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The Complete Guide To The TOEFL Test

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__ (A) Two of __ (B) What two __ (C) Two such __ CD) If two
10. , the seeds of the Kentucky coffee plant are poisonous.
___ (A) Until they have been cooked __ (B) Cooking them
___ (C) They have been cooked __ (D) Cooked until
11. Natural silk is still highly prized _______ similar artificial fabrics. __ CA) although is available
___ (8) despite there are available
___ (C) in spite of the availability of
___ (D) even though an availability of
12. Cattle ranches are found almost ______ in Utah.
___ CA) wherever __ CB) everywhere __ CC) overall
___ (D) somewhere

136 Section 2 • Guide to Structure and Written Expression

4. advertising is so widespread in the United States, it has had an enormous effect on American life.

__ (A) Why

___ (B) The reason

___ (C) On account of

___ (D) Since

5. towards shore, its shape is changed by its collision with the shallow sea bottom.

___ CA) During a wave rolls


___ (B) As a wave rolls


___ (C) A wave rolls


___ (D) A wave's rolling


are increasingly linked over long distances by electronic communications, but


many of them still prefer face-to-face encounters.

___ CA) Although people __ (B) Despite people


__ (C) Today people


___ CD) The fact that people


together in one place, they form a community.


__ CA) When people who live


__ (B) When people living

___ (C) Whenever people live

___ CD) Whenever living people


managed by an independent governor and board of directors, the Bank of Canada

is owned by the Canadian government.

__ (A)

And yet

__ (B)

In spite of it

__ (C) Although

__ (D) It is


pieces of rope are of different thickness, the weaver's knot can be used to join


Section 2 • Guide to Structure and Written Expression 137


through a prism, a beam of white light breaks into all the colors of the rainbow.


___ (A) When shines


__ (B) It shines


___ (C) It is shone


___ (D) When shone


most people think of freezing as a relatively modern method of food preservation,

it is actually one of the oldest. __ (A) Even


__ (B) As though


___ (C) However


__ (D) Even though


large bodies of water never freeze solid is that the sheet of ice on the surface

protects the water below it from the cold air.

___ (A) Because __ (B) Why do

___ (C) The reason that

___ (D) For the reason


granted by the Patent Office, it becomes the inventor's property and he or she

can keep it,

sell it, or license it to someone else.

___ (A) Once a patent is

___ (B) When a patent

___ (C) A patent, once

___ (D) A patent, whenever it

17.Owls can hunt in total darkness ______ their remarkably keen sense of smell.

___ (A) since

___ (B) because of

___ (C) the result __ (D) that

[ H.

most bamboo blooms every year, there are some species that flower only two or


three times a century.


___ (A) Whenever


__ (B) That


__ (C) While


___ (D) However

138 Section 2 • Guide to Structure and Written Expression



Noun clauses are the third type of subordinate clause. They begin with noun-clause markers. Noun clauses that are formed from statements begin with the noun-clause marker that. Noun clauses formed from yes/no questions begin with the noun-clause markers whether or if. Those formed from information questions begin with wh- words: what, where, when, and so on.

Dr. Hopkins' office is in this building.

(statement) I'm sure that Dr. Hopkins' office is in this building.

Is Dr. Hopkins' office on this floor?

(yes/no question) I don't know if (whether) Dr. Hopkins' office is on this floor.

Where is Dr. Hopkins' office?

(information question) Please tell me where Dr. Hopkins' office is.

Notice that the word order in direct questions is not the same as it is in noun clauses. The noun clause follows statement word order (subject + verb), not question word order (auxiliary + subject + main verb). Often one of the distractors for noun-clause items will incorrectly follow question word order.

*1 don't know what is her name. (Incorrect use of question word order)

I don't know what her name is. (Correct word order)

*She called him to ask what time did his party start. (Incorrect use of question word order)

She called him to ask what time his party started. (Correct word order)

Noun clauses function exactly as nouns do: as subjects, as direct objects, or as complements after the verb to be.

When the meeting will be held has not been decided. (noun clause as subject)

The weather announcer said that there will be thunderstorms.

(noun clause as direct object)

This is what you need.

(noun clause after to be)

Notice that when the noun clause is the subject of a sentence, the verb in the main clause does not have a noun or pronoun subject.

In Structure items, the noun-clause marker, along with any other part of the noun clausesubject, verb, and so on-may be missing from the stem, or the whole noun clause may be missing.

Section 2 • Guide to Structure and Written Expression 139

T Sample Items

______ was caused by breathing (~pure'airwas once a common belief. '-----


(B)That malaria

(C)Why malaria

(D)Because malaria

Choice (A) is incorrect because there are two verbs (was caused and was) but only one subject. Choice (C) is incorrect because Why is not the appropriate noun-clause marker in this sentence; the noun clause is based on a statement, not on an information question. Choice (D) is incorrect because it forms an adverb clause, but the main clause lacks a subject. In the correct answer the noun clause itself (That malaria was caused by breathing impure air) is the subject of the verb was in the main clause.

