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IV. Food and cooking

Focus Vocabulary

raw – сырой

to cook – готовить, варить

to lick – облизывать

to burn – обжигать, гореть

food – еда, пища

health-giving – полезный для здоровья

appetizing/tasty – аппетитный, вкусный

grated – тертый

carrot – морковь

apple – яблоко

beetroot – свекла

chopped – рубленый

herbs – травы

greengrocer's – овощной магазин

meal – прием пищи, еда

meat – мясо

cheese – сыр

protein – белок, протеин

garlic – чеснок

green-staff – зелень

onion – лук

parsley – петрушка

dill – укроп

nutritious – питательный

dressing/gravy – соус, подлива

vegetable oil – растительное масло

snack – закуска

bun – булочка

biscuit – печенье

flour – мука

sugar – сахар

to slim – худеть, быть на диете

mushrooms – грибы

pastry – хлебобулочные изделия

Why Cook? Raw Food Is Fine!

It is well known that cooking came in by accident, when a man tried to rescue a pig from a fire. Having burnt his fingers and licked them to soothe the pain. He liked the taste and decided to burn more pigs, and so the idea of cooking came into being. Now, when so much of our food is de-naturated, raw food therapy is coming to the force, and besides being so much more health-giving it can also be very appetizing.

Grated raw carrots, apples, beetroot, etc. should be eaten daily and with some finally chopped herbs. Indeed anything from the greengrocer's will make a good meal with either meat or cheese.

Mushrooms too are a very good protein, equal in value to the most expensive piece of meat. Add to all this some garlic (a natural antibiotic), some raw green-stuff such as onion, parsley, dill and you have the basis of a really tasty and nutritious meal. These herbs can be used in any salad with a dressing of lemon juice or vegetable oil and you will feel well fed and not stuffed as one does with an ordinary cooked meal.

For a snack, why not try an apple with a piece of your favourite cheese, instead of the usual bun or sweet biscuit. In fact, it is worthwhile to cut out all the so-called foods, made from white flour and sugar, especially if you are trying to slim.

Both sugar and white flour should find no place in the diet, as they are completely devoid of any food value. Besides you wouldn’t need to visit the dentist so often and there will be more health all around.

Many people are afraid of eating garlic because they think it will make them unattractive to their friends but if some raw green-staff is eaten with the raw garlic, then there will be no smell on the breath at all.

By eating raw food, one gets all the vitamins instead of pouring them down the drain with the cooking water. If you cook, then use the water for soup or gravy.

Another thing, which will appeal to the busy person – there will be much less washing up!

  1. Say which of the statements are true. Correct the false ones.

  1. Cooking came in by accident when a man tried to rescue a dog from a fire.

  2. Raw food is not only health-giving but also tasty.

  3. Vegetables should be included into daily meals with meat and pastry.

  4. The value of protein in mushrooms is equal to its value in meat.

  5. For a snack it is better to have some fruit with a piece of cheese.

  6. When people try to slim they should eat more pastry and sugar.

  7. Herbs eaten together with garlic neutralize its smell.

  8. Raw food contains less vitamins then cooked food.

  1. Use the right word to fill in the gaps (meal, food, dish, course)

  1. We have three__________a day: breakfast, dinner and supper.

  2. I like to cook my__________food myself.

  3. This__________ tastes bad! Don't eat it!

  4. Breakfast in England is generally a bigger__________than in Europe.

  5. The most common third__________is an ice-cream.

  6. Why don’t you take a__________of meat and vegetables.

  7. Dinner consists of several__________.

  8. I like to have a tasty hot__________in the evening.

  9. Which__________is healthier: boiled or fried?

  10. Yesterday I cooked a special__________from a French cookery book.

    1. Make an outline of the text consisting of 5-8 sentences and retell the text according to it.