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WORKBOOK Part 3.doc
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13 Read the instruction and decide if it is affirmative (a) or negative (n).

1 Open the window, please!

6 Don’t wake up the baby!

2 Let’s go into the shop!

7 Sit down, please!

3 Please don’t walk on the grass!

8 Be quiet, please!

4 Drink your milk!

9 Don’t smoke in your bedroom!

5 Let’s play in the garden!

10 Stop talking!

14 Make an affirmative or negative instruction. Choose a verb from the list.

ask talk give cross tell eat

1 ___ breakfast before you come to university, not in the classroom.

2 ___ anyone what it is!

3 ___ the road when the light is red!

4 ___ to other students during the examinations.

5 ___ a question for more information if necessary.

6 ___ me that book.


15 Describe your (your friend’s) pet. Use no more than 50 words. Use the following instructions as a plan. The other students have to guess what pet you describe. Tell:

  • its name;

  • about its appearance;

  • what it likes to eat;

  • what it likes to do;

  • if you /your friend like(s) the pet and why.

Start like this:

My pet is called ________________




__What pet is it?________________.

16 Write a letter to your friend describing your pet.


  • if you’ve got a pet and what it is;

  • what the pet’s name is;

  • about the pet’s character, what it likes and dislikes doing etc.

Use no more than 50 words.




Dear ____________________________________________________

I am _____________________________________________________

I’ve got __________________________________________________

It’s name _________________________________________________

My pet likes _______________________________________________

Can you ?

Thank you


Unit 2 sports crazy reading

1 Read the text and choose the best title for it.

  • How to become a Sumo Wrestler.

  • Japan’s National sport.

  • Join our sumo Wrestling Club!

Sumo wrestling is one of the martial arts. It is the national sport of Japan. Sumo wrestlers are usually quite tall and very fat! They eat a special stew every day to make them big and strong! The wrestlers live and train in schools called “stables”!

At the beginning of each match, the wrestlers clap their hands together. Then, they show their open hands to each other and stamp the floor. They rinse their mouth with water, then throw salt in the air. Now, the sumo wrestlers are ready and the match begins! Each match usually lasts about five minutes. At the end of the match, the wrestlers bow their heads to each other. The loser leaves the ring first.

Sumo wrestling is an interesting sport. Watch it and see for yourself!

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