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The Complete Guide To The TOEFL Test

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Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension 77

12.___ (A) They are sometimes not as friendly as they seem.

___ (B) They are much more dangerous than grizzly bears.

___ (C) They look dangerous but are usually friendly.

Talk C

13.__ (A) In the 1950's. __ (B) In the 1970's. __ (C) In the 1990's.

14.___ (A) They fly off into deep space.

___ (B) They remain in orbit forever.

___ (C) They burn up in the atmosphere.

15.__ (A) Three to four hundred. __ (B) Eight thousand. __ (C) Half a million.

16.___ (A) They are too small.

___ (B) They are too far away.

___ (C) They are moving too fast.

17.___ (A) A large booster rocket.

___ (B) A piece of metal the size of an aspirin. __ (C) A tiny fleck of paint.

18.__ (A) Their high speed. __ (B) Their jagged shape.

___ (C) Their tremendous size.

19.__ (A) An aspirin.

___ (B) A piece of debris.

___ (C) A model of the debris collector.

20.__ (A) They detect the debris.

___ (B) They store the debris.

__ (C) They collect the debris.

21.___ (A) It has already been tested on Earth.

___ (B) It has not been built yet.

___ (C) It has already been used on a spacecraft.

Exercise 16.2

Focus: Answering detail questions about complete Part C talks.

Directions: You will hear a number of Part C Mini-Talks. After each talk, there will be a number of questions based on that part of the talk. Mark the best answer choice-(A), (B), or (C)-for each question. The first one is done as an example.

-4))) Now start the audio.

1. __ (A) Two years. ~ (B) Three years. __ (C) Five years.

2.___ (A) Student fees.

___ (B) Room-and-board charges at the dormitory.

___ (C) Student insurance rates.

78Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension

3.___ (A) Its tuition rates are going up faster than the ones at Hambleton University.

___ (B) It has the highest tuition rates in the state.

___ (C) Its tuition rates are still lower than those at Hambleton University.

4.___ (A) An executive on the Student Council.

___ (B) A member of the Board of Regents.

___ (C) A spokesperson for the administration.

S.___ (A) A new dormitory will not be built.

___ (B) The proposal to increase student services will not be adopted.

___ (C) The tuition will not be raised.

6.__ (A) A starfish.

___ (B) A salamander. __ (C) A mammal.

7.___ (A) A snake sheds its skin and grows a new one.

___ (B) An insect grows a new limb. __ (C) A baby gets its first set of teeth.

8.___ (A) Embryonic cells.

___ (B) Specialized cells.

___ (C) Nerve cells.

9.___ (A) To treat diseases among animals.

___ (B) To learn to speed up the process among lower animals.

___ (C) To apply what they learn to human medicine.

10.___ (A) Before the Revolutionary War.

___ (B) During the Revolutionary War.

___ (C) After American independence.

11.___ (A) His military service.

___ (B) His political philosophy.

___ (C) His dictionary.

12.__ (A) T-H-E-A-T-R-E instead ofT-H-E-A-T-E-R. __ (B) L-A-B-O-U-R instead of L-A-B-O-R.

___ (C) N-I-F instead of K-N-I-F-E.

Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension 79


Directions: Listen to the talks and the questions about them. Decide which one of the four answer choices-(A), (B), (C), or (D)-is the best answer to the question. Then mark the appropriate answer on the answer sheet.

-4))) Now start the audio.

1.___ (A) An improved toothbrush.

___ (B) Recent developments in genetics.

___ (C) New uses for bacteria.

___ (D) A means of fighting tooth decay.

2.___ (A) They have many side effects.

___ (B) They occur naturally in people's mouths.

___ (C) They attack one type of bacteria.

___ (D) They cause tooth decay.

3.___ (A) Microbiology.

___ (B) Genetic engineering. __ (C) Dentistry.

___ (D) Civil engineering.

4.___ (A) PlanA includes dinner, but Plan B does not.

___ (B) Plan B is more expensive than Plan A.

___ (C) Plan B includes Sunday dinner, but PlanA does not.

___ (D) PlanA provides for three meals on most days while Plan B provides for only two.

5.__ (A) The Bengal Grill.

___ (B) Restaurants near campus.

___ (C) The Tiger's Lair.

___ (D) The dormitory cafeterias.

6.__ (A) A receipt. __ (B) A check.

__ (C) A student ID card. __ (D) A friend.

7.___ (A) Selling one's meal tickets to anyone else.

