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Компьютерные Технологии Обучения Иностранным Языкам” Шпар Е.В.

Учебная литература по IСT/IT , формирование компьютерной грамотности и компьютерной культуры преподавателя и студента

Электронные журналы (компьютеры, электроника)

Cправочники, библиотеки и учебники/ курсы по ICT/IT

Copyright Issues ©

Утилиты, прикладные программы (программы пользователя) и специализированные онлайн сервисы для филологов, преподавателей, переводчиков

Учебная и учебно-методическая информация для преподавателей английского языка как иностранного

Электронные журналы и сайты-каталоги электронных ресурсов по изучению английского языка как иностранного (ESL/EFL resources)

Сайты/ on-line журналы, посвященные интеграции компьютерных технологий в процесс преподавания ИЯ ( IT +ESL/EFL / CALL)

Ассоциации профессионалов в сфере преподавания английского языка как иностранного (ESL/EFL) и/или в сфере применения ИТ в образовании

Дистанционное обучение через Интернет

Электронная почта в Обучении Иностранным языкам: групповой и персональный обмен электронной почтой

Филология (профессиональные сайты)

Персональные страницы ученых (филология, лингвистика)

Научные ресурсы: каталоги, архивы, поиск

Наука, Образование, Инновации: Официальные информационные центры России

Базовые федеральные образовательные порталы

Сайты высших учебных заведений России

Профессиональные ресурсы для переводчиков

Словари и Энциклопедии

Толковые словари (одноязычные)

Переводные словари(2 языка и более)

Специальные словари



Каталоги словарей и энциклопедий online


Корпуса текстов

Организации разработчики корпусов текстов

Корпуса текстов (Corpora)

Тема 1 Информационно(-коммуникационные) технологии (ИKТ/ИТ) в обучении иностранным языкам

Учебная литература по IСT/IT , формирование компьютерной грамотности и компьютерной культуры преподавателя и студента

Электронные журналы (компьютеры, электроника)

  1. журнал «Компьютера» on-line (новости, рубрика «Гид», форум) http://www.computerra.ru/

  2. журнал «Компьютер Пресс» on-line (новости, уроки!) http://www.compress.ru/news.aspx

  3. Открытые Системы – Open Systems PublicationsComputerworld», «Сети», «Мир ПК» и др.) http://www.osp.ru/index.html

  4. PC magazine” the Independent Guide to Technologies (reviews, downloads, expert help, discussion) http://www.pcmag.com/

Cправочники, библиотеки и учебники/ курсы по ict/it

  1. NetLingo.com – The Talk of the Net – an Internet Dictionary with thousands of terms about online business, technology & communication acronyms. http://www.netlingo.com/

  2. Webopedia An Online Computer Dictionary and Internet Search Engine for internet terms and technical support. http://www.webopedia.com/

  3. Computer User – online technology dictionary http://www.computeruser.com/resources/dictionary/dictionary.html

  4. WhatIs.com – definitions, computer terms, tech glossaries http://whatis.techtarget.com/

  5. FOLDOC – Free Online Dictionary Of Computing http://foldoc.org/

  6. Glossary of Internet Terms (Matisse Glossary) – Copyright © 1994-2009 by Matisse Enzer A list of Internet-related terms and definitions. http://www.matisse.net/files/glossary.html

  7. Megabook. Ru – Энциклопедия персонального компьютера http://mega.Km.Ru/pc/

  8. The Jargon (Computer) Lexicon http://www.science.uva.nl/%7Emes/jargon/t/thejargonlexicon.html

  9. On-line course Internet Basics for ESL Students” (English Internet Vocabulary) A 14-Lesson Introduction to Using Computers and the Internet for Students of English as a Second Language By Jim Schweizer http://iteslj.org/s/ib/index.html

  10. On-line course A Communications Technology Module for the Foreign Language Methods Course by Jean W. LeLoup, http://www.cortland.edu/flteach/methods/main.html lesson 1 Getting acquainted with the toolshttp://www.cortland.edu/flteach/methods/obj1/intro.html lesson 2 Learning the basicshttp://www.cortland.edu/flteach/methods/obj2/intro2.html etc.

  11. E-Teaching (он-лайн курсы, учебные материалы, семинары, дискуссии) http://e-teaching.ru/Pages/Default.aspx

  12. ELTерритория – сетевое сообщество учителей и преподавателей английского языка http://www.eltarea.ru/index.htm

  13. Krauss M. D. [©1998-2008] Integrating the Internet into the Classroom: An Online Course ©1998-2008 All Rights Reserved. http://www.lclark.edu/~krauss/usia/home.html

  14. Krauss M. D. [2000] Let's Create Web-based Learning Activities (Activity Formats)// ORTESOL Conference Portland, Oregon, October 27, 2000. http://www.lclark.edu/~krauss/ORTESOL2000web/home.html

  15. Вуль В.А. Электронные издания: Электронный учебник http://www.hi-edu.ru/e-books/xbook119/01/index.html

