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active vocabluary.docx
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Pony-trekking - the activity of riding ponies across the countryside for pleasure.

Package - a holiday arranged by a travel company for a fixed price that includes the cost of your hotel and transport, and sometimes meals and entertainment.

Perpetual - happening so often that you become annoyed as a result.


Highlighted words

Dismay - the feeling of being very worried, disappointed, or sad about something surprising or shocking that has happened.

Gratifying – making you feel pleased and satisfied.

Enduring (adg.) – lasting for a long time.

Innovation - a new idea, method, piece of equipment etc.

Ravenous – very hungry.

Repel – if something repels you, you think that it is extremely unpleasant and you want to avoid it.

Fragment – a small piece of a larger object that has broken, often into a lot of pieces.

Concept – an idea of something that exists.

Unknown words from the same page

Escapist ( adg.) – something pleasant or exciting that helps you to forget about real life and the boring or unpleasant parts of it.

Yarn – a long story with a lot of exciting details.

Dismiss – to refuse to accept that something might be true or important.


Nouns frequently used as objects of dismiss 1

▪   allegation , claim , idea , notion , suggestion , theory.

Poll – the process of voting and the counting of votes.

Merely – used for emphasizing that something is small or unimportant

Ingrained – an ingrained attitude, belief, or habit has existed for a long time and cannot easily be changed

Paperbacks – a book with a cover made of thick paper

Avidly – very enthusiastic about something you do regularly

Hallucinatory – causing hallucinations

  • Hallucination - something that you think you can see or hear that is not really there, especially because of an illness or the effect of drugs

Stash – to put something in a safe or secret place, usually so that you can use it later

Devour – to eat something very fast because you are hungry

- to read, watch, or listen to something with a lot of interest or enthusiasm

Scope – the things that a particular activity, organization, subject, etc deals with

(was used in phrase – hugely ambitious in scope).

Crux – the most important aspect of something : the crux (of something)

Bury – often passive to cover something with a layer or pile of things.

Grounded in – based on.

Quandary – to be not certain what decision to take about something.

Erudition – great knowledge gained through reading or studying.

Just interesting phrases – it is not obligatory to learn them)))

Storytelling gift

To ignore tastes

Imaginary castles are built with an amount of genuine stones

Page – 30

Here you will find the explanations for the words from exercise 1

Instructor – someone whose job is to teach a skill or a sport

Advisor- another spelling ofadviser

Tutor – a teacher in a college or university

Tent – a shelter made of cloth and supported with poles and ropes

Isolated – feeling alone and unhappy, with no friends to support you -an isolated place is a long way from other places and is often difficult to get to


Solitude – the state of being completely alone, especially when this is pleasant or relaxing

Rendition – a particular way of performing a song, poem, piece of music etc

Edition – a set of copies of a newspaper or magazine that are published at the same time

Translation – spoken or written words that have been changed into a different language

Cliff-hanger – the film suspense

Blockbuster – something that is very successful, especially a film, show, or novel

Box office hit

Pilgrimage - a journey that a religious person makes to a holy place.

Trek – to walk somewhere slowly and with no enthusiasm, for example because you are tired

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