___ (B) Eating at a dormitory where one does not live.

___ (C) Eating at a cafeteria if one lives off campus.

___ (D) Going back for more than one serving of food.

8.__ (A) They are open longer hours.

___ (B) They serve many more students.

___ (C) They offer a wider variety of foods. __ (D) They charge lower prices.

80Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension

9.___ (A) Visitors to the Bronx Zoo.

___ (B) Zoology students.

___ (C) Visitors to the City Zoological Gardens.

___ (D) New employees at the zoo.

10.___ (A) They were usually sleeping when visitors were present.

___ (B) They were uncomfortable because they were exposed to direct sunlight.

___ (C) They couldn't be observed because they were always in darkness.

___ (D) They couldn't sleep well and therefore became ill.

11.___ (A) To make them visible to observers.

___ (B) To put them to sleep.

___ (C) To simulate natural daylight.

___ (D) To allow them to see clearly.

12.___ (A) Study marsupial mammals.

___ (B) Leave the zoo.

___ (C) Look at the nocturnal animals.

___ (D) Go to the World Down Under exhibit.

Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension 81

Mini-Lessons for Section 1

Idiomatic Expressions

A knowledge of idioms is important for the Listening Comprehension section, especially Part A. These Mini-Lessons contain lists of some 300 expressions and their definitions as well as exercises to familiarize you with most of these expressions. Many of the expressions listed here have appeared on the Listening Comprehension sections of TOEFL exams in the past, some of them several times.


1.If a phrase contains a word in parentheses, that word is used only if the verb is followed by an noun or pronoun.


fcatch UP! (with)

You go ahead. I'll catch up later. (no noun or pronoun) I'll catch up with you later. (pronoun)

2.The words one and someone are used to indicate that any pronoun (or sometimes a noun) can be used in this expression.


on one's own

How long have you been on your own? Tom's been on his own for several years.

Mini-Lesson 1.1

about to


almost ready to

above all

most importantly

add up

make sense; be logical

all at once

suddenly; without warning

!' all of a sudden

all at once; suddenly

~ a matter of fact

in reality; actually

as a rule




~ at ease

not nervous; calm

~t the drop of a hat

quickly; without any preparation time

back out (of)

withdraw an offer

bank on


depend on; count on

be my guest do what you want; feel free; help yourself

be rusty


need practice or review

beats me

I don't know; I have no idea (often used in response to a question)

0- better off

in an improved condition.

\bite off more than one can chew take on more responsibility than one can handle

C""' bound to

certain to;

sure to


stop functioning (a machine, for example)

~!>reak in (on)


~reak the ice

break through social barriers (as at a party)

~reak the news (to)

inform; give bad news

'break up

end (a meeting, for example)

~break up (with) stop being a couple (a boyfriend and girlfriend, for example) ( a breeze something very simple and easy to do


82 Section 1 •

Guide to Listening Comprehension



cause to happen

"hnng about

L~bring up (1) raise (a child)


(2) introduce (a topic, for example)

C.:::: brush up on

review; study; practic~

bump into meet unexpectedly; run into

by and large

mostly; generally; on the whole

by heart

by memory; learned word for word

&~y no means

in no way; not at all

c y



Exercise: Fill in the blanks in the sentences or dialogs with idioms from the list above. There will be one word per blank. It may be necessary to change the verb forms in order for the sentence to be grammatically correct. The first one is done as an example.

1. "Can you talk now?"



"No, I'm about


go to the grocery store, but I'll call you as soon as 1 get back."

2. "You're probably too tired to play another game of racquetball, right?"

"I'm not that tired. really.

, I'd enjoy another




3."Will you support my proposal at the meeting?" "Certainly. You can __ .________ my support."

4.1 was talking to my aunt when suddenly my cousin George Ann our conversation.

5."I understand Diane lost her job."

"Yes, but she's actually

____ . She found a more interesting job with a higher



6._~____ , Carlos is very punctual, but he sure 'was late tonight.

7.My car ________ last week, and 1 had to take the bus to work until it was repaired.

8.I was taking a quiet walk last night when, ________________ , there was a

loud explosion.

9. Kent is

fail that class if he doesn't start studying.

10.They _~________~ their children to be honest.

11.There were a Jew things I didn't like about Professor Wong's class, but ________

____ I enjoyed it.

12."I think Matthew was cheating on that quiz."

"That doesn't _____ . Why should the best student in the class cheat?"


"Can I have another sandwich'"



"Sure. _________....______ . I made plenty."



Actors and actresses must know their lines ________


IS. If you don't want to talk about this problem, why did you ____ it ____


Many accidents are ________ by carelessness.