One basic question psychologists have tried to answer is ______

(A)people learn

(B)how do people learn

(C)people learn how

(D)how people learn

Choice (A) is incorrect; there is no connector between the first clause and the second. Choice (B) incorrectly follows question word order. (C) is incorrect because how is in the wrong position. ..

Exercise 22

Focus: Completing structure problems involving incomplete noun clauses. (Note: Two or three items in this exercise do not focus on noun clauses. These items are marked in the answer key with asterisks.)

Directions: Choose the one option-(A), (B), (C), or (D)-that correctly completes the sentences, and then mark the appropriate blank. The first one is done as an example.

1. begin their existence as ice crystals over most of the earth seems likely. __ (A) Raindrops

__ (B) If raindrops __ (C) What if raindrops

~ (D) That raindrops

2.Scientists cannot agree on ______ related to other orders of insects. __ (A) that fleas are

___ (B) how fleas are

___ (C) how are fleas

___ (D) fleas that are

3. It was in 1875

joined the staff ofthe astronomical observatory at Harvard University.

__ (A) that Anna Winlock


___ (B) Anna Winlock, who

___ (C) as Anna Winlock __ (D) Anna Winlock then


Section 2 • Guide to Structure and Written Expression


is a narrow strip of woods along a stream in an open grassland.


___ (A) Ecologists use the term "gallery forest"


___ (B) What do ecologists call a "gallery forest"


___ (C) "Gallery forest" is the term ecologists use


___ (D) What ecologists call a "gallery forest"


developed very rapidly in Alabama primarily because of its rich natural resources.


__ (A) That heavy industry


___ (B) Heavy industry


___ (C) Heavy industry that was


__ (D) When heavy industry


so incredible is that these insects successfully migrate to places that they have


never even seen.


___ (A) That makes the monarch butterflies' migration


___ (B) The migration of the monach butterflies is


___ (C) Wnat makes the monarch butterflies' migration


___ (D) The migration of the monarch butterflies, which is

7. Art critics do not all agree on what ______ a painting great.

___ (A) qualities make

___ (B) are the qualities for making

___ (C) qualities to make

___ (D) do the qualities that make

8.In order to grow vegetables properly, gardeners must know ______

___ (A) what the requirements for each vegetable are

___ (B) that the requirements for each vegetable

___ (C) what are each vegetable's requirements

___ (D) that is required by each vegetable

9. When is not known.

___ (A) was the wheel invented

___ (B) the invention of the wheel

___ (C) inventing the wheel

___ (D) the wheel was invented

10.For many years people have wondered ______ exists elsewhere in the universe. __ (A) that life

__ (B) life which __ (C) whether life __ (D) life as it


of all modern domestic poultry is the red jungle fowl is widely believed.


___ (A) The ancestor


___ (B) The ancestor is


___ (C) How the ancestor


___ (D) That the ancestor


the right side of a person's brain is dominant, that person is left-handed.


__ (A) That

__ (B) If __ (C)Which

__ (D) For

Section 2 • Guide to Structure and Written Expression 141



A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition (in, at, with, fm; until. and so on) followed by a noun phrase or pronoun. which is called the prepositional object. Prepositional phrases often describe relationships of time and location, among others.

In the auturnn, maple leaves turn red.

Beacon Hill is one of the most famous neighborhoods in Boston. 'With luck, there won't be any more problems.

This house was built by John's grandfather.

Often, prepositional phrases come at the beginning of sentences, but they may appear in other parts of the sentence as well.

The correct answer for this type of item may be a preposition, its object, or both, as well as other parts of the sentence.

You may see prepositions in distractors, especially before the subject of a sentence. Remember, the object of a preposition cannot correctly be the subject of a sentence, as in these examples:

*111 the aullllnn is my favorite season. *Without a pencil is no way to come to a test.

... Sample Items

______ the unaided eye can see about 6,000 stars.

(A)A clear night

(B)It's a clear night

(C)On a clear night

(D)When a clear night

Choice (A) is incorrect because there is no connector to join the noun phrase a clear night to the rest of the sentence. Choice (B) consists of an independent clause, but there is no connector to join it to the other clause. (D) seems to form a subordinate clause, but the clause lacks a verb.

______ all the field crops grown in the United States are harvested with machines called combines.

(A)Of nearly


(C)That nearly

(D)Nearly of

Choices (A) and CD) are incorrect because the subject of a sentence (all the field crops) cannot be the object of a preposition (of). Choice (C) creates a noun clause, but the noun clause lacks a verb. ...

__ (A)

142 Section 2 • Guide to Structure and Written Expression

Exercise 23

Focus: Completing structure problems involving prepositional phrases. (Note: One or two items in this exercises do not focus on prepositional phrases. These items are marked in the answer key with asterisks.)

