- •The Panorama of Great Britain. Examination Theory
- •Sociolinguistic situation in Great Britain
- •Geographical position of Great Britain, climate, general characteristics. Mountains, rivers, lakes
- •National Economy. Main industries
- •Flora and Fauna of Great Britain. National resources. Environment
- •The political parties and their programmes
- •Regions of Great Britain
- •1. England
- •2. Scotland
- •3. Wales
- •Social portrait of the population. Dialects. Upper, Middle and working clases — do they still exist?
- •Population of Great Britain. Cultural, ethnic and language peculiarities of Wales, Scotland, Nothern Ireland. Social portrait of the population
- •Elections. The campaign
- •Youth and their culture. Family. Women and the society
- •The law. The system of Justice. The legal profession. Barristers and solicitors
- •Mass Media. T.V., Newspapers, radio
- •The Government and the Cabinet. The Prime Minister: functions and duties
- •Education. Pre-school education, School life. Exams. Colleges and Universities.
- •The Parliament. The two Houses and their functions.
- •National health care system. Insurance. Family doctors
- •The constitution. The Monarchy in Great Britain. The value of Monarcy. The Windsors
- •Welfare system. Benefits. Social services and funds
- •Religion. Anglicanism. Catholicism. Other religions
Sociolinguistic situation in Great Britain
In Britain, "people are often able to make instant and unconscious judgements about a stranger’s class affiliation on the basis of his or her accent." (Wells 1982a) Both the words and pronunciation of many individuals reflect that person’s social position. It is agreed that in England, the "phonetic factors assume a predominating role which they do not generally have in North America" (Wells 1982a).
Traditionally, it has been acknowledged that in England, the relation between social and regional accents can be diagrammed as follows:
Geographical variation is represented along the broad base of the pyramid while the vertical dimension exhibits social variation. It can be seen that working class accents display a good deal of regional variety, but as the pyramid narrows to its apex, up the social scale, it’s also apparent that upper class accents exhibit no regional variation. (Wells 1982a)
Thus by definition, any regional accent would not be considered upper-class and the more localizable the accent, the more it will described as a "broad" accent. Wells (1982a) purports that broad accents reflect:
regionally, the highest degree of local distinctiveness
socially, the lowest social class
linguistically, the maximal degree of difference from RP.
A 1972 survey carried out by National Opinion Polls in England, provides an example of how significantly speech differences are associated with social class differences. (Wells 1982a) The following question was asked:
"Which of the these [eleven specified factors] would you say are most important in being able to tell which class a person is?" Respondents were randomly chosen from the British public. The factor that scored the highest was "the way they speak" followed by "where they live." At the bottom of the list was "the amount of money they have." All this is evidence that then, and to some degree even now, "speech is regarded as more indicative of social class than occupation, education and income."
(Giles & Sassoon, 1983) also cite consistent findings of listeners evaluating anonymous speakers with standard accents more favorably for such status traits as intelligence, success, confidence. In Britain the middle class is associated with having not only a standard accent, but with also speaking in a more "formal and abstract style than working class."
Accents are often characterized by British speakers themselves as either "posh" or "common" accents. Most speakers of British English would recognize these labels and create a fairly accurate image of the sound of these far ends of the spectrum. Conservative or U-"Received Pronunciation" representing the "posh" end and a less broad version of Cockney representing the "common" accent.
The significance of accents and their cultural and social associations is well represented in films and on television in Britain. The critically acclaimed 1964 file My Fair Lady based on George Bernard Shaw’s 1912 play, Pygmalion is often referenced in linguistic discussions as a wonderful example of how social class and accent were, and are still, inextricably linked in Britain. Over the past years, numerous television series have also provided viewers with a glimpse of the lives and accents of the Cockney population of London. The Cockney English section talks more about the current, very popular long running television series EastEnders.