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Text e. Higher education in the usa.

There is no national system of higher education in the United States.

Higher education is given in colleges and universities. There are over 2100 various higher educational institutions, including colleges, technological institutes and universities. The average college course of study is 4 years. The academic year is usually 9 months or 2 terms (semesters) of four and a half months each. Classes usually begin in September and end in June. The first-year students are called freshmen.

Students choose a major subject and take many courses in this subject. After four years, they get a traditional Bachelor's degree. Then the students may go on to graduate school and with a year or two of further study get a Master's degree.

After another year or two of study and research, they may get a still higher degree as Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.). The student's progress is evaluated by means of tests, term works and final examinations in each course. The student's work is given a mark; usually on a five point scale Letters indicate the level of achievement. "A" is the highest mark. "F" denotes a failure.

Most American colleges and universities charge for tuition. The methods of instruction in the universities are lectures, discussions, laboratory and course works or seminars.

Most cities have colleges or universities that hold classes at night as well as in daytime. In this way people may work for a degree or just take a course in the subject that interests them.

Exercise 1. Read the text and tell about the system of higher education in the USA .


Порядок слов в английском предложении

В английском предложении каждый член предло­жения, как правило, имеет свое определенное место. Так, в простом распространенном повествовательном предложении на первом месте стоит

  1. подлежащее, за ним следует

  2. сказуемое, далее идет

  3. дополнение (беспредложное, прямое, предлож­ное) и затем

4) обстоятельства (образа действия, места, времени).Например: 1) I 2) gave 3) ту brother 3) a book 4) yesterday.

Exercise 1. Build the sentences from the words:

  1. Is, best, she, friend, my.

  2. Learn, different, students, our, subjects.

c) The, is, Russia, the, in, country, largest, world.

  1. In, the, we, city, live, a, flat, in, of, center, the.

  2. Reading, is, my, of, best, son's, fond, friend.

Exercise 2. Build the sentences from the words:

1. has, buildings, our, several, institute. 2. subjects, students, many, first-year, study. 3. third-year, had, last, students, training, industrial, summer. 4. carry out, students, practical, work, in, laboratories, well- equipped. 5. problems, many, scientists, important, solve, our. 6. texts, difficult, Petrov, technical, translated. 7. his, will, the teacher, translation, correct. 8. next, dean, a lecture, deliver, our, week, will. 9. students, more, institutes, this, entered, one, a million, than, year.

Вопросительные местоимения.

Эти местоимения употребляются для построения вопросительного предложения.

What (что, какой, какая, какое, какие)

What is it? Что это такое? What book is it? Какая это книга?

Who (кто)

Who is this man? Кто этот человек?

Whose (чей)

Whose pencil is it? Чей это карандаш?

Which (который)

Which of these books is yours? Которая из этих книг твоя?

When (когда)

When does the lesson begin? Когда начинается урок?

Why (почему, зачем)

Why did you come here? Почему вы пришли сюда?

How (как)

How are you? Как поживаете?

How many (much) (сколько)

Вопросительное местоимение what относится к словам, обозначающим вещи, предметы, явления.

Вопросительное местоимение who относится к словам, обозначающим людей.

Однако, обратите внимание:

Who is he? Кто он? (как его зовут) Не is Mr. Johnson.

What is he? Кто он? (по профессии) Не is a broker.

Местоимение who имеет два падежа:

1. именительный падеж who

2. объектный падеж whom (кому, кого). Who is here? Кто здесь?

Whom do you see there? Кого ты там видишь? Whom did you give my book? Кому ты дал мою книгу?