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Task 4. Give English equivalents for:

одежда для прогулок / работы на открытом воздухе;

твердая приверженность делу защиты окружающей среды;

прославиться чем-либо; быть известным благодаря…;

необычные и впечатляющие снимки;

заплатить выкуп;

привлекательные, броские каталоги;

содержат подробное описание продукта;

толкование производственного процесса;

производить одежду из натуральных материалов;

жертвовать деньги на экологические цели;

проводить учения о проведении демонстраций без применения насилия;

поддерживать усилия, которые дают возможность потребителям активно работать;

отдавать деньги на благородные цели;

быть инициатором новых, долгосрочных подходов к охране окружающей среды в бизнесе;

доказать свою экономическую жизнеспособность;

убедить другие компании следовать их примеру.

Task 5.

The sentences below are extracts from the introduction to an environmental report 'How Green is my Patio' written by Martin Toogood, the Managing Director of B&Q, a British Do-It-Yourself retailer.

Replace the words in brackets with an appropriate word from the box.

policy customers impact

stores programme issues

review factory estimate

goal consumption

A. Whilst our day-to-day running of the business does have an environmental

1__________(the effect of one thing on another), the2___________ (difficult questions or problems) with our products were, and still are, far greater.

В. Rather than just produce a 3____________(an official course of action) quickly and stick a few green labels on our products, we started a fundamental 4____________(examination/analysis) of the product range and the day-to-day running of the business.

C. Basic contradictions such as our5___________(objective) to sell more, so contributing towards 6______________ (the amount of products used or bought), however, still provide a philosophical challenge to any retailer.

D. There is considerable work to be done in the 7________________ (shops) and the way we communicate with our 8________________(the people who buy products).

E. B&Q's environmental 9____________(a plan of action) started at the beginning of 1990.

F. A10________________(a place where goods are produced) in Bolivia is expanding rapidly to make wooden garden furniture. We 11_____________(calculate) that we buy products from 60 countries.

Task 6. Now choose the most appropriate extract (a-f)from the previous task to fill in each of the gaps in the text below.

1________. A growing number of customer enquiries and difficult media enquiries made us realise that the environment was becoming a business issue. Action was catalysed when we were asked by a leading Sunday newspaper 'How much tropical timber does B&Q stock?’. Unable to answer the question, the obvious interpretation by the journalist was 'If you don't know, you don't care.' We did care and we knew that many of our staff cared and most important of all, our customers cared.2________.

This is our third environmental review. The first 'How Green is my Hammer?' was published in August-1993 and the second 'How Green is my Front Door?' was published in July 1995. This report covers progress to October 1998.

As the title suggests, all the reviews focus on the products we sell. 3________. Many of the issues were not obvious and were only realised after considerable investigation. For example, brass door handles were made in appalling working conditions in India, solvents or Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in paint contributed to atmospheric pollution and the wood was connected to deforestation.

This report also tackles in far more detail than ever before 'sustainability' and some of our ideas and thoughts on this concept.4 _____________.

Whilst B&Q has stores in the United Kingdom our fingerprint extends across the world. In the Philippines, people in coastal villages are collecting shells to make lampshades. In India, there are hundreds of looms in cottage units in which our door mats and hand knotted rugs are made. 5________.

6___________. In 1997 we launched our environmental programme for stores -'QUEST for stores' – its success has been staggering.

We also recognise that our stores have a significant impact on the local communities both during their planning and construction, but also the subsequent running of the store. This includes addressing our role as a member of the local community and the issues associated with the design and impact of our stores.

Read the text again and answer the questions:

Why did the company start the programme?

Why did they intensify their efforts?

How did they prove that the company and their staff really cared?

What reviews did they do in 1993 and 1995?

What do their reviews focus on?

How do they practically discover the ways to tackle the environmental issues?

What basic contradictions do retailers face?

What makes B&Q a really global company?

Where do they produce and sell goods?

What programme was a staggering success?

What do they recognize?

How do they see their role as a member of the local community?

Sum up the information about the environmental policy of B&Q.