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The Altay State University.doc
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Speech Pattern and Dialogues

Task 1. Practise the following dialogue in pairs and make similar dialogues discussing your University studies.


Jane What do you do, Mark?

Mark I'm a student but I'm working with Tim for the summer.

Jane You won't be here for long, will you?

Mark No. I'll only be here until the end of August and then I'll go home.

Jane You won't have a holiday, will you?

Mark Oh, yes, I'll have three weeks’ holiday in Wales. I'm going to the Welsh mountains.

Jane And then?

Mark Then I'll go to Coventry.

Jane Why will you go there?

Mark To study at the University of Warwick.

Jane Oh, I'll be very near there.

Mark Where will you be?

Jane I'll be at Birmingham University. What are you going to study?

Mark Economics. I hope to work for an advertising agency one day. And what about you? Will it be your first year?

Jane Yes. I'm doing modern languages. I don't know what I want to be. I think I'd like to be a teacher.

Mark Do you know what you'll teach?

Jane I'm not really sure . . .perhaps I'll teach Spanish.

Mark Do you speak Spanish?

Jane Oh yes. I've studied it for four years.

Mark I can't speak the language but can understand it.


Communicative Activity

Ex. 1. Why have you decided to enter the University? Give reasons to apply to ASU. What influenced your choice? What does higher education mean to you personally?

Ex. 2. Describe your entrance exams. What exams did you pass? Was it difficult to manage them successfully? What grades did you get? Did your parents influence your choice of the future profession?

Ex.3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  1. Larger schools are better than smaller ones.

  2. It is impossible to enter the university if you haven’t attended preparatory courses.

  3. The best professors are the oldest ones.

  4. It is more fun to live in a dormitory or a student hostel than to rent an apartment.

  5. Professors always know more than students.

Ex 4. Do you know about your University?

  1. Who was its first rector?

  2. Were there among the graduates any famous:

  1. scientists, engineers

  2. politicians

  3. artists

  1. How many people are currently enrolled?

  2. What is the most popular faculty in your University?

Ex. 5. Do you think that higher education should be free? Do you agree that teachers at the private universities work better because they are paid more? Make up a list of bad and good points of the fee-paying higher education. Devide in groups of 3-4 and then compare your lists.

Ex. 6. Describe your plans for the future. What is your future profession? What speciality do you major in? Name at least 5 character traits that a good representative of your profession should have. What professional skills should he possess?

Ex. 7. Find additional information about famous Universities of the world: Cambridge, Oxford, the Open University, Harvard and Moscow State University. Make up reports and present them in class.


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