the text:

International regulations for preventing collisions at sea

The prevention of collisions at sea is a matter of con­cern to all nations. “International Regulation for Preven­ting Collisions at Sea” were internationally accepted and саmе into force in 1965.

The Regulations define what vessels and what waters the rules apply to, and spell out the meaning of basic terms. They deal with lights, the shapes of visible distinguishing marks to be displayed by different categories of vessels in varios circumstances, sound signals, and the rules for conduct in restricted visibility. Since it is in thick weather that any collisions and strandings take place, the latter rules are extremely important.

The Regulations embody the steering and sailing rules to be followed when vessels are in sight of each other. These ru­les form the 'heart of what is know as “the Rules of the Road” for power-driven vessels.

Some rules deal with sound signals for use when vessels in sight of each other alter course to port or starboard, distress signals, the essential need for constantly keeping a good look­out. The Annex lays down a code of practice for the use of radar information as an aid to avoiding collision at sea.

It is necessary to memorize the crucial rules, and to un­derstand their gist. For example, one rule requires that when two vessels are meeting end-on, each should alter coures to star­board, so that each may pass on the port side of the other. Another rule states that when two power-driven vessels are cros­sing, so as to involve risk of collision, the vessel which has the other on her own starboard side shall, keep out of the way of the other. It is clear from Regulations that the stand-on vessel (i.e. the one having right of way) should normally maintain her course and speed, while the seaman is instructed that the vessel which must keep clear should slacken speed, stop or rev­erse, if necessary in order to keep clear. One of the rules requires an overtaking vessel to keep clear.

The International Regulations cannot prevent all colli­sions, since ships are handled by men, and men can make mista­kes or errors of judgement .But strict adherence to the Regula­tions will always reduce the likelihood of disaster.


  1. International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea - МППСС /Международные правила предупреждения столкновений судов на море/

  2. come into force - вступать в

  3. spell out -определять

  4. basic terms - основные термины

  5. distinguishing marks -отличительные знаки

  6. in various circumstances - при различных обстоятельствах

  7. conduct in restricted visibility - поведение при ограниченной видимости

  8. stranding - посадка на мель

  9. embody - заключать в себе, включать

  10. to be in sight - быть в пределах видимости

  11. the Rules of the Road - правила плавания

  12. power-driven vessel - судно

  13. to keep a good look-out - вести тщательное наблюдение

  14. annex - приложение

  15. lay down - устанавливать, утверждать

  16. code of practice - практические рекомендации

  17. crucial - решающий

  18. gist -суть, сущность, главная мысль

  19. to meet end-on(head-on) - идти прямо друг на Друга

  20. to involve risk of collision - повлечь за собой опасность столкновения

  21. a stand-on vessel -судно, идущее прежним курсом /при расхождении/

  22. to slacken speed - уменьшить ход

  23. to make errors of judgement - принимать неверные /ошибочнее/ решения

  24. strict adherence -строгое соблюдение

  25. reverse - дать задний ход

  26. the likelihood of disaster - вероятность аварии


  1. What organisation elaborated the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea?

  2. What do these regulations define?

  1. What do these regulations embody?

  2. What does the Annex contain?

  3. Why is it necessary to memorize the crucial rules?