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  1. Match pairs of antonyms and translate them. Find them in the


















9. Describe the vacation situation in America in 5—7 sentences

(makea summary of thetext).

10. Agree or disagree on the following statements. Give your rea­sons.

For agreement use: For disagreement use:

I agree. I don 7 agree.

I fully agree. I don V think so.

I am with you here. I disagree...

I suppose it is. Nothing of the kind.

I expect it should be. Not in the least.

    1. Everybody needs a vacation.

    2. Vacation is a great way to relax and recharge.

    3. The realities of the 2000s are overworking, overbearing managers and overreaching technology.

    4. U.S. economy has the global dominance.

    5. A lack of government intervention is a major reason for the global dominance of the U.S. economy.

    6. Americans are at an extreme end of the work-life balance spec­trum. And the end is the wrong one.

    7. U.S. production, wealth and work ethics are the envy of the rest of industrial world.

    8. \&cation is not a right, but a privilege.

    9. It seems the U.S. worker has his job on the brain even when the time has come to decompress, be it at home or on vacation. De­spite the evident benefits to the economy and overall productivity, is it worth it?

    10. It is a very good practice that there are certain times of the year when corporate Europe as a whole takes a vacation.

    11. U.S. business is all work and no play.

    12. The standard of living in the U.S. is the highest in the industrial world in terms of monetary compensation.

    13. People can't take long vacations in the US.

    14. Nobody can deny the tangible and intangible benefits of a vaca­tion to workers with full, busy lives.

11. Discuss:

      1. Youwork hard all the year round foryourvacation.Youhave earnedit,why not take it?

      2. From a macro point of view it is beneficial to live in the one coun­try that can lay claim to superpower status. It helps to have a higher standard of living per capita thanthe rest of the world.Butwhat kind of life is mandatory overtime, 50+-hour weeksandlessthan two weeks vacation a year? By the time you reach retirement, do you really reap what you have sown (сеять)? Do you even have the strength or will to?

      3. With the advent of mobile phones, Internet cafes, pagers and per­sonal digital assistants (PDAs), co-workers and bosses can track us down just as easily whether we're across the street or halfway around the globe. Staying in touch with the office during a vaca­tion is not only widely accepted, it's often expected. Sure, vaca-

tioners have the option to leave all their gadgets behind, but many Americans choose to bring them along. What about you?


Read and dramatize the dialogue.


Where are you going to spend your holidays this year? We may go abroad. I am not sure. My wife wants to go to Spain. I'dlike to go there too.We can't make up our minds. Will you travel by train or by air? We may travel by train. It's cheaper, isn't it?

It may be cheaper, but it takes a long time. I am sure you will enjoy yourselves.

Don't be so sure. We may not go anywhere. My wife always wor­ries too much. Who is going to look after the dog? Who is goingto look after the house? Who is goingto look after the garden? We have this problem every year. In the end we stay at home andlook after everything!

        1. Find out the meanings of the underlined words and word com­binations from the context.

        2. Translate into English.

Последние исследования показывают, что работники во всем мире все меньше и меньше используют свой отпуск полностью. И в наихудшей ситуации на сегодняшний день оказалась Америка. Согласно прогнозам в этом году 14 % сотрудников не пойдут в от­пуск совсем и более 30 % не используют отпуск полностью.

43-летний историк Гордон Джонсон говорит, что не знает, ка­кой отпуск ему положен, и не заботится об этом, так любит свою работу и не знает, что бы он делал во время отпуска. Конечно, он ездит всей семьей на неделю к морю. Но дело в том, что когда он возвращается, на него наваливается столько работы, что он начи­нает сожалеть о том, что отдыхал.

John: Jack:

John: Jack: John: Jack: John: Jack:

Многие американцы не уходят в отпуск из-за боязни потерять работу. Экономические кризисы последнего десятилетия подорва­ли уверенность многих работников в их незаменимости, поэтому

они всегда хотят быть на виду, когда принимаются важные реше­ния. И даже когда они все-таки едут отдыхать, они берут с собой свои компьютеры и телефоны и всегда остаются на связи с офи­сом.

Многие исследователи говорят, что США — единственная стра­на,в которой люди отдыхают, чтобы потом работать еще более усердно. Во всем мире люди работают для того, чтобы отдыхать.


          1. You are a travel agent. Recommend your customers a particular type of holiday.Make the presentationto your group. Try to be differentfromyour friends and groupmates. Make your presentation as attractiveaspossible. Convince your customer to choose the holiday you recom­mend.

          2. Carry out your own survey "Vacation Situation in Russia".Write an essay on this topic using real information. Present your survey to the group.

Unit 2. Air Travel


Have you ever travelled by air? Ifyes:

            1. When was it?

            2. Where did you go?

            3. Who travelled with you?

            4. How long was your flight?

            5. What kind of plane was it?

            6. What did you do on board?

            7. Did you enjoy your flight?

            8. Would you like to travel by ai


              1. Would you like to travel by air? Why?

              2. What are advantages and dis­advantages of air travel, do you think?

again? Why?