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Kemerovo State University

Universities have long been sources of scientific knowledge and culture. Kemerovo State University is one of them. It was founded in 1974. Twelve faculties of our University train more than twenty thousand students of day and correspondence departments. It trains highly qualified special­ists in physics, mathematics, history, the Russian language and litera­ture, biology, chemistry, foreign languages, economics, law, sports, psy­chology and sociology both for research work and teaching.

The students are admitted to the University on the basis of their re­sults in National Unified Examinations. Usually there are several applicants for every place at the University. The exams are often stiff and competitive.

The academic year is divided into 2 terms. The students have end-of-term tests and examinations. Marks are entered into students' record-books.

We have a lecture system at the University. The students take down the notes of lectures. The lectures are delivered by the highly quali­fied teachers. They usually combine teaching with research work. The students also have practical studies and seminars, carry out laboratory tests and experiments. On the ground floor of the main building there are several lecture rooms. We have a number of laboratories specially de­signed and equipped for practical work and conducting experiments. Students are also trained in handling computers. On the campus there are sports grounds and playing fields. The main building of the University contains a library with a large reading-room, a large hall for meetings, debates and concerts, a dining hall with a coffee bar and other rooms for recreational purposes.

Students on contract basis have to pay for their training. But for the most of students tuition is free of charge. The students do not pay for using books, for laboratory work, teaching aid. The majority of students in day de­partment receive stipends. There are special higher stipends for honour students. Non-resident students are usually given accommodation in halls of residence.

Studies are divided into years. Normally it takes 4-6 years to graduate from the University. When the course of studies is completed and final examinations are success­fully passed the graduates are awarded a diploma. The best students who show great abilities for scientific work are left at the University after graduation to continue their studies as postgraduates.

  1. . Give the English for the following Russian words and word combinations.

Образование и культура, высококвалифицированные преподаватели, научные конференции, абитуриенты, учебные материалы, принимать в университет, условия для учебы и отдыха, аспирант, научно-исследовательская работа, конкурсные экзамены, большинство студентов, отличник, обучение, повышенная стипендия, практические занятия и семинары, получать зачеты, спортивный зал, учебный год, платить за обучение.

  1. . Match the synonyms from different columns.


  1. stipend a) hard

  2. source b) to fulfil

  3. student c) origin

  4. to train d) scholarship

  5. to carry out e) learning

  6. to divide f) test

  7. examination g) undergraduate

  8. stiff h) tuition

  9. study i) to teach

10)teaching j) to part

  1. . Match the word with its definition.

    1. a place of education at the highest level, where degrees are given;

    2. a place from which something comes; means of supply;

    3. to spend time in learning;

    4. a special ability to do something well, especially as gained by learning and practice;

    5. a group of similar subject departments in a university;

    6. to permit to enter; let in;

    7. a person who makes a request for entrance to a school or university;

    8. a person who has completed a university degree course;

    9. a long talk given to a group of people on a particular subject, especially as a method of teaching at universities;

    10. a building belonging to a college or university where many students live.

1) applicant; 2) source; 3) university; 4) hall of residence; 5) study; 6) lecture; 7) skill; 8) faculty; 9) graduate; 10) admit.

  1. . Complete the following word combinations inserting the proper prepositions.

      1. source ____ scientific knowledge;

      2. was founded ___ 1974;

      3. train students ___ research work;

      4. are admitted ___ the University ___ the basis;

      5. several applicants ___ every place;

      6. is divided ___ 2 terms;

      7. are delivered ___ highly qualified teachers;

      8. great abilities ___ scientific work;

      9. are left ___ the University ___ graduation;

  1. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Support your judgement.

      1. Kemerovo State University was founded in 1754.

      2. There are six faculties at Kemerovo State University.

      3. The students are admitted to the University without any examinations.

      4. The students have end-of-term tests and examinations.

      5. All students pay for tuition.

      6. The students have good facilities for studies and rest.

      7. It takes three years to graduate from the University.

      8. The last two years of studies are devoted to general education.

      9. Every student can take a postgraduate course at the University.

      10. There is no library at the University.

  1. Answer the following questions:

      1. When was Kemerovo State University founded?

      2. How many faculties are there in the University? What are they?

      3. How are the students admitted to the University?

      4. What is the system of training at the University?

      5. Do students have to pay for their tuition?

      6. What facilities for studies and rest do students have?

      7. Where do non-resident students live?

      8. What students can continue their studies as postgraduates?

      9. Are there any traditions at the University? What are they?

      10. When is a graduate awarded a diploma?

  1. Read the text and complete the sentences with the appropriate English words.

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