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    1. Family Life and Relations


family man

семейный человек

a bread-winner


nuclear family

семья, где есть оба родителя

one-parent family

неполная семья

extended family

семья, где живут несколько поколений

fall in love


to be up to ears in love

по уши влюбиться

to go out with smb.

встречаться с кем-нибудь

to make a date, to date

назначать свидание, встречаться

to propose to smb.

сделать предложение

to be engaged to smb.

быть помолвленным

to break one’s engagement

разорвать помолвку

newly-weds, just married


marital bliss

семейное счастье

marriage certificate

свидетельство о браке

registry office


prenuptial agreement

брачный договор

to marry for love

жениться по любви

a love match

брак по любви

to marry for convenience

брак по расчету


неравный брак

to live together

to cohabit (cohabiting couples)

жить без регистрации

to have a row


to raise, to bring up children

растить детей

to have children by first marriage

иметь детей от первого брака

to adopt a child

усыновить (удочерить)

for family reasons

по семейным обстоятельствам

to be jealous


to split up with smb.

порвать отношения

to break up

распадаться (о семье)

to support a family

содержать семью

to participate in fund-raising

участвовать в обеспечении семьи

to keep the house clean

содержать дом в чистоте

to help with the household

помогать по дому









a bachelor


dowry [dəυəri]


spinster (old maid)

старая дева

Training exercises:

Ex. 1. Answer the questions:

  • Are you a family man?

  • Who is the bread-winner in your family?

  • Do you live in a nuclear family, one-parent family or in extended family?

  • Have you ever fallen in love? (have you ever been up to ears in love?)

  • Are you going out with anybody now?

  • Do you often date (make dates)?

  • Has your boyfriend proposed you yet?

  • Are you engaged to anybody?

  • Do you know what marital bliss is?

  • Where do people get married officially?

  • Would you like to be married in church?

  • Would you prefer to marry for love or for convenience?

  • What is a misalliance for you?

  • Do you often have rows with your parents? What are the reasons?

  • Are you jealous?

  • Do you think a husband must support a family and a wife only participating in fund-raising?

  • Who keeps the house clean in your family?

  • Do you help with the household?

  • What are your duties in the family?

Ex. 2. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the underlined words and word combinations:

  1. Many Russian women turn to marriage agencies for help to find a husband.

  2. For many couples living together has replaced marriage in recent years.

  3. Living together (cohabitating) can provide a chance for shared life without a shared bank account.

  4. Research shows, that among older couples, cohabitation often follows divorce.

  5. In early XXth century in many American families wives didn’t work outside the home. If she did it meant that her husband was not able to support the family.

  6. Most women in Russia have to combine family and work outside the home (to juggle a career with a family).

  7. When a husband arrives home from a tough day, all he wants to do is put his feet up and have a drink – the sort of thing a man always expects.

  8. Instead he has to help with the household or attend to his children.

  9. Many women have to cut short their working day to pick up their children from day care.

  10. Parents don’t owe their children every minute of their day and every ounce of their energy, but they owe them a comfortable feeling about their body, as well as a sense of personal worth and self-esteem.

  11. With increasing accessibility to the Internet, the process of Russian women emigrating for marriage has increased several times over.

Ex.3. Give words and phrases for the following definitions:

  1. to win the affections with a view of marriage;

  2. unsuitable marriage;

  3. a woman whose husband died;

  4. a woman, who has never been married;

  5. a second wife of one’s father;

  6. a child of an earlier marriage of one’s stepfather or step mother;

  7. to take a child into one’s family (as a relation);

  8. a man, who has never been married;

  9. to educate, to raise children;

  10. to put an end to a marriage by law;

  11. man (woman) to whom one is engaged;

  12. your father’s (mother’s) parents;

  13. a jubilee after 25 years of marriage;

  14. a circular band (often of gold) given as a token of love.

Ex.4. Translate the following sentences. Consult the list of words and expressions given below:

  1. Это моя племянница со стороны матери.

  2. Разрешите называть вас по имени, вы так молоды.

  3. Почему ему дали такое прозвище?

  4. Все члены семьи называли его Си-Си для краткости.

  5. Он мой троюродный брат, в общем, довольно дальний родственник.

  6. Мы считаем тетю Аню очень близкой родственницей, хотя в действительности она нам «десятая вода на киселе».

  7. Ему перевалило за 60 хотя он не выглядит на свои годы.

  8. Он на 10 лет старше меня.

  9. Я семейный человек, я не могу работать так поздно.

  10. Ему почти семнадцать, он вполне может поехать в деревню один.

  11. В Америке подросткам продают только безалкогольные напитки.

  12. Он на 5 лет младше меня.

  13. Они поженились по любви, хотя все считают, что это брак по расчету.

  14. Бабушка очень состарилась в последнее время.

  15. Через 4 года я достигну совершеннолетия.

  16. Они очень похожи, как две капли воды.

  17. Ему было далеко за сорок.

  18. Она принесла большое приданое.

  19. Ребенок должен родиться в мае.

  20. Она пережила своего мужа на 10 лет.

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