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Unit 3 My native town

Text A


Bryansk is a city and the administrative center of the Bryansk region, Russia, located about 400 kilometers southwest of Moscow. The population of the city is 415,640 ( according to the Census preliminary results made in 2010).

Today Bryansk is an important center for steel and machinery manufacturing, and is home to many large factories. Railway wagons and locomotives are important products. Bryansk also has two universities, three theatres and a technical academy. The city and the region was mildly affected by the Chernobyl accident. The city is a hub of several road and rail connections.

Bryansk is one of the most ancient cities of Russia. According to archaeological findings, a pre-historic settlement already existed here in the 5th century. Starting from the 10th century there was an ancient Slavic town that later was renamed to “Dbryansk”, which finally merged into Bryansk. Bryansk was mentioned in the Chronicles as a part of the Chernigov Princedom. In the 13th century, when many Russian towns were destroyed in the course of the Tartar invasion, Bryansk remained intact for a long time due to the thick, almost impassable woods surrounding it. After Chernigov, Novgorod-Seversky and other towns of the princedom were destroyed in 1239, a separate Bryansk Princedom was established in 1246. Roman Mikhailovich became the first Prince of Bryansk, followed by his son, the most Orthodox St. Prince Oleg. However, upon the latter’s taking of monastic tonsure the thrones of Bryansk and Chernigov turned vacant and Bryansk became subordinate to Smolensk Princes.

In 1356 Bryansk was seized by the Lithuanian Prince Olgerd and annexed to the Great Princedom of Lithuania. In 1500 it was however won over by the troops of Ivan III and joined the Moscow State. In the early 16th century there broke up a war with Poland, in the course of which Bryansk served as the stronghold of the Russian forces. In the heat of the war Crimean Khan tried to urge the Russian Tsar Vasili III to yield Bryansk to the Polish, yet Vasili III rejected it. For many years Bryansk was the apple of discord between Russia and Poland. In 1607 Bryansk was twice attacked by the False Dmitry II. During the first attack the town was burnt down in order not to go to the “thief”. By the end of the year, however, the town was almost completely rebuilt.

In spite of the constant danger of war, the town was growing and its population was increasing. From the 17th century Bryansk found itself on the crossroads of the most significant trade routes that connected Ukraine with Moscow and was involved into rapid development of trade. Under the reign of Peter the Great the town was refortified. In the shipyard founded on the Desna River ships were built for the campaign against Turkey. In 1783 an artillery armoury was founded in there. In 1709 the town joined Kiev Province and in1778 it became the chief town of Orlov Province. In the 19th century Bryansk became the centre of Bryansk industrial region.

The people of Bryansk fought heroically on the front lines during the Great Patriotic war. The occupation lasted 708 days. It was the time of terror for the population. There were more than 60000 guerrillas fighting against the enemy in the forests surrounding Bryansk. Hundreds of derailed trains and blown-up bridges, thousands of killed enemy soldiers - that was their contribution to the Victory. There are historical places and monuments devoted to the fight of the people of our city against the fascist occupation during the Great Patriotic war. Among them are the Barrow of Immortality, the Partisan’s Square.

Bryansk Region was founded on the 5th of July in 1944. In 1956 Bezhitsa, satellite town, joined the city of Bryansk. Contemporary Bryansk is a large industrial and cultural center, one of the most beautiful cities in Russia.

Exercise 1. Find English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

брянская область; на юго-запад; в соответствии; перепись; предварительный; сталь;

промышленность; умеренно; затрагивать; центр; древний; археологический; древнее поселение; существовать; упоминать; летопись; княжество; князь; разрушать; нашествие; оставаться; нетронутый; густой; непроходимый; окружающий; православный; последний; подстриг; трон; подчиненный; захватить; Литва; присоединять; войска; служить; оплот; разгар; убедить; уступить; отказать; яблоко раздора; сжигать до тла; вор; почти; полностью; постоянная; опасность; увеличивать; перекресток; значительный;

торговые пути; вовлекать; быстрый; царствование; заново укрепить; верфь; арсенал; губерния; ужас; партизан; пущенные под откос поезда; взорванные мосты; вклад; Курган Бессмертия; Площадь Партизан; город-спутник; основание.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions about the text and retell it.

  1. Where is Bryansk located ?

  2. What is the population of the city ?

  3. What can you say about the industry and higher educational institutions of Bryansk?

  4. When did already exist a pre-historic settlement of the ancient city ?

  5. When did an ancient Slavic town appear finally named Bryansk ?

  6. When did Bryansk a part of the Chernigov Princedom ?

  7. Why did Bryansk remain intact during the Tartar invasion ?

  8. When was the Bryansk princedom established ?

  9. Who was the first Prince of the princedom ?

  10. When was Bryansk seized by the Lithuanian Prince Olgerd ?

  11. When did Bryansk join the Moscow State ?

  12. When did Bryansk find itself on the crossroads of the most significant trade routes that connected Ukraine with Moscow ?

  13. When was the town refortified ?

  14. Why was the shipyard built ?

  15. When was an artillery armoury founded in there ?

  16. When did it become the chief town of Orlov Province ?

  17. How long did the fascist occupation of the town last during the Great Patriotic war ?

  18. What do you know about the struggle of guerillas of our town during the Great Patriotic war ?

  19. What was their contribution to the Victory ?

  20. What historical places and monuments devoted to the fight of the people of our city against the fascist occupation do you know ?

  21. When was the Bryansk Region founded ?

  22. When did Bezhitsa, satellite town, join the city of Bryansk ?


Text B

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