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The United Kingdom has been a member of the European Free y" Trade Association (EFTA) since 1959, and a member of the European Economic Community (EEC) since 1973.

7. Ответьте на вопрос: Why must England depend on foreign trade?


I study at the Urals University of Railway Transport. Our University was founded in 1956. It is a modem beautiful fourstory building located in Kolmogorov Street near the pond.

The University trains highly qualified railway engineers. It has 6 faculties, they are: mechanical electromechanical, electrotechnical, building, operational and economical. There is also a correspondence department, a preparatory faculty and a post graduate course.

About seven thousand students study at our University.

Our curriculum is very intense. We have lecture, classes and work in the laboratories. We study many subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, strength of materials, theoretical mechanics, history of motherland, foreign languages (English, German and French) and many special subjects.

At the University we have many workshops and laboratories. The students have at their disposal a rich library and a large read- ing-room.

At present I am a first-year student of the ... faculty, correspondence department. Our dean is ... At the end of each term we take examinations.

It is difficult to combine work and studies, but I realize that higher education is necessary for every person. So I try to do my best to become a qualified specialist.