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Sells articles to highest bidder: Appraises merchandise before sale and assembles merchandise in lots according to estimated value of individual pieces or type of article: Selects article to be auctioned at suggestion of bidders or by own choice. Appraises article and determines or asks for starting bid. Describes merchandise and gives information about article, such as history and ownership, in order to encourage bidding. Continues to ask for bids, attempting to stimulate buying desire of bidders. Closes sale to highest bidder. May write auction catalog and advertising copy to local or trade newspapers and periodicals.

B. Watch the film “Family Album, USA” (Episodes 21, 22 “A Big Fish in a Little Pond”, “Carrier choices”). Follow the directions in the Appendix “Traditions and Habits of American People.”

Topics for discussion

1. Speak on the occupations of your family members. Try to make grounds for your considerations.

2. Say whether it was difficult for you to make a decision about your future occupation. Who helped you to find the right decision?

Unit 5

East or West – Home is Best

  1. Phonetic Training

    1. Read the rhymes, train their reading.

'Mr. 'Shott and 'Mr. 'Nott A 'cup of 'coffee hot

Ag'reed to 'fight a duel. In a 'proper 'coffee pot.

'Nott was shot but 'Shott was not

So, it’s 'better to be Shott than Nott.

    1. Learn the tongue twister:

Whether the weather be nice.

Or whether the weather be not.

Whether the weather be cold.

Or whether the weather be hot.

We’ll weather the weather.

Whatever the weather.

Whatever we like it or not.

A twister of twists once twisted a twist

And the twist that he twisted

Was a three twisted twist.

Now in twisting this twist,

If a twist should untwist,

Would the twist that untwisted

Untwist the twists.

    1. Listen to the song, learn it by heart and sing:

My Bonny


My Bonny is over the ocean,

My Bonny is over the sea,

My Bonny is over the ocean,

Oh, bring back my Bonny to me.


Bring back, bring back,

Bring back, my Bonny to me.


Last night when I lay on my pillow,

Last night when I lay in my bed,

Last night when I lay on my pillow,

I dreamed that my Bonny was dead.



Oh, blow ye, winds over the ocean,

Oh, blow ye, winds over the sea,

Oh, blow ye, winds over the ocean,

Oh, bring back my Bonny to me.


The winds have blown over the ocean,

The winds have blown over the sea,

The winds have blown over the ocean,

And brought back my Bonny to me.

Brought back, brought back,

Brought back my Bonny to me.

    1. Intonation of different types of questions in the English language.

  1. General Questions (The answer to which is “yes” or “no”).

E.g. Is your family large?

Are you planning any trip abroad this summer?

Have you had any meals today?

Have you been married long?

Do you usually begin your day with morning exercises?

Did you make the decision of your marriage yourself?

  1. Special questions (The questions beginning with an interrogative word and requiring a full answer).

E.g. What would you like for breakfast?

Where have you been all the morning?

Why did you marry him?

How many relatives have you got on your mother’s side?

How old is your father?

What color are the eyes of your brother?

How long does it take you to get to your job by the underground?

Who can answer this question?

Which of these bags is yours?

  1. Alternative questions (Questions, which suggest a choice and require a full answer).

E.g. Would you like tea or coffee?

Are you going to have your celebration dinner at home or in a restaurant?

Have you done this job yourself or did anybody help you?

  1. Disjunctive (or Tag-) questions (The questions, when you are almost sure what your interlocutor will answer. The answer usually confirms your opinion?)

E.g. You are about 30, aren’t you?

She has already made her choice, hasn’t she?

You’d like to talk to you relatives, wouldn’t you?

He was born before the war started, wasn’t he?

He hadn’t been able to cook dinner before she came, had he?

The waiter didn’t suggest you their dish of the day, did he?

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