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Alessandro Duranti. Linguistic Anthropology.pdf
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The scope of linguistic anthropology

Contextualization practices diffuse in accordance with institutionalized networks of relationship and their acquisition is constrained by the economic, political, and ideological forces that serve to minoritize large sectors of the population. This mismatch becomes particularly important as formerly isolated populations become absorbed into modern nation states ...

(Gumperz 1996: 402)

We should now be able to see the strong connection between indexicality and performance. Such a connection is made even more apparent in the discussion of the third notion, participation.


As mentioned earlier in this chapter, linguistic anthropologists share with other social scientists a concern for speakers as social actors. This means that speaking is seen above all as a social activity involving always more than linguistic expressions. This epistemological stance is well captured in the following statement, which was originally written by Hymes as a criticism of Chomsky’s notion of competence:

We have ... to account for the fact that a normal child acquires knowledge of sentences, not only as grammatical, but also as appropriate. He or she acquires competence as to when to speak, when not, and as to what to talk about with whom, when, where, in what manner. In short, a child becomes able to accomplish a repertoire of speech acts, to take part in speech events, and to evaluate their accomplishment by others. This competence, moreover, is integral with attitudes, values, and motivations concerning language, its features and uses, and integral with competence for, and attitudes toward, the interrelation of language with the other code of communicative conduct.

(Hymes 1972b: 277–8)

One of the main points in this passage is the recognition of the fact that to be a speaker of a language means to be a member of a speech community. The latter, in turn, means having access to a range of activities and uses of language. To be a competent speaker of a language means then to be able to do things with that language as part of larger social activities which are culturally organized and must be culturally interpreted. The notions of communicative event, speech event, and speech activity are some of the notions used in the past to capture this basic idea. The concept that is currently used to capture the fact that speaking is


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