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Optimist or Pessimist?

1. How do you see your future?

a) You will probably live to the age of 90, full of energy.

b) You are quite likely to get run over by a bus any day, so it is not really worth thinking about.

c) You are looking forward to retiring and enjoying an easy life. You are sure to have some problems, but not serious.

2. Someone you work with invited you to a party. How doyou feel?

a) Very excited. You are sure to meet lots of new and interesting people and have a great evening.

b) You will probably stay at home because you certainly won’t know anyone there and it is likely to be deadly boring.

c) You are fairly convinced that you will enjoy it. Your new colleague seems friendly enough and it is inevitable that you will meet at least a few new faces.

3. You are going for a picnic with friends.

a) You are sure it will be a beautiful, sunny day – the hottest this year.

b) You expect it will rain. It always does when you plan something nice.

c) It’s quite possible that it will be warm and there is a fair chance that you’ll catch at least a little sunshine.

4. A minute ago you completed a psychological test about how positive thinking can influence you the rest of your life.

a) It’s unlikely that anything negative will never happen to you again. It is all in the mind!

b) What rubbish! How can you think positively when so many terrible things are certain to happen to you?

c) You are not convinced that it will change your life but you’ll probably try and adopt a positive outlook and see how long it last.

If you chose mainly a

Lucky you! You always look on the bright side of life! The future looks good.

If you chose mainly b

Cheer up and stop being so miserable. Things aren’t as bad as you think

If you chose mainly c

You are very logical. There won’t be any surprises for you tomorrow.

rammar Focus

a) b)

What will you look like in

10 years? Choose a or b.

1.Scientists say that people with

positive thinking live longer.

Do you think there is

a grain of sense?

What about you? How long you

think you could live?

Are you optimistic or

pessimistic about your future?

Do the psychological

test and find it out.

2.. What do the words in bold

type mean? Do they refer to the

past, present or future?

See Grammar Summary, p.114

3. Use the marked words from the

test and complete the sentences:

a) We ………at Bitacora hotel

when we come to Adeje.

b) John ……in London some

years, before he completes

his studies.

c) Weather-chart makers say

that it ……in the evening, so

don’t forget to take your


d)If you don’t stop it immediately

sooner or later a terrible

accident …….to you .

e) Nobody can say for sure

… cloning …..our life

to the better?

f) Jane is very reasonable, I think

there ……any surprises for her.

4. Read Jane’s diary. What does she write about her life at the moment and her future?

Sunday 15th

Now I am 20. I am a nurse at the local hospital. I also study at college. I have to work to earn some money for living and studying. Every day after my classes I go to work and come back home late at night. Then I do my homework and go to bed. I have a friend Joe. We work together. Next weekend he invited me to a party. I think it will be rather interesting. Tomorrow I’ll go shopping to buy a dress for the party and maybe some other things. I’ll also go to a hairdressing saloon on Saturday evening. I will look my best. Of course I hope to charm him and probably in some years he will marry me.

Are these statements true or false? Correct the wrong sentences. Use will or will not (won’t).

1. Next weekend she will be at college. ……………………………………………….

2. She thinks that the party will be very interesting. …………………………………

3. She will go to a hairdressing saloon tomorrow ……………………………………

4. She will look her best. ………………………………………………………………

5. She will be 20 next year. ……………………………………………………………

6. Joe will probably marry her. ………………………………………………………

And what about you? Where will you be next month, year or in 10 years? Write sentences about yourself.

Next morning…………………………………………………………………………

Next week ……………………………………………………………………………...

Next summer …………………………………………………………………………..

In 5 years from now ……………………………………………………………………

In 10 years from now ………………………………………………………………….

In 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………….

5.Do you believe in horoscopes? Read this horoscope. Will it be a good or a bad week for Aries?

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

ARIES (March 22 to April 20) This week will be difficult for you. You will have a lot to do and your friends will need your help. Try not to lose your head and be patient on Wednesday the situation will change for the better. On Thursday you’ll get an opportunity to display your talents. Your charm will help you to gain popularity and you will probably solve all your financial problems.

Now choose the star sign for another person in your group and write a horoscope.


Useful Words:

pub – бар;

AD - нашей эры;

conqueror завоеватель;

plague – чума;

Guildhall - ратуша

sights- достоприм-ности;

hub -центр (событий, внимания, деятельности);

destroy – разрушать;

rebel -бунтовщик,бунтовать.

1. What do you know about London?

1) How many people do you think live in London?

a) 5.5 million b) 7.5 million c)9.5 million.

2) How many tourists visit London every year?

a) 5 million b) 7 million c) 9 million.

3) What is the oldest building?

a) Tower of London b) Guildhall c) St Paul’s Cathedral.

4) Match years to the number of people lived in London (see key )

1509 1600 1665, 1881

100000 200000 3 million 50000

2. Read the text and check your answers.

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