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VI. Выберите английское предложение, наиболее точно передающее содержание предъявленного.

19. Firms paid rates but had no vote at all.

a) Though companies paid property tax, they weren’t able to influence the governmental policy.

b) Firms paid taxes but refused to participate in General Elections.

c) Firms paid taxes to vote.

20. Instead of local business rates a national business rate was imposed.

a) A local business rate was imposed but not a national one.

b) A national business rate was imposed to substitute a local one.

c) Both national and local business rates were imposed.

21. Domestic rates gave way to poll tax with some relief for the poorest households.

a) Some relief for the poorest firms was obvious due to domestic rates.

b) Domestic rates made it possible to charge a gift tax.

c) To protect the poorest families, a tax on every person in the country was introduced instead of domestic rates.

VII. Выберите правильную видовременную форму глагола.

22. How did the British population _______ the reform?

a) take

b) took

c) taken

23. Money _________ from local to the central government.

a) was moving

b) was moved

c) moved

24. Those households that paid rates _______ for high spending programmes.

a) didn’t vote

b) doesn’t vote

c) can vote

25. A national business rate was ___________ by the government.

a) impose

b) imposed

c) imposing

26. Property assessment and pricing problems ___________ lately.

a) have been raised

b) have raised

c) were raising

VIII. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами или их эквивалентами.

27. To be successful in avoiding strong fluctuations in business activity, the government _________ to make injections into a growing economy.

a) need

b) must

c) has

28. The government _________ to reduce expenditures to prevent recession.

a) is able

b) must

c) can’t

29. Aggregate demand _________ be managed to grow as much as the GNP.

a) allowed

b) ought

c) should

30. Oil and gas ________ be sought in inaccessible places, which adds to their production costs.

a) need

b) can’t

c) have to

31. National economy ____________ be dramatically affected by too high aggregate demand.

a) can

b) ought


IX. Заполните пропуски прилагательными в нужной форме.

32. Many needy families became _________ than before.

a) poor

b) poorer

c) more poor

33. Property prices in the south were much __________ than in the north.

a) highest

b) more high

c) higher

34. The ___________ economic event happened in 1980.

a) wonderfuller

b) more wonderful

c) most wonderful

X. Переведите текст (письменно).

Liquidity is determined by the speed and certainty with which an asset can be converted into cash (notes and coins) in order to be used as a means of payment. The quicker an asset can be converted into cash, the more liquid it is. Therefore, money is the most liquid of all since it is widely accepted as the medium of exchange, while durable and highly specific assets such as machinery are the least liquid as such asset cannot be converted into money without finding a buyer and determining the value of the property to be sold.

Bank assets can also be characterized in terms of their liquidity.

Loans to households and firms do not appear to be very liquid forms of bank lending, for the borrower may not be able to repay the sum owed to the bank whenever the bank demands.

Securities including government bonds and shares of firms, though traded on the stock exchange, cannot be relied upon for a certain amount of cash as their prices fluctuate from day to day. Therefore, financial investment in securities seems also to be illiquid.