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Text 3. The major cities and their sights

Washington is the capital of the country. It is a unique city, because its only industry is government. Its population is only 1 million people. Washington abounds in national monuments and historic buildings. The Capitol, the White House and the Lincoln Memorial are known throughout the world. The National Gallery of Art is famous for its collection of paintings and sculpture by the greatest masters from the thirteenth to the nineteenth century. The Library of Congress contains more than 13 million books in various languages.

Another biggest city is New York. It is a financial center of the country. New York has an ocean of theatres, restaurants, movies and night clubs; it has a very flourishing hotel industry. The architecture of the city with its skyscrapers, bridges and broad highways can impress anyone. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of New York. It is made of bronze and was given as a present to America by France in 1886 to the 100th anniversary of American Independence. The University of New York is situated at Washington Square. It is the largest educational establishment in the city. The Metropolitan Museum of Art has rich collections, which cover the history of world art from ancient civilizations to the present day, and include hundreds of world-famous masterpieces. New York’s famous Empire State Building is the tallest in the city. It is 500 meters high. Visibility on a clear day is more than 80 miles. The place that attracts the attention of all in Manhattan is Central Park. There are lots of recreation grounds, greenery and beautiful ponds.

Los-Angeles and Hollywood is world-known for its film-making industry. There are about 600 firms directly involved in movie-making. Hollywood Boulevard is the main street of the city decorated with the actors’ stars.

San-Francisco is one of the most beautiful cities in America. It lies on the hills. It is the largest and the most important port on the Pacific coast. San-Francisco is famous for its bridges. The Oakland Bay Bridge – the largest in the world – is 8 km. long and has two stories. The lower is for the heavy transport and the upper – for cars. The Golden Gate Bridge is painted in orange color and looks like a giant sunbeam over the blue ocean.

Words and phrases to remember:

to abound in – изобиловать

to impress – производить впечатление

to cover the history of – охватывать историю чего-л.

to involve – вовлекать

to flourish – процветать

to celebrate the anniversary – праздновать годовщину

to decorate – украшать

an ancient civilization – древняя цивилизация

an educational establishment – образовательное учреждение

a giant skyscraper – гигантский небоскреб

a broad highway – широкое шоссе

a main street – главная улица

a recreation ground – площадка для игр

greenery – зелень

a beautiful pond – красивый пруд

Answer the questions:

1. What is the capital of the USA?

2. Why is it a unique city?

3. What are the most famous buildings there?

4. Why do the tourists enjoy visiting New York?

5. What are the most famous sights there?

6. Would you like to visit Los-Angeles or San Francisco? Why?

Ex. 3. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Нью Йорк изобилует гигантскими небоскребами и широкими


2. Достопримечательности Сан-Франциско произвели на нас сильное впечатление.

3. Эта выставка охватывает историю древней цивилизации.

4. В Голливуде множество фирм, которые непосредственно вовлечены в


5. Оксфорд знаменит своим старинным университетом.

6. Сад расцвел после дождя. Их кампания процветает.

7. Мосты Сан-Франциско известны по всему миру.

8. Фильмы Спилберга всемирно знамениты.

9. В этом парке есть площадки для отдыха, много зелени и красивый пруд.

10. Это учебное заведение находится на главной улице.

Ex. 4. Be ready to speak about USA, its state organization and major cities.

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