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4. Перепишите предложения, переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на особенности перевода различных типов местоимений, и подчеркните их:

  1. All of us were looking for these children everywhere but saw them nowhere.

  2. They wanted to enjoy themselves with that drink in any bar with their girls.

  3. Both of us have not got any permission to use anyone of those noisy motorcycles neither here nor there.

  4. Every student of TSU should help each other at any time of study or exams.

  5. Are you or they ready to meet anybody of us anywhere in TSU?

  6. Hurry up! He has little time to visit either his mother or cinema with his sister.

  7. Many of their works require a good deal of attention in order to carry out analyses of such a large number of artistes.

  8. Who, when and why decided to explain difference in usage of many and much, few and little?

  9. To posses some abilities in conversational English is much more better than to have nothing that helps anybody to understand everybody.

  10. None of both statements were correct neither theirs nor ours.

5. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на особенности перевода предлогов, и подчеркните их.

  1. At that time she wanted to be with her relatives, among and near her friends.

  2. Children were being looked for near and around the lake, at it and even in its waters from morning, before and after dinner till late night.

  3. In order to know more about the Victory and battles against nazi troops at and around the cities – the heroes of our country – students of TSU went into town cinemas.

  4. Friends decided to meet again between columns of the “Bolshoj” or behind the monument to Sverdlov, which is situated towards the metro station.

  5. The professor – teaching staff conference will have been opened in the hall on the second floor of TSU under the guidance of professor K.Zhukov by 1000 tomorrow.

  6. Yesterday from morning till dinner and since that our team was skiing out of TSU, up and down the hills, throughout the forest, along the Volga bank, across the highway and over the wooden bridge up to our gate till 2100.

  7. Because of thick fog and due to that they marched off on a walk in the forest without a guide and compass they were straying around and across, looking for the way out of it to our camp, within along time: from morning and up to dinner.

  8. The time-table for the extramural students has to be signed below by the dean of the faculty and above or over – by the rector of the university.

  9. Relying upon my proposal during this summer vocations my friends spent about a week at the waterfall, under the sunrays and streams of warm water about ancient Zhiguli mountains.

  10. Russian peoples will never forget heroic defenders of our Motherland who crashed fascist invaders during the GPW at and under Volgograd, around Leningrad, near Moscow, about Kursk and inside Berlin.

6. Перепишите предложения определите в каждом из них видовременную форму и залог сказуемых, укажите их инфинитивы и переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Peoples of our country and patriots all over the world celebrated the 60th anniversary of the great Victory over nazi invaders as their sacred holiday.

  2. Nowadays polymers are referred to as materials of vital in the everyday life and for our industry.

  3. Achievements in science and technology will always provide for the progress in the Russian Federation economy and in the well being of our peoples.

  4. Children’s super market “Air hall” has already been working for several months in our town.

  5. Everyday life of Londoners will often be affected by a fog of different colors.

  6. New space rocket engines developed and constructed on Samara enterprises excite in us a feeling of pride on our scientists and our personal participation in space exploration.

  7. A railway, a highway, power transmission line, oxygen and water pipe-lines were being laid to mines during summer season.

  8. Students of our group will have already taken all credit tests and prepared themselves for the state graduation exams by the 25-th of May.

  9. On Friday because of the heavy storm our sport teams were waiting for the plane to get to the competitions from the morning till dinner.

  10. The most important information about new types of computers, discoveries, inventions and urgent changes in country’s life will have been published by the end of this year.

  11. The United Nation’s charter had already been signed and ratified by the Great powers and 50 founder-states before it came into force.

  12. Progressive mankind will have been celebrating the Victory Day for 61 year by the 9th of May 2006.

  13. The world known scientist N. Bohr had already accepted Rutherford’s model of atom before new trends of this theory appeared.

  14. Nowadays students and professor-teaching staff of our country are preparing to celebrate the 250-th anniversary of Moscow state university after M. Lomonosov.

  15. New coal, oil, gas and other deposits of energy have already been discovered in different regions of the Russian Federation.

  16. Specialists had been fighting against fires in the Siberian taiga during several weeks when they received the order to go in Armenia to save peoples after earthquake.

  17. Special application of light has led the researchers of our state to the development of lasers and masers which are widely used in the science and engineering.

  18. The teaching staff of the foreign languages mastering center “Intercom” will be marking 5-year jubilee of its foundation from the first and up to the fifth of September.

  19. The dominant quantities of electric energy are being generated now in the Russian Federation by atomic power stations.

  20. Extramural students were proposed to use paid leaves in order to prepare for credit tests and to take their exams.