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Weddings in Indonesia

(what to do and what not to do)

If a friend gets an invitation to a wedding, you can go with him/her, even if you don’t receive an invitation yourself. The times of the wedding ceremony and the reception are both on the invitation. However, you shouldn’t go to the ceremony because it is only for close family. If you really want to see it, you should ask first. Everyone can go to the reception afterwards.

Nowadays, Indonesian women don’t have to cover their heads, but they usually wear traditional clothes.

There is a box at the entrance to the reception and you have to put money into it! But don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be a lot of money.

And remember – at most wedding receptions you can’t drink alcohol (12).

3. Use information from ex2 and complete the sentences with these words:

have to don’t have to should shouldn’t can’t can

1) You …………………. go to the reception with a friend, even if you don’t have an invitation.

2) You ………………… cover your head if you are an Indonesian woman.

3) You ………………… go to the ceremony.

4) You ………………… put money into the box at the entrance to the reception.

5) You ………………… drink alcohol at the reception.

6) You ………………… ask first if you want to see the ceremony.

4. Match the verbs to their meanings. If necessary use the information from the table.

1) have to a) not necessary

2) don’t have to b) necessary

3) can c) not allowed/not possible

4) can’t d) allowed/possible

5) should e) not advisable

6) shouldn’t f) advisable

5. Write ten sentences giving advice to a foreigner who is going to a wedding in your country.

Example: You should arrive on time. You shouldn’t arrive late.

Work in pairs. Student A gives advice about what to do. Student B is the foreigner.

Example: A: If you are a man, you should wear a suit.

B: And what kind of present should I take?

6. Imagine you are going to have party. Your mother tells you what you must do and what you mustn’t:

  • invite too many people

  • prepare everything

  • drink anything but soft drinks

  • make a noise

  • use the best plates and cups

  • enter Father’s study room

  • bring food and drinks into bedrooms

  • smoke in the house

  • leave the fridge empty

  • stay after midnight

  • wash up

  • air the sitting room

  • clean the carpet

  • put everything in order

  • forget to turn off the TV set

7. Complete the description of traditional Chinese weddings with these words.

have to don’t have to can’t can

A week before the wedding, the groom’s family ………….. go to the bride’s house. They take presents in red boxes. Only the men …………… carry them – female members of the family …………. carry the presents. One strange thing is that the bride’s family send them back if they don’t like them – they …………. Accept the presents! A few days later, females of the bride’s family ………….. take presents to the groom’s family. On the morning of the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom …………… serve tea to their parents. The ceremony is only for the family – friends …………… go to it. The reception is where friends …………… celebrate with the happy couple.

8. Imagine that you’ve visited Chinese or Indonesian wedding ceremony and it impressed you greatly. Share your impressions with your group-mates. Tell them about decorum. Use information from ex2 and ex7.

9. Mrs. Woods isn’t very well. The doctor is speaking to her. Complete what the doctor says using must and the verbs:

drink, take, stay and continue.

Doctor: Well, Mrs. Woods, your temperature is a little high, so you ………….. in bed for the next few days. You can eat whatever you like, but you ………………. Plenty of liquids. And I give you some medicine. You ………….. in three times a day after meals. And you ……………… to take it for the next ten days.

Now Mrs. Woods is explaining the doctor’s instructions to Mr. Woods. Complete what Mrs. Woods says using have to and the verbs drink, take, stay and continue.

Mrs. Woods: The doctor gave me some medicine. I …………… it three times a day after meals. And I ……………. to take it for the next ten days. I’m not allowed to get up at the moment. I ……………. in bed for the next few days. Oh, and I’m allowed to eat whatever I like, but I ………….. plenty of liquids.

10. Imagine that you are a doctor. What advice would you give to the people with the following problems?

1) Mr. Johns is overweight. He wants to lose some kilograms.

2) Sally has a high temperature. She is sneezing and coughing.

3) Tom has a sore throat.


1. Have you been to a wedding party? Who got married? Describe the wedding ceremony and compare it with a traditional American wedding.

In the USA people often get married in a house, a garden, a park, a hotel, or in the wedding chapel as well as in church. Most people, when they think of wedding, think of people getting married in church and the many customs that go with this type of wedding, called a white wedding. Even people who are not religious often want to have a traditional white wedding in a church.

The night before, the groom’s friends give him a bachelor party. Everybody drinks a lot of alcohol and tells a lot of funny stories. The bride can also organize a hen party for her female friends.

It is traditional for the bride to wear a long white dress and a white veil and to carry flowers in a bouquet. She is also supposed to wear ‘something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue’ because this will bring her luck. The groom wears a suit or sometimes a tuxedo. Everyone else wears their best clothes and the women often buy hats specially.

The groom is not supposed to see the bride on the day of the wedding until they meet in church as this is considered to be bad luck. The groom arrives at the church first and waits inside, near the altar. The bride and her attendants get ready in a special room at the church. The bride is nervous.

The invited guests and the families of the bride and groom come to the church and the ushers, who are friends of the groom, show them where to sit. Friends of the bride usually sit on the left; friends of the groom sit on the right.

The organ music plays; sometimes a soloist sings. Then the organ begins the wedding march, and everybody stands up. The wedding party starts down the aisle. The attendants go first, followed by the bride, who walks with her father. It is the custom for the bride’s father to ‘give her away’. (Everybody knows what to do, because they had a rehearsal a day or two before the wedding.) When the bride and groom are together at the altar the minister performs the wedding service. These are important words:

Minister: Do you take this man to be your husband?

