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English For Ph students.doc
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Vote want win become get be promote

Every five years, British people over the age of 18 __ in a general election. People vote for the candidate they __ in their constituency (region). The candidate who __ __ the MP in the House of Commons, even if he or she __ only one vote more than the candidate who __ second. This is called the first past the post system. This system __ the two most powerful parties at the expense of the smaller parties.

  1. Change these sentences making them negative and interrogative.

      1. The British love animals.

      2. The Welsh flag shows a dragon.

      3. Great Britain includes England, Scotland and Wales.

      4. British police sometimes treat people unfairly.

      5. Most British people queue.

      6. Many counties contain the word shire.

  1. Ask questions.

      1. They celebrate Saint George’s Day on 23 April. (When …?)

      2. People from Wales think of themselves as Welsh. (What …?)

      3. England occupies the south of GB. (What part …?)

      4. Counties run such areas as education and town planning. (Do …?)

      5. He sometimes returns earlier than usual. (How often…?)

      6. English Queen heads the Parliament. (Who …?)

  1. Retell this story using verbs in italics in Past Simple.

About AD 790, the Vikings start to invade England. The Norsemen, who come from Norway, mainly settle in Scotland and Ireland. The north and east of England are settled by the Danes. The Vikings are excellent traders and navigators. They trade in silk and furs as far as Russia. In 1016 England becomes part of the Scandinavian Empire under King Cnut. In September, King Harold II marches north to defeat his half-brother, the king of Norway, at the Battle of Stamford Bridge. Just three weeks later, he himself is defeated and killed at Hastings by another invader of Viking origin, William Duke of Normandy, from northern France.

  1. Read the text and find the verbs in each sentence. Define their tense form.

The Importance of Learning Languages

Once a little mouse, who was not on very good term with cats like all mice, decided to give herself a treat of cheese. To do this she had to cross over to the other side of the kitchen where the table was. She knew the cheese was there because she could feel its wonderful smell. But the mouse wasn’t sure if there were any cats in the house. So she sat inside the wall near the mouse hole and listened. It should be mentioned that our mouse was not an ordinary one. She was a sort of gifted and she had some logic. She was taught to think twice before doing something. That was why she didn’t hurry. At last she heard some barking. The mouse thought, ”It must be a dog. Dogs don’t eat mice, and cats don’t usually live where dogs are. It means I can get to the chees safely”. That was absolutely logical. But to the mouse’s great surprise as soon as she got out of the mouse hole she was attacked by a big cat and eaten in some time. The thing is that it was the cat who was barking. “Indeed, knowing foreign languages can open new possibilities and give you a wider picture of the world,” said the cat to himself and made off murmuring a bird’s song.

  1. Make questions to the underlined words and phrases.

  1. Fill in the blanks using the verbs in Future Simple.

be call leave be get go

      1. We ___ never ___ late for the classes.

      2. I ____you in a couple of days.

      3. Tomorrow they _____ for the USA.

      4. This winter _____ very cold they say.

      5. Next year Michael ____ a Bachelor’s degree.

      6. I ___ to the dentist tomorrow morning.

  1. Make these sentences negative and interrogative.

      1. I’ll do the shopping next weekend.

      2. The dinner will be ready in a few minutes.

      3. The two sisters will enter the same college.

      4. She will be a good specialist.

      5. Next months they will open a new bookstore.

      6. I’ll be back in a week or two.

  1. Read the extract about the USA and talk about its geographical position and the political system.

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