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Лексический тест по теме: ”Financial Markets и International Trade”

Выберите правильное соответствие:

1) international trade

a) производитель

2) wholesale trade

b) розничная торговля

3) retail trade

c) международная торговля

4) producer

d) сводный баланс

5) consumer

e) вкладчик

6) absolute advantage

f) оптовая торговля

7) comparative advantage

g) денежные обязательства

8) сustomer

h) потребитель

9) depositor

i) безналичные расчеты между банками

10) debt

j) абсолютное преимущество

11) clearing

a.k) облигация, долговое обязательство

12) liabilities

l) ccуда,заем

13) interest rate

m) долг

14) loan

n) сравнительное преимущество

15) transaction

o) конкурентная способность

16) securities

p) клиент, покупатель

17) share

q) процентная ставка

18) competitiveness

r) сделка

19) bond

s) ценные бумаги

20) balance sheet

t) акция, пай


Практическая работа по теме: ”Reported Speech

Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предложениях:

1. He said that while crossing the English Channel they had stayed on deck all the time.

2. She woman said she had felt sick while crossing the Channel.

3. Ann said that she liked Dickens’s novels very much.

4. My sister told me that she was going to visit us in a month’s time.

5. Jim said that he was very busy.

6. They told me that Tom had not come to school the day before.

7. He said that his brother had gone to Moscow the day before.

8. He said that he would go skiing on Sundayif he had time.

9. I told my sister that she might catch cold.

10. He said that he would not come to dschool until Monday.

11. He asked me if I was afraid of thunder.

12. Marry told John that she preferred sunny days.

13. Mary wondered if Helen would be busy the next day.

14. The man asked if I knew where the bank is.

15. Tom asked if Jane would come to the concert with him.

16. Nick said that it would take them long to get there.

17. The policeman told him not to worry and to go home

18. Ann asked what she liked to do on her days off.

19. He asked his classmates to wait for him.

20. She asked her friend if the rain stopped.

21. I asked my aunt if she was going to her home town for holidays.

22. She asked me if I knew if Jane had received a letter from her American pen-pal

23. The neighbors asked Pete not to make so much noise.

24. The old man warned the little girl not to cross the road.

25. He told me that he hadn’t been able to ring me up in time

Практическая работа по теме:Past Perfect/ Past Simple

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в PAST PERFECT или


1. I (not yet do) half the work when he came in.

2. She told me everything about him after he (leave).

3. When we arrived, the concert already (begin).

4. He recovered after he (be) ill a long time.

5. She (do )nothing before I came.

6. I was sorry that I (hurt) him.

7. I did my exercise after I (finish) my report.

8. After you (leave) I went to sleep.

9. We (understand) the rule after the teacher (explain ) it to us.

10. I told him that I (never, do) such a thing until then.

11. He put on his dressing -gown and sleepers after he (get up).

12. I asked John what countries he (visit).

13. The porter said that he (find) me a seat next to the corridor.

14. We (hear) that the plane (crush) just over the airport.

15. The sun (set) before they (finish) their work.

16. He hardly (reach) the door of his office when he (encounter) two young men.

17. The rain nearly (stop) when they (reach) the hotel.

18. He scarcely (take) off his coat when he (begin) to read the letter.

19. No sooner he (start) to play than one string on the violin (break).

20. They went to London after they (leave) school.

Практическая работа по теме: “Reported Speech

Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи:

1. Mother asked Jane, “What are you doing here?” 2. Margaret asked Richard, “Where are you going for your holidays?” 3. Ann asked Mary, “What do you usually have for breakfast?” 4. The inspector asked, “Who caused the accident?” 5. The teacher asked Bob, “When did you learn to swim?» 6. Mary’s mother asked her, “Where have you put your shoes?” 7. The teacher asked, “Which number can be divided by three”. 8. Peter asked me, “When are you going to have dinner?” 9. The policeman asked me, “Where did you lose your wallet?” 10. The teacher came into the classroom and asked the pupils, “What are you doing?”11. I asked Bob, “Why didn’t you answer my letter?”12. There was a crowd in the street. I asked a man in the crowd, “What is the matter?” 13. Father asked, “When will lunch be ready?”14. The little boy asked his father, “Why does the policeman wear a uniform?” 15. I asked him, “Who are you looking at?” 16. The nurse asked, “Who is the next, please?” 17. The man asked his friend, “When did you buy your car?”

Практическая работа по теме: ”Sequence of Tenses

Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, соблюдая правила согласования времен

1. Он мне говорил, что интересуется историей. 2. Он знал, о чем она думает. 3. Он сказал, что вернется очень скоро. 4. Я знал, что он живет в Лондоне. 5. Я знал, что она жила в Сан-Франциско. 6. Она мне не сказала, что говорила с ними. 7. Я думал, что он получает от нее письма. 8. Я был рад, что он получил от нее письмо. 9. Я думал, что они пригласят нас. 10. Я был уверен, что он работает на этом заводе. 11. Я был уверен, что он работает, и поэтому не вошел в комнату. 12. Он сказал мне, что видел их на кануне. 13. Я был уверен, что он живет здесь уже много лет. 16. Я вчера слышал, что они работают в Эдинбурге. 17. Мы слышали, что они были в Ливерпуле. 18. Я слышал, что они работают уже несколько месяцев. 19. Мы не знали, что он болен. 20. Мы не знали, что он так давно болен. 21. Он не знал, что мы знаем друг друга с детства. 22. Мне сказали, что они вчера вернулись в Москву.