Their team won the game, but they

dominated it. It was a very


close garne.



"What a boring party. No one is talking to one another."


"Maybe we should put on some music and start dancing. That might ___~ .____

19. "Have you studied Spanish before?"

"Yes, but it's been years since 1 took a Spanish class, so I'll need to - .._._- _ ..___ it before I go to Venezuela."

20."You're taking five classes this term?"

"Yes. and I'm havim! trouhle getting caught up. I'm afraid 1

.._ .________ this time."

Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension '83

21."You're all packed and ready to go, I see."

"I could leave ________________________


"Do you know what the name of this street is?"


________ . This is the first time I've ever been in this town."


"How's that biology class youre taking?"


"So far, it's been

. We'..,., just been going over things I studied last semester."


"What time did the part\

__ last night?"


"I don't know. It was stU] buing on when 1 went home."


"I was awfully nervous when I gave that speech."


"Really? You hid it well. 1 thought you were completely ________

Mini..Lesson 1.2

call it a day

stop working for the day; go home

call off



call on





cahn down



care for


(1) take care of



(2) like;

feel affection for

catch on


become popular

catch on (to)

understand; learn

catch up (with) go as fast as; catch

check in (or into)

register (at a hotel)

check out (00

(1) leave (a hotel)





(2) take material (from a library, for example)

cheer up

become cheerful; be happy

chip in (on/for)


clear up


(1) clarify; make understandable



(2) become nice and sunny (used to talk about the weather)

conle across


find; meet; encounter

come around (to)

begin to change one's opinion; begin to agree with

come down with

become sick with (an illness)

come up with

think of (an idea)

cost an arm and a leg be very expensive

count on

depend on; rely on; bank on

count out

eliminate; no longer consider as a factor

cut off

stop; discontinue (a service, for example)

cut out for

have an aptitude for; be qualified for

Exercise: Fill in the blanks in the sentences or dialogs with idioms from the list above. There will be one word per blank. It may be necessary to change the verb forms in order for the sentence to be grammatically correct.


The reception in the garden was

because of a thunderstorm.


Don't get so excited. Just _______ and tell us what happened.


I was looking up some information in the almanac when 1 ________ an interesting fact.


I can _____ _ ___ my car. It's very dependable and never breaks down.

S. How did you ____________ such a strange idea?


I arrived in town last night at seven-thirty and _._.__________ my hotel at around eight. This


morning I plan to

at about nine.

---- -- ---

84Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension

7."Did you rent this videotape?"


"No, I ~_____ it

______ the library."




You look tired. Why don't we____~

and finish up tomorrow?


It won't be too expensive to buy Professor McMillen a present if we all ___ ~.. ___



IfArthur doesn't pay his electric bill soon,

the utilities company might_ . __ __









"I don't understand this theorem at all."





"Talk to Professor Adler. I'll bet she can

______ your confusion."



Who ______ _

your cat while you were out of town?




A good stereo system doesn't have to __________ . _________________



__ . You can find one for a reasonable price.




Cauliflower isn't my favorite vegetable. In fact, I don't

it at all.



"I'm depressed. I didn't do very well on the first quiz."




___ !That quiz only counted for 10% of the total grade, and I'm sure you'll do


better on the other tests."





16."How did Eric do in the cross-country ski race?"

"He got off to a bad start, so he never ____________ the leading skiers."

17."Why did Brenda drop out of business school?"

"She decided she wasn't ____________ a career in business. She's going to study art instead."

18.This song wasn't very popular when it was first recorded, but now it's starting to ____

19."Your roommate is still planning to vote for Smithson for president of the Student Council?" "Yes, but I'm going to keep talking to him. I think eventually he'll ~~__.. _________

our point of view and vote for Brannigan."


That saleswoman

her clients at least once a month because she thinks


personal contact is important.



"Is it still raining?"


"No, the rain has stopped and it's starting to ________

Mini-Lesson 1.3

day in and day out constantly; for a long time

die down

become less severe; quiet down

do over

do again; repeat

do without

not have

down the drain wasted: done for no reason (work, for example)

dream up

invent; think of; come up with

drop (someone) a line send someone a letter

drop in (on)

visit informally

drop off

(1) leave something (a package, for example)


(2) take (someone) home; let someone out of a car

drop out (00 stop attending (classes, for example)

easy as pie

very simple; a piece of cake

eyes bigger than one's stomach said of someone who takes more food than he or she can eat

fall behind

not move as quickly as; lag behind

fall through

fail to happen




Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension 85

a far cry from

not similar to; not as good as

fed up (with)

not able to tolerate; disgusted with; annoyed by

feel free

do something if one wants

feel like

be inclined to; want to

feel like a million dollars feel very good

feel up to

feel able to do something; ready to

few and far between

uncommon and infrequent

figure out



Exercise: Fill in the blanks in the sentences or dialogs with idioms from the list above. There will be one word per blank. It may be necessary to change the verb forms in order for the sentence to be grammatically correct.