Copyright Issues ©

  1. University of Texas Crash Course in Copyright a unique interface allows you to follow different strands of the copyright "spaghetti bowl." http://www.utsystem.edu/ogc/intellectualproperty/cprtindx.htm#top

  2. Copyright Issues on the Web by Kristina Pfaff-Harris a practical article looking at issues that affect us directly as CALL practitioners at http://www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/Articles/Harris-Copyright.html

  3. Keeping it Legal: Questions Arising out of Web Site Management by Jamie McKenzie (a non-lawyer, school superintendent). Covers concepts of "Fair Use", "Intellectual Property", Use of Clip Art , Use of Web Art, Photos, Text, etc., Publication of student art, writing, etc., Publication of district documents, Intranets: WebWhacker Files, Who is responsible? http://fromnowon.org/jun96/legal.html#Other

  4. Internet сервис Антиплагиат http://www.antiplagiat.ru/

  5. BECTA (British Educational Communications and Technology Agency): This site contains several pages of useful information on educational copyright. Search for "copyright" on the homepage: http://www.becta.org.uk

  6. University of Cambridge, Centre for Applied Research in Educational Technologies (CARET): Intellectual Property and Copyright in the Digital Environment: http://www.caret.cam.ac.uk/copyright/index.html

  7. Casey J. (2004): Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in networked e-learning: a beginners guide for content developers:http://www.jisclegal.ac.uk/publications/johncasey_1.htm

  8. Centre for Education and Finance Management (CEFM): A body that handles Performing Right Society (PRS) licences and Public Video Screening Licences (PVSL) for schools: http://www.cefm.co.uk

  9. Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988: See the IPO site: http://www.ipo.gov.uk/types/copy.htm

  10. Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA): See this site for advice and licences relating to copying printed materials: http://www.cla.co.uk

  11. Copyright and Related Rights Regulations 2003: http://www.opsi.gov.uk/si/si2003/20032498.htm

  12. CopyWatch: The compliance arm of the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA): http://www.copywatch.org

  13. Creative Commons: An alternative approach to copyright licensing, whereby the author of a work may offer some of his/her rights to members of the public, but only on certain conditions. For example, the author may allow others to copy, distribute, display, and perform a copyrighted work - and derivative works (adaptations) based upon it - but only if they give credit the way in which the author requests and do not exploit the work commercially. Most of the materials stored at the ICT4LT site are subject to a Creative Commons Licence - see our Copyright notice. You can find an overview of the Creative Commons Licences (also known as Creative Archive Licences) athttp://www.creativecommons.org. This slideshow presentation by Rodd Lucier gives a clear explanation of what Creative Commons is all about: Creative Commons: what every educator needs to know

  14. DACS: The Design and Artists' Copyright Society: http://www.dacs.org.uk

  15. Educational Recording Agency (ERA): See this site for advice and licences relating to off-air recording and copying recordings:http://www.era.org.uk

  16. FAST (Federation Against Software Theft) and Investors in Software federation: http://www.fastiis.org

  17. Guide to Copyright Licensing in Schools: http://www.licensing-copyright.org

  18.  IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology): A very useful document on copyright has been produced by IALLT. IALLT is based in the USA but many of the key principles and issues apply internationally:http://www.clas.ufl.edu/llc/copyright/

  19.  Intellectual Property Office (UK): A comprehensive source of information on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR):http://www.ipo.gov.uk

  20. JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) Legal Information Service: http://www.jisclegal.ac.uk

  21. Languages ICT: See the section headed "Copyright issues" in the Languages ICT document produced by Davies G., Bangs P., Frisby R. & Walton E. (2009 revised edition) Setting up effective digital language laboratories and multimedia ICT suites for Modern Foreign Languages, London: CILT: http://www.camsoftpartners.co.uk/docs/CILT_Digital_Labs.doc

  22. The Open University: Contact the Open University for information on copyright relating to OU broadcasts: http://www.open.ac.uk

  23. Oppenheim C. (2004): Recent changes to copyright law and the implications for FE and HE, JISC Legal.

  24. The Oral History Society: Useful advice on making, storing and disseminating recorded interviews: http://www.ohs.org.uk/ethics/

  25. Ordnance Survey (OS): See this website regarding the copying of maps:http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/education/copyright/index.html

  26. Newspaper Licensing Agency: See this site for advice and licences relating to newspaper materials: http://www.nla.co.uk

  27. Performing Right Society for Music: Consult this site for information relating to the performance, broadcasting and digital dissemination of music: http://www.prsformusic.com

  28. Teaching Copyright, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF): This is written in the form of a set of FAQs and tutorials for students. It applies to USA legislation but a good deal is relevant to the UK and other countries too: http://www.teachingcopyright.org

  29. Templeton, Brad: Brad Templeton is based in the USA, but he covers general and international copyright issues too: a) A brief intro to copyrighthttp://www.templetons.com/brad/copyright.html b) 10 Big Myths about copyright explainedhttp://www.templetons.com/brad/copymyths.html

  30. What is copyright protection? This website is very useful in explaining copyright in simple terms: http://www.whatiscopyright.org

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