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Test 01 family, friends and fun

Part A

К каждому заданию даны варианты ответов, из которых только один является верным. Выберите правильный ответ из четырех предложенных.

A1. When I was little, my parents used to take me to a park with lots of …

1) merries-go-round

2) merry-go-rounds

3) merries-go-rounds

4) merry-go-round's

A2. Many parents normally feel … about punishing children severely.

1) well

2) badly

3) worse

4) bad

A3. In our country … of children are adopted every year.

1) hundred

2) hundreds

3) hundred’s

4) hundreds'

A4. It happens sometimes that parents tell the children off without … reason.

1) some

2) any

3) no

4) none

A5. Last year my sister … eighteen; since that time she … on her own.

1) turned, has been living

2) turned, live

3) turned, is living

4) had turned, lived

A6. Mother … the elder son who he … to at six p.m. the day before.

1) asked, had been talking

2) am asking, is talking

3) asked, was talking

4) ask, had talked

A7. Unless you … in close touch with your parents, you … somewhat lonely.

1) keep, will feel

2) won’t keep, feel

3) will keep, feel

4) don’t keep, feel

A8. They … their wedding and … abroad for their honeymoon.

1) have celebrated, have gone

2) have been celebrated, have gone

3) had celebrated, went

4) celebrated, went

A9. When everything … the family … to take a stroll along the wharf.

1) has done, have decided

2) has been done, decided

3) was done, decided

4) had been done, decided

A10. Dad … us that someone … impolite to him the day before.

1) says, has been

2) said, was being

3) told, had been

4) tells, has been being

A11. Granny … upset because she … to get a letter from his son for years.

1) was, waited

2) has been, was waiting

3) was, had been waiting

4) is, waits

A12. This month my friend … to his cousin in Madrid. In a year he …

1) has gone, will return

2) went, will return

3) had gone, would return

4) went, would return

A13. My brother … that he … to a birthday party.

1) says, has been inviting

2) tells, to be invited

3) said, had been invited

4) told, was invited

A14. His spouse has just phoned. She … she … in an hour.

1) told, will come

2) said, shall come

3) said, would come

4) said, would have come

A15. My fiancé … me that I … try harder.

1) told, must

2) said, must

3) said, had to

4) said, had

A16. I … of this flat earlier if I … a letter from my near of kin.

1) could have moved out, have got

2) can have moved out, had got

3) could have moved out, had got

4) could had moved out, had got

A17. At weekends the sportive father … his younger son … to the gym.

1) makes, to go

2) made, went

3) makes, go

4) made, gone

A18. He would rather … the washing up himself than wait for his sister’s help.

1) do

2) had done

3) did

4) have done

A19. If I … you, I … about his family background before marrying him.

1) was, will have learnt

2) have been, shall be learning

3) am, will learn

4) were, would learn

A20. Every mother … her children … more cooperative, I think.

1) wishes, were

2) wished, will be

3) wishes, had been

4) wish, would have been

A21. My mother had … terrible headache so I asked my brother to stop playing … guitar.

1) a / a

2) a / the

3) - / the

4) the / a

A22. … British like to spend time in France. Why not go to … Louvre for a change?

1) - / -

2) The / the

3) - / the

4) The / a

A23. The young boy takes … his father. He even dresses like his father, he puts … a long overcoat and a felt hat. He doesn’t button the coat …

1) after / up / in

2) on / in / out

3) after / on / up

4) for / on / down

A24. My children always help me … the house. I also get ... with my mother-in-law and she helps me to do the cooking and washing …

1) about / along / up

2) in / on / out

3) with / through to / up

4) around / in / over

A25. Some parents are always finding fault … teenage kids; they don’t like the clothes they are dressed …, etc. Such parents are difficult to deal …, really.

1) with / over / on

2) about / in / along

3) in / on / in

4) with / in / with

A26. At weekends I do the vacuuming and washing up very quickly … to be the first to have a rest.

1) so as

2) so that

3) in case

4) for fear

A27. Coming home early after a party is not in the habit of young people, … is no surprise at all.

1) so that

2) which

3) what

4) that

Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.

A28. The older one grows the most one appreciates parents' advice.

1 2 3 4

A29. It's better for parents to tell the truth instead of pretending to know how to do

1 2 3

things when they are not capable to do them at all.


Определите тему, к которой относится данный ряд слов. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A30. Review, exposition, visitor, canvas, guide

1) science

2) art

3) sport

Из предложенных вариантов выберите слово, относящееся к заданному ряду слов. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A31. Nursery, toys, blocks, comics

1) newspaper

2) teddy bear

3) writing desk

4) health food

Определите ряд, в котором не все слова относятся к одной теме. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A32. 1) vacation, resort, excursion, walking tour

2) communication, dialogue, altitude, speaker

3) occasion, event, television coverage, live

Прочитайте текст, выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа. Укажите выбранный вариант.

The best summer holiday I (A33) … remember was when I was ten and went to stay with my grandparents for a few weeks. At that time they were living in the country. So I (A34) … go for long walks through the woods. I (A35) … to climb trees and ran around with their dog. I (A36) … go near the lake by myself but my grandfather sometimes took me fishing. When I had to go back to town, I couldn't (A37) … feeling rather sad.

