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Exercise 7. Приведены способы образова­ния утвердительных и отрицательных форм кратких ответов типа « я тоже». Переведите предложения:

  1. Не doesn't understand anything. — Neither do I.

  2. She can swim well. — So, can I.

  3. I didn't see this film. — Neither did he.

  4. You like to read. — So do I.

  5. They haven't had breakfast. — Neither have I.

  6. He is lucky. — So am I.

  7. I don't work at the office. — Neither does he.



Text a. Charles babbage. (1792 – 1871)

The Englishman designed the first modern digital computer, but he never built it. He did build other useful devices, though, including a submarine.

Charles babbage, master inventor.

English mathematician Charles Babbage designed the first modern computer in the 1830’s. He

called it an analytical engine.

If Babbage had been able to get enough money to build the computer, the analytical engine would have been as big as a locomotive. It would have been able to store 1,000 /50 – digit numbers. That was unheard of back then – even though today’s machines can store millions of times of information.

Charles Babbage was born the day after Christmas in 1792. As a child, he liked to take toys apart to see how they were made. He loved to work with math problems. He eventually became a professor at Cambridge University in England.

Babbage could be mean, and he sometimes yelled at people who disagreed with him. But he had a brilliant mind.

In addition to designing the forerunner of today’s digital computer, Babbage invented a railroad signal system, a device for examining eyes, a submarine and a system of flashing lights for lighthouses.

During the 70 years following Babbage’s death in 1871 computer scientists improved on Babbage’s original idea.

Exercise 1. Choose the sentence according to the text.

a) Babbage built the first modern digital computer.b) Babbage designed the first digital computer.с) Babbage did not build any useful devices.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentence according to the text.

1. Babbage called the device designed by him…

a) analytical engine

b) modern computer

c) information machine

2. This Englishman lived in the…

a) 17th century

b) 18th century

c) 19th century

Exercise 3. Choose the sentence which doesn't correspond to the text.

a) Babbage invented a railroad signal system.

b) Babbage built a submarine.

c) He didn't love to work with math problems.

d) Babbage designed a forerunner of today's digital computers.

Exercise 4. Choose the proper answer to the question according to the text.

Did Babbage eventually become a professor at Harvard University ?

a) No, he became a professor at Cambridge University.

b) Practically, he didn't become a professor at all.

c) Well, he eventually become a professor at Stanford.

Text b. Nolan bushnell (born in 1943)

The father of home video games. He built Pong in 1972, starting the videogame craze that led to today’s powerful super systems.

During the 1950’s and 1960’s, computers improved enormously. Still, only big businesses, universities and the military had them. Then in 1972 the videogame erase began.Computers were scaled down to small boxes, using electronic circuitry instead of the Mark I's switches. They could do more than analyze data. They could play games.

The first big hit was a simple game called Pong. Two players sat in front of a television screen where a “ball”- a point of light – bounced back and forth. Using knobs on a cabinet, the players could hit the ball with inch-long “paddles” on the screen.

Pong was created by Nolan Bushnell, who grew up near Salt Lake City, Utah. He loved to tinker with machines and became an electrical engineer. He played primitive computergames that were even older than Pong.

"I built it with my own two hands and a soldering-iron”, Bushnell said of his creation of the first Pong games.

In 1972 Bushnell founded Atari Inc. in Sunnyvale, Calif., to build Pong games. By 1975 there were

150,000 Pong games in American homes.

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