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Training exercises:

Ex 1.

А. Найдите в следующих предложениях главные и второстепенные члены, назовите их и обозначьте символами. Переведите предложения на русский язык, соблюдая логику высказывания.




















a profitable




with “IBM”.

с «IBM».




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  1. Abroad we have a lot of interesting appointments.

  2. The minutes of the previous meeting have been circulating among the members of the Board.

  3. We went through all the airport formalities in no time.

  4. This company can be swallowed up by a larger company from the capital.

  5. The general manager drew up a tentative program of his stay in Finland.

  6. The tax revenue people sent us a letter a week ago.

  7. Paul sounded very excited on the phone.

  8. The idea was to go into exporting.

  9. To set up your own business is not very simple in our country.

  10. The profit margin must be built into the price of the product.

В. Скажите, какими частями речи могут быть выражены подлежащее и сказуемое.

Ex. 2. Составьте предложение из следующих членов, следуя символам, данным в скобках.

Were shipped (Pr), A week ago (AdvM time), the goods (S).

  1. It (S), to go into exporting (O), is dangerous (Pr), now (AdvM time).

  2. Must be introduced (Pr), at the plant (AdvM place). A new shift system (S), by the end of September (AdvM time).

  3. Were against (Pr), the overtime work (O), the workers (S).

  4. Had to withdraw (Pr), their (Attr), credits (O), the competitors (S), from the relatives (AdvM).

  5. His (Attr), as ruined (Pr), plan (S), of going into exporting (Attr).

  6. Decided (Pr), Tom (S), to raise (Obj), to help (Obj), his daughter (Obj), her child (Obj).

  7. Was impossible (Pr), to get a stand (Obj), It (S), at the Trade Fair (AdvM).

  8. After his course (AdvM), was full of life and energy (Pr), Paul (S), at the University (AdvM place).

  9. From tax revenue people (Attr), informed (Pr), the letter (S), them (Obj), about there debts (Obj).

Ex. 3. Составьте предложения из данных слов. Следуйте правилу прямого порядка слов.

  1. Have been learning, long, English, Mary and John.

  2. Knows, the story of Robin Hood, child, every.

  3. Near the lake, rented, the Browns, house, nice.

  4. Will bring , the bellboy, your luggage, in a minute, to your room.

  5. Is, a student, Martin, of political history.

  6. Was delivered, the cargo, in time.

  7. Wants, David, at the University, to study, after school, economics.

  8. Is famous, Italy, for art treasures.

  9. Sentimental love, the Englishmen, have, for their houses.

  10. Received, the managers, many rewards of the Conference, for their work.

Ex. 4. Поставьте наречие в нужное место в предложении.

Note: место наречия в предложении:

Как правило, наречие always, probably, obviously, also, never, usually, definitely, all, both, occasionally, hardly, ever и др. ставятся в середине предложения:

  1. Если сказуемое состоит из одного слова, такое наречие ставится перед ним:

e.g. Tom always goes to work by car.

The tax revenue people usually check the accountants at the end of the fiscal year.

Если сказуемое представлено глаголом to be (am, is, are, were, was) в Present Simple, наречие ставится после сказуемого.

E.g. The traffic isn’t usually so heavy in this part of the city.

  1. Если сказуемое состоит из двух или более слов, то наречие ставится после первого слова (кроме модального глагола to have в утвердительной форме: I always have to phone. Note: I have always to phone him. But: I won’t probably have to phone him).

E.g. I can never remember his name.

Your car has probably been stolen.

  1. Angela isn’t in the office at lunchtime (usually).

  2. Angela doesn’t have her dinner at home (always).

  3. John won’t overtime (usually).

  4. We felt sick after the flight (all).

  5. Sarah and Eve have applied for the job (both).

  6. He has sandwiches for lunch (hardly ever).

  7. I’m going to the party tonight (definitely).

  8. Martin is learning French (also).

  9. I’m tired at the time of the day (always).

  10. He has gone home early (probably).

Ex. 5. Переведите на английский язык:

  1. Обычно я обедаю дома.

  2. Я иногда хожу в театр.

  3. Все мы только вернулись из поездки по Англии.

  4. Боб и Питер оба работают в отделе по маркетингу.

  5. Им, вероятно, придется встретиться с генеральным директором.

  6. Студенты нашей группы также изучают сейчас китайский.

  7. Едва ли он обедает в столовой.

  8. Мы, определенно, теряем время.

  9. Нашим рабочим часто приходится работать сверхурочно.

  10. Джон не может постоянно делать эту работу.

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