A33. 1) can 2) may 3) might 4) will

A34. 1) could 2) used 3) had 4) tried

A35. 1) could 2) was able 3) should 4) was

A36. 1) can't 2) mayn't 3) wasn't allowed to 4) mustn't

A37. 1) be 2) help 3) but 4) not

Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной реплике-стимулу. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A38. They say children must be seen but not heard.

1) I couldn't agree more.

2) Really? Mustn't they?

3) I think that's okay.

4) Well, never mind.

Выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной ответной реплике. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A39. About once a month.

1) How about a weekend trip?

2) Listen, can't you go there?

3) When did you see her last?

4) How often do you see your parents?

Прочитайте вопрос. Выберите один из вариантов ответа. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A40. Christopher Robin is a popular character created by one British author. What is his name?

1) Alan A. Milne.

2) Robert L. Stevenson.

3) Rudyard Kipling.

4) Pamela Travers.

Прочитайте текст и выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий содержанию прочитанного текста. Укажите выбранный вариант.

  1. Dreading getting old? Think it'll be a time of melancholy and solitude and existential terror? Guess what: Odds are you'll be happier in your senior years than at any other point in your life. And the odds are equally good that you were a whole lot less happy when you were younger than you think you were.

  2. Those counterintuitive conclusions are the findings of a new study published in the improbably named Journal of Happiness Studies, reporting on work carried out the University of Michigan Medical School. Researchers assembled a sample group of 540 adults, all of whom were either between 21 and 40 or over 60. The subjects responded to a series of questions asking them to rate on a scale of one to 10 their own happiness, how happy they thought they'd be when they were old (or, for the over-60 group, remembered being when they were young) and how they think they compared to other people in their age group.

  3. Surprisingly, the folks in the older group scored significantly higher in the current happiness category than the younger group. Despite this, the older people believed they'd been happier when they were young – and the younger group guessed most people would be less happy when they were old. Almost all of the individuals concluded that the rules didn't entirely apply to them, believing that they were generally happier than their contemporaries and would remain that way when they were older.

  4. The researchers were not terribly surprised that most people consider themselves above average in happiness. This is a bias that turns up repeatedly in such areas as intelligence and driving ability. Of course, it's mathematically impossible for everyone to be above average, since that would simply set the statistical midline higher. The rest of the findings were more surprising, though. The researchers believe that the reason for greater late-life contentment is not necessarily improved circumstances. Old folks, after all, are often struggling with illness, widowhood or getting by on a pension or a fixed income. Rather, a lifetime of experiences has simply taught them to manage problems with greater aplomb — likely more than they probably expected they'd acquire.

  5. The investigators are returning for closer studies of the people in the 40 to 60 age group, but already see important implications for their work. Learn to see your late years as more than just the departure lounge to the hereafter and you're more likely to save money and maintain your health insurance, as well as avoiding life-shortening habits like smoking or poor diet.

A41. Which of the following would make a suitable title for the article?

1) Getting Old Is Not That Scary

2) Early Life Versus Later Life

3) Growing Old Means Less Happiness

A42. The results of the research showed that

1) older people think they are not as happy as before.

2) young people think they will be happier later.

3) older people think they are happier than before.

A43. The result were called "surprising" because the researchers didn't expect

1) any active participation from younger people.

2) such levels of satisfaction from older people.

3) lifetime experiences to teach anything at all.

A44. The results imply that it makes sense to

1) learn to live in the present only.

2) view old age as a satisfying experience.

3) try to stay young as long as you can.

A45. According to the results, you are less likely to enjoy old age if

1) you develop health-destructive habits.

2) you don't get a permanent job when young.

3) you think youth is hardly the time of your life.

Определите, в каком значении слово употреблено в тексте. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A46. entirely (III)

1) absolutely

2) wholly

3) entertainingly

A47. aplomb (IV)

1) confidence

2) uncertainty

3) intelligence

Выберите правильный вариант перевода в соответствии с содержанием текста. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A48. The subjects responded to a series of questions… (II)

1) Предметы отвечали сериям вопросов…

2) Респонденты отвечали на серию вопросов…

3) Субъекты отвечали на серии вопросов…

A49. …most people consider themselves above average in happiness. (IV)

1) …большинство людей считают себя выше среднего счастливыми.

2) …большая часть людей считает, что они вполне счастливы.

3) … большинство людей считает, что они выше усредненного счастья.

A50. The investigators are returning for closer studies of the people in the 40 to 60 age group… (V)

1) Исследователи планируют вернуться к более детальному изучению людей в возрасте от 40 до 60 лет…

2) Исследователи возвращаются для более тесного обучения людей в возрасте от 40 до 60 лет…

3) Исследователи планируют провести более закрытые опросы людей в возрасте от 40 до 60 лет…

Part B

В каждом предложении заполните пропуск словом, образованным от указанного в скобках.

B1. The twins looked absolutely alike which often caused … (confuse).

B2. My parents used to show their … and it was the worst punishment (pleasant).

B3. As a child, the would-be scientist displayed … intelligence (stand out).

Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

B4. My grandmother always tells me (учиться на своих ошибках).

B5. It's a tradition in our family (делиться новостями) in the evening.

B6. The triplets (выглядели одинаково) and caused a sensation.

Прочитайте текст. Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово должно содержать не более 15 символов.

When we were young, my sister and I used to spend our (B7) … together chiefly on (B8) … own. It happened so because our (B9) … had responsible jobs and were forever (B10) … with another important project.