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Vocabulary Notes

to ascertain – устанавливать wood – древесина

oak – дуб beech – бук

larch – лиственница fir – ель

pine – сосна to cut – рубить

crosstie – шпала durable – прочный hard – твердый soft – мягкий

to season – просушивать

air-tight container – воздухонепроницаемый контейнер preservative treatment –- пропитка антисептиками creosote solution – раствор креозота

treating plant – шпалопропиточный завод

Text 7


Do you remember that not so long ago the telephone was a simple receiver, and you used your telephone only when you wanted to make telephone call? But some years ago new technology changed the telephone and its usage.

Computer-based technologies gave us instant connections and clearer conversations over the telephone. Everyone will agree that it's not easy to live without a telephone. Even if you have a pager and can get messages and information quite quickly, you still have to look for telephone in a telephone booth. Some busy people who are out for a long time have mobile/cellular phones and find them very useful. Mobile phones don't have wires. A call from a mobile phone travels along radio waves to special stations in different places. From there, the radio signal gets the regular telephone station. Now people don't have to sit at their offices and