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Аттестационная Контрольная работа № 1 по английскому языку для студентов I курса экономического ф-та


I cеместр, вариант I

Time allowed 80 minutes

I. Read the text. Put the verb in brackets in the right form.

Pidgin European

The most satisfying conversation I have ever had …… (be) with the young Dutchman, in Paris about ten years ago. I can’t remember what we talked about, only that I ……(not/know) Dutch and he knew no English. Luckily, we both ……. (speak) a little French. I …… (try) to speak French to him when suddenly I found myself looking for the word for “approximately”. I couldn’t think of the French for it, but then I …… (remember) the corresponding German word - ”ungefahr”. I …… (use) it. He …… (understand) what I meant. And we both ……(realize) that, if two people …… (talk) in a foreign language, it doesn’t matter which language it…….(be). From then on we …… (speak ) a mixture of French and German. Later, we …… (find out) that we both knew a few words of Spanish, too, and sentences ……. (become) trilingual. Of course, it was neither official English, French nor Spanish, but languages do not behave according to official policy. There ……(be) already so many foreign words in every European language nowadays that we all speak some kind of “pidgin European»

Примечание:PidginEnglish- упрощённый, гибридный вариант английского языка.

PidginEuropean- упрощённый, гибридный вариант «европейского» языка

II. Translate the text into Russian.

III. Check if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false sentences.

1.The author of the article speaks three foreign languages fluently. T/F

2. Communication with the young Dutchman was possible although they didn’t speak each

other’s language. T/F

3. The young Dutchman understood the German word for “approximately”. T/F

4. The author realized that he must learn French, German and Spanish as soon as possible. T/F

5. “Sentences became trilingual» here means that the two men spoke French, German and

Spanish. T/F

IV. Work out questions for the words underlined in the text.

V. Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets for each of the following sentences.

1. What language they ____(speak) in Switzerland? 2.Listen, somebody ____ (try) to start the car. 3. We usually drink coffee, but today we ____ (drink) tea. 4.This car ___(make) a very strange noise. You ___ (think) it is all right? 5. I ____ (read) almost all of Hemingway’s books. 6. Last Sunday I ____ (start) “The Old Man and the Sea”. 7.I ___ (think) you are right. 8. I ____(think) of what you have said. 9.We ____(not/ go) for a walk yesterday because the weather ____ (not/be) very good. 10.What ____ the new boss (tell) you yesterday? 11.I ___(put) on my warm coat but I still ____(catch) cold yesterday. 12. You ___ (write) Christmas cards yesterday? - Oh, no, I ___ (not/ have) time. I ____ (do) it right now. 13. There are no train tickets to Moscow. I think, I ___ (fly). 14. I hope, he ____ (get) my letter tomorrow.

VI. Translate into English.

1. Я пишу, чтобы пригласить вас к нам на лето.2.Он всегда навещает нас когда бывает в Волгограде.3.Я не учу французский. Я учу немецкий.4. Как часто вы ходите в театр? 5. О чем вы рассказываете своим друзьям? Я рассказываю им о своих каникулах. 6.Я думаю, он расскажет нам о своих впечатлениях о Лондоне. 7.Вы видели Анну вчера? 8.Он снова опоздал? 9. Когда он окончил школу? 10. Почему вы плачете?

Составила: Недоспасова В.Г.