Bride: I do.

Minister: Do you take this woman to be your wife?

Groom: I do.

Minister: Then I pronounce you man and wife.

After the wedding service there is a reception for the bride and groom. Usually bride’s family pays for it. Everyone eats and drinks; sometimes there is music and dancing. All the guests make toasts to the bride and groom and give them good wishes. Near the end of the reception, the bride throws her bouquet into the air, and all the single girls try to catch it, as for single men they try to catch the bride’s garter. They believe that the girl who catches the bouquet and the man who catches the garter will be the next one to marry.

The bride and groom leave the reception and change their clothes; then they come back to say goodbye. As they leave, everyone throws rice at them. They get into their car, which has been decorated by their friends. As they drive away, the old cans and shoes make a lot of noise.

2. Read the statements. Decide whether each statement is true or false.

a. People who are not religious don’t want to have their wedding in church.

b. It is traditional for the bride to wear a long white dress and a white veil. The groom wears a suit or sometimes a tuxedo.

c. The bride and groom arrive at the church together.

d. When the organ begins to play the wedding march, everyone should stand up.

e. It is not necessary for the bride’s father to ‘give her away’

f. The minister begins the wedding service when the bride and groom walk slowly up the aisle of the church.

g. After the wedding service there is a reception for the bride and groom.

3. Answer the following questions.

a. Where do Americans usually get married?

b. What is the bride supposed to wear besides a long white dress and a white veil?

c. Who are ushers? What’s their role?

d. Where does the groom wait for his bride?

e. Who performs the wedding service?

f. What do the guests usually do at the reception?

g. What does the bride throw into the air for single girls and men?

h. What do the guests throw at the bride and groom?

i. How is the wedding car decorated?

4. Complete the table with the necessary words from the text.

Wedding Party




Wedding Ceremony


5. What happens at weddings in your country? Use modal verbs and expressions from the unit to write about a traditional wedding in Russia. Share you ideas with a group.

In Russia the bride and the groom have to go to the ceremony together. …….


A perfect shell is a gift from the sea

as beautiful and unique

as our love is meant to be.

Please join us as we

Amy Michelle Jacob


Tom Michael Laten

join our lives in marriage

on Saturday, the fourth of August

two thousand and nine

at four o’clock.

St. John’s Church

Sea Drive, Terryville, Florida.

We will walk side-by-side, hand-in- hand… forever.

Doctor and Mrs. Donald Smith

request the honour of your presence

at the marriage of their daughter

Lillian Marie


Mr. Austin John Parker

Saturday, the first of March

at three o’clock

St. Paul’s Church

Ridgeview, New York

and afterward at the reception

Two Springview Lane.

R. S. V. P.

Feel free to write your own.

Here is what you need:

1. An opening sentence

2. Your name

3. Groom’s or bride’s name

4. An action sentence

5. The wedding date (year, time, place, address to place)


1. Imagine that you got married.

Stage 1

Tell your mates about preparation for it:

  • wedding invitations

  • clothes and accessories

  • wedding budget

Stage 2

Tell your mates about the members of your wedding party:

  • bride’s party

  • groom’s party

  • guests

Stage 3

Tell your mates about pre-wedding parties:

  • hen party (bridal shower)

  • bachelor party (stag night)

Stage 4

Tell your mates about wedding ceremony:

  • where (registry office or church)

  • when (on the 19th of July)

  • special music

  • exchange vows and rings

  • rice or confetti

  • photographs

Stage 5

Tell your mates about reception:

  • location of the reception (restaurant, café, etc.)

  • music/dancing (special dances with bride/father, groom/mother, ‘just married’)

  • toasts to married couple, gifts

  • cake cutting ceremony

  • bouquet and garter toss to unmarried guests

  • get-away

Stage 6

Tell your mates about honeymoon:

  • location (hot country on islands or some historical place)

  • your impressions

1. What can the people do? What can’t they do? Complete the sentences with can or can’t + verb.


the guitar


the piano

use a word processor

program a computer

ride a motorbike

drive a car





























a) Peter ……………. a motorbike and he ………………………. .

b) Peter ……………. a word processor, but ……………………. .

c) Flora ……………. a car, but she …………………………….. .

d) Only Paul ……………………………………………………... .

e) Only Flora ……………………………………………………. .

f) Paul …………………… and Flora can’t either, but Marianne and Peter can.

g) Everybody ……………………………………………………. .

h) Nobody ……………………………………………………….. .

2. a) Write three things you could do when you were three.

1) …………………………………………

2) …………………………………………

3) …………………………………………

b) Write three things you can do now that you couldn’t do when you were three.

1) ………………………………………....

2) …………………………………………

3) …………………………………………

c) Write two things you couldn’t do when you were three and you still can’t do!

1) …………………………………………

2) …………………………………………

3. Use modal verbs (can, could, must, have to).

It was late autumn. A hungry Fox was walking about the forest looking for something to eat, but he …… find nothing. Then he came up to the lake. “There …… be some fish,” he thought. “If I …… catch one I shall have a good dinner.” He saw a few fishes but they were swimming too fast. The Fox …… not swim. “How …… I catch them?” he thought and said, “Little fishes!” – “We …… not hear you.” – “Come nearer, you …… come on land and live in peace as I do. You …… always find something to eat in the forest and you will meet many friends.” – “He …… be so stupid if he tells us to come on land,” thought the fishes.

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