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Vocab in Use 1 term.doc
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Have fun with your food

Readers' tips for enjoying mealtimes.

It's better to have good big meals than just pick at1 things all day.

Don't gobble your food down2 - take your time, enjoy it. If you wolf it down3, you won't even

taste what you're eating.

Don't just eat in4 every day; spoil yourself at least once a week by having a meal in a restaurant.

Or if you feel like staying at home, send out for5 something.

Have friends round and serve up something special.

For an easy meal, just buy lots of pizzas, slice them up and let everyone help themselves to6

what they want.

Make sure you're aware of what foods agree with you and what don't. Avoid anything that

disagrees with7 you - even if it tastes good. You'll regret it later.

Cut out8 fry-ups9 and eat more salads -

you're bound to feel healthier.

Eat lots of raw vegetables - they will

fill you up10 without making you put

on weight.

eat small amounts (informal) eat very fast (informal) eat very fast eat at home 5 phone a restaurant and ask for food to be delivered to you

6 put on a plate for oneself

7 makes you feel slightly ill or uncomfortable

8 stop eating

9 (UK, informal) quick meal made of fried food

10 make you feel that you've eaten enough

B Drinking

phrasal verb

wash down sth or wash sth down


Have a drink of milk to wash down the tablet.

definition of phrasal verb help you swallow it

drink to sb/sth Let's raise a glass and drink to the happy couple!

hold up your glass before drinking from it in order to wish someone success or happiness

dip sth in (sth)

She loves dipping a chocolate biscuit in her tea.

quickly put it in and take it out again

soak up

Cook the lentils until they soak up half the liquid, absorb

water down

Neat whisky is very strong - you should water it down.

make it less strong by adding water or odier liquid

spill over Harry darling, hold your juice properly. It's spilling over the edge of the glass.

flow over die edge

English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced Exercises

Complete these dialogues using phrasal verbs from the opposite page so that the second speaker agrees with and repeats more or less what the first speaker says.

  1. Tina: Ron:

  2. Vivian: Ed:

  3. Bill: Jenny:

  4. Arthur: Shona:

  5. Ahmed: Louise:

  6. Tim: Harriet:

The kids eat so fast! I'm sure it can't be good for them.

Yes, they do tend to / their food

(Give two possible answers.)

Polly just eats tiny amounts, no wonder she's so thin.

Yes, she just her food like a bird.

Those prawns made me feel a bit sick.

Yes, they me too. I don't feel too good either.

I think we should stop eating burgers; they're not good for us.

You're right. We should them and eat more salads.

These trousers don't fit me any more. They must have shrunk.

No, I'm afraid you've a bit of weight.

Shall we eat at home tonight? We could order something from a takeaway.

Yes, let's We can for a

pizza or something.

Read the remarks by different people and then answer the questions below.






1 enjoyed it, but 1 couldn't eat one bit more.

We toasted Kevin and wished him well in his new job.

The smoked salmon made me feel unwell. 1 shouldn't have eaten it.

She gave me some sushi. It was the first time I'd ever tasted it.

I took a big slice of cake.

  1. Who ate something that didn't agree with them?

  2. Who helped themselves to something?

  3. Who ate something that filled them up?

  4. Who was served up something new?

  5. Who drank to someone?

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