It took me hours to _________ how to record programs on my DVD player.


If you could _

_ ___ the laundry on the way to work, I'll pick it up on Monday.

3."What a wond~Tful masquerade party!"

"People certainly ___""" ______ some interesting costumes, didn't they?"

4. "Do you _____

going out tonight?"

"No, I'd rather stay home and read."

5" "Why have you

____ in your French class?"

"I was sick and I missed a few classes. But I'm studying hard to catch up."

6" "Why do we need to get gas now? We have quite a bit left."

"This highway goes through some very empty country, and gas stations are _" ______

7.Howard's teacher wasn't satislled with the work he had done, so she asked him to ____ it

8.I'm ______""_________ my roommate's lack of responsibility. He never pays his bills or his share of the rt'nt on time"

9."Isn't your class picnic today?"

"No, our plans for the picnic" _______"_

10" "The food at that new restaurant isn't bad."



"It's all right, but ___________ "____ ""______ it's the food at Mario's. Now that is a


great restaurant!"




Ben had to

" ____ the university because of financial problems.


After blowing furiously all day,

the wind fmally ___



"Do you telephone friends before you visit, or just __"___

_ ____ them?"


"It depends. If they're close friends, I just visit them. If they're acquaintances, I generally call





14."I'm tired of the same old routine."

"I know how you feel. I get tired of doing the same things _____________

____ ____ too."

15."Ralph really loaded up his tray with food."

"He'll never eat it all. Ralph's ____ are ________ his _____

16."I need to use a computer for a few hours."


to use my laptop computer. I don't need it this morning."

17. "I've missed James since he moved to Seattle."

"You should

him _____________ "__ and let him know how you're doing. I'm sure

he'd love to get a letter from you."

86 Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension

Mini-Lesson 1.4

till in

write in a hlank (on an application form, for example)

nIl in (for) suhstitute for

nIl one in

provide missmg information

f'ill out

complete (an application form, for example)

nnd out

learn; discover

a fish out of water

someone not in his or her normal surroundings

f'tx up



follow in one's footsteps do what someone else did (especially a parent)

for good

permanently; forever

for the time being

temporarily; for now

from out of the blue

unexpectedly; without warning

get a kick out of (doing something) enjoy; have fun doing something

get along with

have good relations with

get carried away

go too far; do too much; buy too much

get in one's blood

become a habit; hecome customary

get in over one's head

take on too much responsibility; bite off more than one can chew

get in the way

block; obstruct

get in touch with


get off

leave (a vehicle)

get off the ground

start to he sllccessful

get on

board (a vehicle)

get over

recover from (a disease)

get rid of


no longer have

get under way

begin; start

give (someone) a cold shoulder act unfriendly toward someone; ignore

give away

distribute (for free)

Exercise: Fill in the blanks in the sentences or dialogs with idioms from the list above. There will be one word per hlank. It may be necessary to change the verb forms in order for the sentence to be grammatically correct.

1."How did you ____ ~.~~_ where Warren lives?" "I just looked it up in my address book."

2.''I'm interested in the job that was advertised in the newspaper."

"Fine. Just _____ ________ this application form."

3. Don't forget to ___~_ the date on your check.

-J:. "Is Agnes still mad at you?"'

"I suppose so. 1 saw her at a party last weekend, and she just _._._____ me _.

5. "Are YOll moving to Baltimore ~_... .. _ "No, just __ . __ ..__


I'll be back here in a month or two."

6. "That old paint that you have stored in your garage is a fire hazard."


"You're right. 1 should_ _ ____.___



Some companies __ ... ___

~.___ free samples of new products in order to f;lmiliarize


consumers with them.




"How's that advanced computer class you're taking, Polly?"


"Not so good. 1 can't understand a word that the teacher or any of the students are saying. 1 really


feel like ~__ _~___.._.

. ___.......__ ..._......._._._ _._..__

<) ""Don't you just hate all this graffiti?"



·Itis ugly, isn't it? I've never understood why people

... _......


_____ writing on walls. It doesn't seem like much fun to me."

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