Directions: Choose the one option-(A), (B), (C), or (D)- that correctly completes the sentence, and then mark the appropriate blank. The first one is done as an example.

1.Dynamite is ordinarily detonated ______ called a blasting cap.

___ (A) a device is used

___ (B) that a device

~ (C) with a device

___ (D) the use of a device

2. seed of a flowering plant is covered by a dense protective coat. On each

__ (B) Each __ (C) Each of __ (D) That each

3. 1900 there were some 300 bicycle factories in the United States, and they produced over a million bicycles.

__ (A) In

___ (B) Because in

___ (C) It was in __ (D) That in

4.A thick layer of fat called blubber keeps whales warm even ______ coldest water.

___ (A) although the __ (B) in the __ (C) the

__ (D) of the

5. the United States, the general movement of air masses is from west to east.

___ (A) Across

___ (B) To cross

___ (C) They cross

___ (D) It's across

6.The bark of a tree thickens ______

___ (A) with age __ (B) it gets older

___ (C) as older __ (D) by age

7 A substance that is harmless to a person who has no allergies can cause mild to serious reactions in a person allergies.

__ (A) has

___ (B) which having

___ (C) can have __ (D) with

8.In 1886 a number of national unions formed the American Federation of Labor ______

___ (A) Samuel Gompers was its leader

___ (B) under the leadership of Samuel Gompers

___ (C) which, under Samuel Gompers' leadership

___ (D) Samuel Gompers led it

Section 2 • Guide to Structure and Written Expression 143

9. Harmonicas, autoharps, and kazoos ______ folk instruments.


___ (A) are examples


__ (B) for example


___ (C) are examples of


___ (D) as examples of


charming shops and restaurants, Old Town is the most picturesque section




___ (A) With its


__ (B) Its


___ (C) Because its


___ (D) For its


______ , such as banking and travel, in which computers are not a convenience but


a necessity.


___ (A) Where some industries

___ (B) In some industries

___ (C) Some industries

___ (D) There are some industries

12.One of the oldest large suspension bridges still ______ today is the George Washington Bridge between ~ewYork City and Fort Lee, New Jersey.

___ (A) uses

___ (B) is used

___ (C) the use of

___ (D) in use

__~ (B)

144 Section 2 • Guide to Structure and Written Expression


Directions: The following sentences are incomplete. four words or phrases marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). completes the sentence.

Beneath each of these sentences, there are Choose the one word or phrase that best


by Anna Baldwin in 1878.

__~ (A) The invention of the vacuum milking machine That the vacuum milking machine was invented

__~ (C) The vacuum milking machine, which was invented __~ (D) The vacuum milking machine was invented

2. Dry cleaning is the process

____~ clothes are cleaned in liquids other than water.

__ (A) hy

____ (B) which through

___ (C) hy which __ (D) through

3. Sand dunes are made of loose sand _____

up by the action of the wind.

__ (A) it huilds __ (8) huilds __ (C) is huilding

__~ (D) built


hookjubiiee, which was hased on the life of her great-grandmother, Margaret

Walker was awarded the Pulitzer Prize.

_~___ (A)

For her

__ (B) Her __~ (C) It was her __ (D) That her

5. Job specialization takes place _____~ of production is separated into occupations.

__~ (A) whenever the work is __~ (B) when the work

_ . _ (C) is when the work __~ (D) whenever working

Section 2 • Guide to Structure and Written Expression 145

6.______ are hot is a common misconception.

__ (A) All deserts

___ (B) All deserts which

___ (C) Of all deserts

___ (D) That all deserts


imaginative stories about the origin of the game of chess.

___ (A) "'Ian)' of the

__ (B)


___ (C) There are many

__ CD) Of the many


one of Canada's greatest engineering projects, is a twenty-seven mile long

waterway between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.

___ (A) Because the Welland Ship Canal is

__ (B)

The Welland Ship Canal is

__ (C) That the Welland Ship Canal is __ (D) The WeIland Ship Canal,

9. A deep-tissue massage is a type of massage therapy ______ on one part of the body, such as the lower back.

___ (A) its concentration is

___ (B) concentrating

___ CC) why it concentrates

___ CD) to be concentrated

10.One of the most powerful optical telescopes, the "Big Eye" at Mt. Palomar, ______ a two- hundred-inch mirror.

__ (A) has __ (B) that has

__ (C) with __ (D) which

11. Elfego Baca,

legendary Mexican-American folk hero, was a lawman in New

Mexico in the late 1880's.


__ (A) a


___ CB) who, as a


___ CC) was a


___ CD) and he was a


12, ______ relatively inexpensive, the metal pewter can be fashioned into beautiful and useful objects.

___ (A) Even it is __ (B) Despite

___ (C) Nevertheless, it is __ CD) Although


is a general category that includes all mental states and activities.

___ (A) What do psychologists call cognition

___ (B) Psychologists call it cognition

___ CC) \Vhat psychologists call cognition

___ (D) Cognition, as it is called by psychologists, which

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